Miss. Ranked Fattest State in Nation

No, I haven't noticed.

I might not have seen as many black men's penises as you have though, or white ones for that matter, in order to properly judge. I mean, i am willing to leave that to your expertise if you feel you have some. But I have known white men who do have rhythm, and Asian women who can drive quite well.
Yeah. And Saoirse let out the 'secret' on the peni thing...
No, I haven't noticed.

Isn't that exactly what you were buying into when you accepted the New Yorkers stand closer generalization? I guess, only generalizations from a certain perspective are valid to you... or ones that don't offend your preconceived ideas.

I might not have seen as many black men's penises as you have though, or white ones for that matter, in order to properly judge. I mean, i am willing to leave that to your expertise if you feel you have some.

No need for mine. Though, there is debate on the validity of the studies, many have shown a correlation.

But I have known white men who do have rhythm, and Asian women who can drive quite well.

Ummm, generally speaking, do you understand what that means? I doubt anyone would claim all NYers stand closer, just in general.
Isn't that exactly what you were buying into when you accepted the New Yorkers stand closer generalization? I guess, only generalizations from a certain perspective are valid to you... or ones that don't offend your preconceived ideas.

No need for mine. Though, there is debate on the validity of the studies, many have shown a correlation.

Ummm, generally speaking, do you understand what that means? I doubt anyone would claim all NYers stand closer, just in general.

I wasn't accepting anything, I was making a joke. That's what this is all about, the NY thing? Geez. You are even more anal than Damo and SF, and that is no small feat.
I wasn't accepting anything, I was making a joke. That's what this is all about, the NY thing? Geez. You are even more anal than Damo and SF, and that is no small feat.

Oh, I see, a fellow lefty makes a generalization you make a joke. Me, you make some rude comment, weakly attempting to belittle. Yeah, no hypocrisy in your neck of the woods.
Oh, I see, a fellow lefty makes a generalization you make a joke. Me, you make some rude comment, weakly attempting to belittle. Yeah, no hypocrisy in your neck of the woods.

Um, it was Damo I answered. Big lefty.

Don't cry. You are so rude to other posters, I assumed you could handle it. I will be gentler with you in the future.
Um, it was Damo I answered. Big lefty.

Don't cry. You are so rude to other posters, I assumed you could handle it. I will be gentler with you in the future.

You claimed OrNot agreed.

You are the only one crying, dumbass, I am just pointing out the duplicity. From the beginning this entire thread has been about generalizations, e.g., southerners like fried foods (they certainly do, in general). I make one that offends your own stereotypes and you have a fit.

And you will find I am rude to those who are rude to me first. For instance, I shrugged off multiple assaults on my character (the implication that I am a racist, gay, a gay slut,etc.) from you in this thread, before responding above.
You claimed OrNot agreed.

You are the only one crying, dumbass, I am just pointing out the duplicity. From the beginning this entire thread has been about generalizations, e.g., southerners like fried foods (they certainly do, in general). I make one that offends your own stereotypes and you have a fit.

And you will find I am rude to those who are rude to me first. For instance, I shrugged off multiple assaults on my character (the implication that I am a racist, gay, a gay slut,etc.) from you in this thread, before responding above.

What? I honestly now have no idea what you are talking about. Sorry.
I'll tell you that is a problem for me, because fellow New Yorkers sometimes ask me to please slow down. But, it's not rudeness. I try and think about that when I am on the phone, or visiting out of state.

You talk just fine.

I tell you what drove me nuts - is how SLOW some southerners talk. And they never get to the freakin' point; there's always some unrelated and irrelevant BS story woven in.

No, it is true. :)

People like darla and usc sit there and snidely insult repeatedly and then act shocked when they get a straight forward one in return.

I'm not shocked, but I do not usually snidely insult people. You have been rude since you came here though. I think you need a mirror.

And you still sound like you're crying. Did you need a tissue?
You talk just fine.

I tell you what drove me nuts - is how SLOW some southerners talk. And they never get to the freakin' point; there's always some unrelated and irrelevant BS story woven in.


I was going to ask you if you thought I talk too fast.