Moral Questions ...and No Answers


And let's not forget that three of the GOPs leading presidential contenders - Guilliani, McCain and Gingrich - have had eight wives between them, all have all committed adultry, and Rudy even married one of his cousins.

As Dixie said on an earlier thread "morality matters" when picking the President of the United States.

I wonder if dixie really meant that, or if he was just bullshiting?

WE have never had a divorced democratic president...
And Ronnie consulted sooth sayers, I never was quite sure how the religious right supporters of Ronnie rationalized that out. Mr. Teflon.
Yeah, that was really mystifying. The Teflon President. Weird. I think it went beyond hero worship into a kind of cult-like thinking.

On the other hand, I really can't take all of these pontifical pronouncements about moral decay seriously. The trouble with these people is that they don't understand morality at all: they think that divorce and adultary are moral issues, but taking advantage of others for profit is not.
Hey, you guys should go look up the definition of a hypocrite, and see the pretty picture of you they used! You sound like a bunch of church hens, gossiping on Sunday morning! How can you so easily find fault with anything Republican, yet be completely blind to the unethical shit going on elsewhere? I once thought it was because you simply didn't see anything wrong with immoral behavior, but that isn't the case, as you've demonstrated here! You certainly DO realize what is bad behavior, you have no problem finding Republican examples to rail about, so it's not a matter of you not understanding immorality, you understand it completely!
Yeah, that was really mystifying. The Teflon President. Weird. I think it went beyond hero worship into a kind of cult-like thinking.

On the other hand, I really can't take all of these pontifical pronouncements about moral decay seriously. The trouble with these people is that they don't understand morality at all: they think that divorce and adultary are moral issues, but taking advantage of others for profit is not.

Weard aint it. But I think conservative morality only requires lip service, not action. They put up ideals that are impossable and say things like Divorce is responsable for our society's decay. They dont distinguish untill its one of there own who is divorced and then that was an exceptional circumstance.
Hey, you guys should go look up the definition of a hypocrite, and see the pretty picture of you they used! You sound like a bunch of church hens, gossiping on Sunday morning! How can you so easily find fault with anything Republican, yet be completely blind to the unethical shit going on elsewhere? I once thought it was because you simply didn't see anything wrong with immoral behavior, but that isn't the case, as you've demonstrated here! You certainly DO realize what is bad behavior, you have no problem finding Republican examples to rail about, so it's not a matter of you not understanding immorality, you understand it completely!

I never said divorce was necessarly an immoral thing, my point was that railing against divorce (in general) while being a divorced person is a bit skeptical. I think many conservatives make exceptions for them selves, (my case is different excuse)!
Yeah, that was really mystifying. The Teflon President. Weird. I think it went beyond hero worship into a kind of cult-like thinking.

On the other hand, I really can't take all of these pontifical pronouncements about moral decay seriously. The trouble with these people is that they don't understand morality at all: they think that divorce and adultary are moral issues, but taking advantage of others for profit is not.
Well the religious right has been preaching "profit is devine" for about 20 years now....They seemed to throw out that vow of poverty stuff and all that helping the poor garbage.

And let's not forget that three of the GOPs leading presidential contenders - Guilliani, McCain and Gingrich - have had eight wives between them, all have all committed adultry, and Rudy even married one of his cousins.

WE have never had a divorced democratic president...

Have any of the top Democratic contenders ever been divorced? Clinton, Edwards, Obama? I don't think so.

Not that divorce should disqualify anyone, but it hilarious to see the flip flopping, and "do as I say, not as I do" republicans run their mouths about morality.
While we are on the subject, lets consider pre-marital sex...

Reagan married Nancy March 4, 1952... There daughter Patti was born ..... October 21, 1952, (she was not pre-mature). You do the math~!
although, Cypress, you just have to assume that his ex-wife and daughter are a hell of a lot better off without him in their lives. Could you imagine having to put with that pompous prick in person??????
And Ronnie consutled sooth sayers

False. His wife consulted a psychic. I played with a Ouija Board when I was a kid too! Does that mean me and Nancy are going to burn in hell Reverend Idiot? Maybe you should suggest they burn us at the stake, or shoot us with a silver bullet.... but make sure you have plenty of holy water on hand... don't let us out of the bag! Oh yeahhhh... I feel the power... REPENT ye republican swine, forsake thine wicked ways, and follow the Word of your moral liberal master!

As I said, I am damn glad you people aren't Christians, and I hope you never join up... I can't imagine the uptight judgemental society we'd be living under, if you idiots ran the moral show. Free Will would be an entitlement program, only the poor could apply... the rest of us would have to follow the mandates and regulations set forth by Ted Kennedy. We would be able to marry any body or any thing, we just wouldn't be allowed to get divorces... kinda like Hotel California. Some of us would still be allowed to play God, if we were good liberals, we could continue to kill millions of innocent unborn babies and retarded people, as long as we didn't trade with China or let Wal-mart build a Supercenter.
Einstein thinks its television, Janet Jackson's tit, and video games causing social decay... Not poverty, poor education, and corruption.
Ohh LOrd, I had forgotten about Janet Jacksons tit and all the cultural damage that caused......
Our entire nation will probably burn in hell over that one.