MNF - Did a Bills player just have a heart attack on the field?. COVID VAX??

Trump takes credit for the Vaccine, pay attention.

You are disgusting, go donate half your financial worth to this players favorite charity, you need to cleanse your disgusting soul.


Fucking idiot.

As difficult as this is to admit, guno was correct above. And it's not uncommon to break ribs while effectively giving CPR, and on very rare occasion, puncture a lung.

Speculation aside, the hospital said there would be no update until later on today.

As difficult as this is to admit, guno was correct above. And it's not uncommon to break ribs while effectively giving CPR, and on very rare occasion, puncture a lung.

You are a moron. CPR is mouth to mouth resuscitation and maybe chest compression. It doesn't break ribs. You are thinking of defibrillation. That can break ribs.
They gave him CPR. The pedodent biden vax is a proven killer.

You are wrong. Chuck Huges died on the field at age 28.

The fact that another football player died on the field at age 28 doesn't mean that one or more covid vaccine shots didn't play a part in Damar Hamlin's heart attack. Interestingly, Chuck Hughes died of an almost fully clogged artery and apparently a mis diagnosis by the hospital that took him in. In December, FDA researchers found that Pfizer Covid vaccines are linked to blood clots in older people:

FDA Admits Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine Linked to Blood Clotting |

Nor is the Pfizer vaccine the only Covid vaccine that has been linked to blood clots:
‘Plausible’ Link Between J&J Vaccine and Blood Clots, CDC Says After Confirming 28 Cases, Including 3 Deaths | Children's Health Defense

Brazil Suspends AstraZeneca Vaccine After Pregnant Woman Dies, New Study Links Vaccine to Blood Clots, More Countries Hit Pause | Children's Health Defense

There are also plenty of stories linking blood clots with Covid vaccines. Here's one that affected an athlete recently:

NBA Player Says COVID Vaccine Caused Blood Clots, But Team Officials Told Him to ‘Keep Quiet’ | Children's Health Defense

Here's some of some students:
Teen Hospitalized With Blood Clots in Brain After First Dose of Pfizer Vaccine | Children's Health Defense

Student Gets Leg Amputated After COVID Vaccine, Dies of Brain Blood Clots | Children's Health Defense
24 year olds don't normally drop dead with heart attacks.

And that tackle was ordinary.

Commotio cordis, it has happened to other young athletes.

Commotio Cordis refers to the sudden arrhythmic death caused by a low/mild chest wall impact. Commotio Cordis is seen mostly in athletes between the ages of 8 and 18 who are partaking in sports with projectiles such as baseballs, hockey pucks, or lacrosse balls.

7T5LpveE2 C9ImbGS8FYHoJbliDNBiKTeI0RmCeIOz8uHyVyoVp7w3cp3kil8XITyYVYsJEsiUBuSagBIVMlqUJgMQNAm2341JuToihtqu7Q8szalRr2FGaHhrMgmpETGHN2jt2hC7RHXqavroGNDNuhX2Pxls8sAMMEhzN8r2dLwAAAABJRU5ErkJggg== › commotio-c...

[h=3]Commotio Cordis - Korey Stringer Institute - University of Connecticut[/h]

The Trumper/GOP/American conservative morons here who are attempting to make this into a "Covid vaccine is bad" moment...are too stupid to be allowed out on their own.

You people need to get a life.
The Trumper/GOP/American conservative morons here who are attempting to make this into a "Covid vaccine is bad" moment...are too stupid to be allowed out on their own.

