Miss. Ranked Fattest State in Nation

Go back to FP, mofo. On this board, we've all mananged to be relatively civil...and while we do cuss, we don't stoop to calling women bitches or cunts. That's beyond the pale. Only cowardly Mofo's hiding behind a monitor, will do that.

Cry me a river...

How is it any different for her to repeatedly call me gay?
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Dude, you are a total fag. Darla didn't do anything to merit being called a bitch. And you've done nothing but cry like a little girl, on a thread where everyone else was having fun.

I suggest you go back to FP.
Why does being called gay bother you ?

We are all interpreted by others as how we appear on here.

I am thought of by several in very unflattering terms it would appear, but what the hey!
I have even been called a liar a few times both in seriousness and jest.

I do not think many on here really are gay haters if any. Some of us do like to
hit on the hypocracy of the gayness of those who loudly profess otherwise. and get caught though. ie the Hororable senator from Idaho.

we are oft times intentionally harrased to get our danders up.
All in fun though, at least it has been over 90% on this board.
chill out and have fun.
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Dude, you are a total fag. Darla didn't do anything to merit being called a bitch. And you've done nothing but cry like a little girl, on a thread where everyone else was having fun.

I suggest you go back to FP.

Wah-wah... I see no reason to treat her differently than she treats me because she has a vagina. Be a sexist if you like.
Why does being called gay bother you ?

we are all interpreted by others as how we appear on here.
I do not think many on here really are gay haters if any. Some of us do like to
hit on the hypocracy of the gayness of those who loudly profess otherwise. and get caught though. ie the Hororable senator from Idaho.

we are oft times intentionally harrased to get our danders up.
All in fun though, at least it has been over 90% on this board.
chill out and have fun.

Uh, let's see, because it is intended to insult? Got anymore stupid questions? Why does me calling her a bitch bother some?

You all sure have way of showing you are not gay haters, the way you freely use it to insult.
Uh, let's see, because it is intended to insult? Got anymore stupid questions? Why does me calling her a bitch bother some?

You all sure have way of showing you are not gay haters, the way you freely use it to insult.

You are far too serious for this board.
I seems that most all of us try not to be haters of any type.

yeah we jab and poke and such but jump back if we inadvertantly hurt someone.
we jumped back tofday and you kept snarling.
you need to learn how to play with others better.
Rob aka mr gay used to be a regular on here before he became a high finance dude and we all got along fine.
My self I am not gay but will joke about em. some good friends have been gay, and I have taken flack over that, some have been black and I get flack over that to.
I am a hillbilly and will joke about that too. I am not young and will also joke about that.....
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You are far too serious for this board.
I seems that most all of us try not to be haters of any type.

yeah we jab and poke and such but jump back if we inadvertantly hurt someone.
we jumped back tofday and you kept snarling.
you need to learn how to play with others better.
Rob aka mr gay used to be a regular on here before he became a high finance dude and we all got along fine.
My self I am not gay but will joke about em. some good friends have been gay, and I have taken flack over that, some have been black and I get flack over that to.
I am a hillbilly and will joke about that too. I am not young and will also joke about that.....

Pussilanimous bs. An insult is an insult.

And again, you are imagining things. I am not the one taking things so seriously that I feel the need to flex some pathetic power to give others demerits and ignore.

And further bullshit... I jumped back by trying to move on in the discussion, talking about TB traffic. Darla, could not let it lie and comes snarling with more insults.

Strange, you guys have very selective memories of things that happened only minutes ago.
Yes, there are perceptions and then there is reality. I made three posts wholly unrelated to the previous ugliness initiated by darla. She just comes back with more insults and I am supposedly the heavy? Ridiculous.
You are far too serious for this board.
I seems that most all of us try not to be haters of any type.

yeah we jab and poke and such but jump back if we inadvertantly hurt someone.
we jumped back tofday and you kept snarling.
you need to learn how to play with others better.
Rob aka mr gay used to be a regular on here before he became a high finance dude and we all got along fine.
My self I am not gay but will joke about em. some good friends have been gay, and I have taken flack over that, some have been black and I get flack over that to.
I am a hillbilly and will joke about that too. I am not young and will also joke about that.....


For real. I get called a communist, a socialist, a libturd and any other number of deragatory names on a daily basis here. But, we've all kept it pretty clean - its mostly tongue in cheek humour. We just laugh it off. We all get along pretty well.

Its been a LONG time (if ever) that some dude showed up on the board, and started balling like a little baby, when some girl made some toungue in cheek comments.

For real. I get called a communist, a socialist, a libturd and any other number of deragatory names on a daily basis here. But, we've all kept it pretty clean - its mostly tongue in cheek humour. We just laugh it off. We all get along pretty well.

Its been a LONG time (if ever) that some dude showed up on the board, and started balling like a little baby, when some girl made some toungue in cheek comments.

Another pussilanimous excuse. Nobody is balling here except you and darla. Go back and check the record, I have done it already for you a couple times now. She started the insults, I ignored it multiple times. She kept up, I shot back, then she started whining. I could care less, about the insults, except that you all try to pretend they are one sided.
Yes, there are perceptions and then there is reality. I made three posts wholly unrelated to the previous ugliness initiated by darla. She just comes back with more insults and I am supposedly the heavy? Ridiculous.

Hey Liar what’s up?

Here is my last post before I left:

Darla: I am very sorry. Ok?

