Miss. Ranked Fattest State in Nation

Read the thread, jackass. Darla is the one with the complaints. I was merely adding to what everyone else was posting and she went off about stereotypes.

Seriously dude, this is all in you mind. Nobody here has seen anybody get out of line. Its been all tongue in cheek humour.
Okay, then, I suggest that the "Miss Mississippi" contest be renamed forthwith to the far more euphonious "Miss Obesity" pageant. Or maybe "Miss Fatty" perhaps? I mean, come on: it sounds like a stutter as it is.
You are full of shit.

Let's review...

Water said...
Southerners often think of themselves as being very polite. But it's easy to distinguish those who just put on a facade from those who really care about people. The thing about the south as that our "rude people" don't go out and say "Fuck you", but they do make you feel just as irrelevant all the same. It's the human race.

I said...
No, sorry, people in the south are far more polite and sincere.

Darla said...
Yes, and white men have no rhythm, and black men are better endowed, and Asian women can't drive, but boy can they score on the SATs...and so on and so on.

I said (trying to point out the lightness of the thread)...
Generally speaking, and that is what is being done here in case you did not notice, most of those are true.

Honestly, maybe it is more an urban versus rural thing. Many of the people in Hyde Park neighborhood of Tampa were phoney aholes. Or maybe it is just that people in the SF Bay area are a bunch of extremely judgemental hypocrites.

Darla said...
No, I haven't noticed.

I might not have seen as many black men's penises as you have though, or white ones for that matter, in order to properly judge. I mean, i am willing to leave that to your expertise if you feel you have some. But I have known white men who do have rhythm, and Asian women who can drive quite well.

End of story...

Darla, get's a bug up her ass over my generalization in a thread full of them and start's attacking me. That's fine, I can give some back. Then you folks come along and stick your nose up her ass.
I can see you're really angry RS.

Okay, you're right. And everyone else is wrong.

You were set upon, and viciously slandered and attacked by a girl.

She apologized. I think we can move on. ;)
I can see you're really angry RS.

Okay, you're right. And everyone else is wrong.

You were set upon, and viciously slandered and attacked by a girl.

She apologized. I think we can move on. ;)

Yes, you can see things through typed letters. That's great cyp. I would not say I am angry at all, just slightly annoyed. As I said, I really don't care what she says, but she will get what she gives.

The apology was pretty clearly not sincere, not needed and not accepted.

Want to move on? Stfu and do so. You are the ones whining and complaining about my responses to Darla and I am merely responding to those.
I'll admit that I have probably seen more black dick than Darla. Hell i used to have to shower naked with the football team, doesn't really make me gay, not matter how gay that sounded. Oh damn i should not have said anything, cause that just sounds really gay....

I'm a white boy with rhythm too....
And the traffic around Tampa sucked big time.

Like travelling on Death Mabry...

I never did figure out the law on running redlights down there, Is it 3 or 4 can go thru after the light turns red ?
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Yes, you can see things through typed letters. That's great cyp. I would not say I am angry at all, just slightly annoyed. As I said, I really don't care what she says, but she will get what she gives.

The apology was pretty clearly not sincere, not needed and not accepted.

Want to move on? Stfu and do so. You are the ones whining and complaining about my responses to Darla and I am merely responding to those.

Actually it was sincere. I was just kidding, in context of this thread, and had no idea it would affect you the way it has.

But, be certain, you will not see an apology from me again.

And frankly, I don't think I've ever seen anyone act quite so gay here before. You've really unmanned yourself in this thread. You may continue to masturbate over my "attack on you", and you will do so alone, as befits masturbation.
Actually it was sincere. I was just kidding, in context of this thread, and had no idea it would affect you the way it has.

But, be certain, you will not see an apology from me again.

And frankly, I don't think I've ever seen anyone act quite so gay here before. You've really unmanned yourself in this thread. You may continue to masturbate over my "attack on you", and you will do so alone, as befits masturbation.


My apology was never accepted either seems a waste on some.
Actually it was sincere. I was just kidding, in context of this thread, and had no idea it would affect you the way it has.

But, be certain, you will not see an apology from me again.

And frankly, I don't think I've ever seen anyone act quite so gay here before. You've really unmanned yourself in this thread. You may continue to masturbate over my "attack on you", and you will do so alone, as befits masturbation.

And who comes back with more pathetic whining and insults?

Uh-huh, I am sure it was sincere. Be certain, I never asked for an apology of any sort. Like I said, unnecessary. You want to insult, fine with me, just be prepared to get it back, you stupid bitch.
And who comes back with more pathetic whining and insults?

Uh-huh, I am sure it was sincere. Be certain, I never asked for an apology of any sort. Like I said, unnecessary. You want to insult, fine with me, just be prepared to get it back, you stupid bitch.

Your anger is out of control. This is very lame of you. Go back to FP, where ya'll like to cuss at each other, and act like little girls.

You're going on IA
And another thing, don't fool yourselves. Simply because I am straight forward and to the point rather than snide and pussilanimous in my insults does not imply anger or any level of effect. I just prefer bluntness over cowardly pussy footing around with it.
You are a hypocrite. Okay for her to unprovoked and repeatedly call me gay, but when I respond it's all whining from you. Appears darla fantasy on who is masturbating over her posts are misplaced.
And another thing, don't fool yourselves. Simply because I am straight forward and to the point rather than snide and pussilanimous in my insults does not imply anger or any level of effect. I just prefer bluntness over cowardly pussy footing around with it.

Go back to FP, mofo. On this board, we've all mananged to be relatively civil...and while we do cuss, we don't stoop to calling women bitches or cunts. That's beyond the pale. Only cowardly Mofo's hiding behind a monitor, will do that.