You people need to get a life.
There are lots of speculating armchair docs here, trying to diagnose what happened, many repeating what they're listening to on Fox, btw- the "commotio cordis" label, for one...No one knows...and right now, it doesn't matter....bottom line, we pray he recovers....He got care pretty quickly... and he's stable right now, but in critical condition... I'm so glad his parents were there...
Life is precious...don't take it for granted....ever...I think we all agree on that...
HNY, Frank!!
There are lots of speculating armchair docs here, trying to diagnose what happened, many repeating what they're listening to on Fox, btw- the "commotio cordis" label, for one...No one knows...and right now, it doesn't matter....bottom line, we pray he recovers....He got care pretty quickly... and he's stable right now, but in critical condition... I'm so glad his parents were there...
Life is precious...don't take it for granted....ever...I think we all agree on that...
HNY, Frank!!


Happy New Year back to you, TOP.
Commotio cordis, it has happened to other young athletes.

Commotio Cordis refers to the sudden arrhythmic death caused by a low/mild chest wall impact. Commotio Cordis is seen mostly in athletes between the ages of 8 and 18 who are partaking in sports with projectiles such as baseballs, hockey pucks, or lacrosse balls.

7T5LpveE2 C9ImbGS8FYHoJbliDNBiKTeI0RmCeIOz8uHyVyoVp7w3cp3kil8XITyYVYsJEsiUBuSagBIVMlqUJgMQNAm2341JuToihtqu7Q8szalRr2FGaHhrMgmpETGHN2jt2hC7RHXqavroGNDNuhX2Pxls8sAMMEhzN8r2dLwAAAABJRU5ErkJggg== › commotio-c...

[h=3]Commotio Cordis - Korey Stringer Institute - University of Connecticut[/h]

My littlest g-son was born with a heart defect involving a narrowing of the aorta where it enters the heart. They found it coincident to a septal defect which his mom also had when born. He will never be able to lift weights or play at strenuous sports, and may require a surgical repair as an adult. This heart issue is not super common but it is often responsible for the sudden collapse of a player while competing.

I hope this young man recovers without any adverse problems.
My littlest g-son was born with a heart defect involving a narrowing of the aorta where it enters the heart. They found it coincident to a septal defect which his mom also had when born. He will never be able to lift weights or play at strenuous sports, and may require a surgical repair as an adult. This heart issue is not super common but it is often responsible for the sudden collapse of a player while competing.

I hope this young man recovers without any adverse problems.
I hope your grandchild has a long full life and his mom, too.
24 year olds don't normally drop dead with heart attacks.

And that tackle was ordinary.

Commotio cordis, it has happened to other young athletes.

Commotio Cordis refers to the sudden arrhythmic death caused by a low/mild chest wall impact. Commotio Cordis is seen mostly in athletes between the ages of 8 and 18 who are partaking in sports with projectiles such as baseballs, hockey pucks, or lacrosse balls.

7T5LpveE2 C9ImbGS8FYHoJbliDNBiKTeI0RmCeIOz8uHyVyoVp7w3cp3kil8XITyYVYsJEsiUBuSagBIVMlqUJgMQNAm2341JuToihtqu7Q8szalRr2FGaHhrMgmpETGHN2jt2hC7RHXqavroGNDNuhX2Pxls8sAMMEhzN8r2dLwAAAABJRU5ErkJggg== › commotio-c...

[h=3]Commotio Cordis - Korey Stringer Institute - University of Connecticut[/h]

Yes, but I think it's worth noting that Nordberg mentioned a football player who died on the field without even getting tackled at all in post 8 of this thread, Chuck Hughes:
An NFL Player Died On The Field, And Everyone Went On Playing |

From the article linked to above, highlighting the most relevant part:
Hughes did not die thanks to any kind of head injury. He had a heart attack, since one of his arteries was almost fully clogged right before his death. Exertion triggered the attack, instead of impact with another player. His family did not blame the sport of football but rather a hospital that should have diagnosed his condition earlier. They sued the hospital for $21.5 million and won an out-of-court settlement.

As I mentioned and provided evidence for in post 32 of this thread, at least 3 of the Covid vaccines have been linked to blood clots, and several young people have been injured and even died as a result of blood clots that were apparently acquired soon after getting Covid vaccines.