RS: Read the fucking thread. Darla's the one with corncob up her ass and the one who jumped down my throat.

RS: Read the thread, jackass. Darla is the one with the complaints. I was merely adding to what everyone else was posting and she went off about stereotypes.

RS: You are full of shit.

RS: Let's review...
What’s written in this post is sooo long, it’s too much to put here. But it’s all about Darla.

Rs: Yes, you can see things through typed letters. That's great cyp. I would not say I am angry at all, just slightly annoyed. As I said, I really don't care what she says, but she will get what she gives.

The apology was pretty clearly not sincere, not needed and not accepted.

Want to move on? Stfu and do so.

So after I apologized, you made FIVE posts about me, all deregatory, and then you decide you're ready to "move on". And when I respond with ONE post to your FIVE posts, you claim that I came on here "snarling" and "started it up again".

You can call me whatever names you want to, but you lie about me and you will get it right up your ass.

It ain't no wonder that the girl you have spent years pining for, futilely, decided to have a baby by someone who isn't you. Great choice on her part. One less whiny, lying, arrogant, motherfucker in the world. Slap her on the back for me and tell her I said "good job"

Then take your posts, print them out, and roll them up your ass sideways,, and never get the impression that your keyboard histronics mean shit to me, cry boy.

I'll continue to do what I wa nt, say what I want, and post what I want. You can continue to cry and whine for page after page about it. Why not? The entire board now knows you're not a man. You've got nothing to lose. Have at it.
Yeah. Much like people in Colorado have almost no accent, contrary to the popular television version that always talks like "Tex" and wears cowboy hats, most people in NYC don't have the accent, although some do.

I think it really has to do with the fact that most kids these days really get their accent from the television. I don't have any southern accent at all, and I live deep in the south. Then again, I DO say "pen" like "pin". And sometimes whenever I hear myself on recording a vague southern accent slips in, at which point I try to talk as properly as I can for the rest of the day.
Generally speaking, and that is what is being done here in case you did not notice, most of those are true.

Honestly, maybe it is more an urban versus rural thing. Many of the people in Hyde Park neighborhood of Tampa were phoney aholes. Or maybe it is just that people in the SF Bay area are a bunch of extremely judgemental hypocrites.

I really think that both have to do with it. But overall, I think Urban vs. Rural presents a greater cultural change than mere geography.

For real. I get called a communist, a socialist, a libturd and any other number of deragatory names on a daily basis here. But, we've all kept it pretty clean - its mostly tongue in cheek humour. We just laugh it off. We all get along pretty well.

Its been a LONG time (if ever) that some dude showed up on the board, and started balling like a little baby, when some girl made some toungue in cheek comments.

He's a classless piece of shit, straight out of the imaman mold, who used to follow me around calling me a c*nt. That's why I never was crazy about that board, and that's why when the last dregs of FP made their way over here, I said "there goes the neighborhood"

I wasn't kidding.
Hey Liar what’s up?

Here is my last post before I left:

Darla: I am very sorry. Ok?

RS: Read the fucking thread. Darla's the one with corncob up her ass and the one who jumped down my throat.

RS: Read the thread, jackass. Darla is the one with the complaints. I was merely adding to what everyone else was posting and she went off about stereotypes.

RS: You are full of shit.

RS: Let's review...
What’s written in this post is sooo long, it’s too much to put here. But it’s all about Darla.

Rs: Yes, you can see things through typed letters. That's great cyp. I would not say I am angry at all, just slightly annoyed. As I said, I really don't care what she says, but she will get what she gives.

The apology was pretty clearly not sincere, not needed and not accepted.

Want to move on? Stfu and do so.

So after I apologized, you made FIVE posts about me, all deregatory, and then you decide you're ready to "move on". And when I respond with ONE post to your FIVE posts, you claim that I came on here "snarling" and "started it up again".

You can call me whatever names you want to, but you lie about me and you will get it right up your ass.

It ain't no wonder that the girl you have spent years pining for, futilely, decided to have a baby by someone who isn't you. Great choice on her part. One less whiny, lying, arrogant, motherfucker in the world. Slap her on the back for me and tell her I said "good job"

Then take your posts, print them out, and roll them up your ass sideways,, and never get the impression that your keyboard histronics mean shit to me, cry boy.

I'll continue to do what I wa nt, say what I want, and post what I want. You can continue to cry and whine for page after page about it. Why not? The entire board now knows you're not a man. You've got nothing to lose. Have at it.

Guys, it will be OK. It was a mere misunderstanding.
Aw, ten minutes in reply mode RS. Is your diaper fill? Did you have to go empty it before you could compose another crock of shit for this thread?

For real. I get called a communist, a socialist, a libturd and any other number of deragatory names on a daily basis here. But, we've all kept it pretty clean - its mostly tongue in cheek humour. We just laugh it off. We all get along pretty well.

Its been a LONG time (if ever) that some dude showed up on the board, and started balling like a little baby, when some girl made some toungue in cheek comments.

I get called a socialist on a daily basis. People are so very obsessed with labels.
Guys, it will be OK. It was a mere misunderstanding.

I already tried that, I even apologized to the low life piece of shit.

It must be a long time since he's been laid, what with mooning for years over someone who doesn't want him and being reduced to begging for love advice on a message board. All of that pent up sexual frustration and anger has to be released somewhere you know!