Feelings are not always visible on the surface. Plus, i have seen animals appearing to mourn and fret about dead young or dead mates.
You are right, feelings are not always visible on the surface, that is why it is important to observe behaviors, rituals and customs. Through this observation, you can develop enlightened understanding and have faith and trust in what you observed.
You have seen animals mourn about the loss of life they have become accustomed to. This is not what I stated. They have no guilt in their actions, and no sense of consequence for 'immoral' behaviors. Many animals can show love and compassion, and humans largely identify with these attributes, but they can't rationalize 'right and wrong' within the confines of their intelligence.
Let me give you an example... Let's use Gorilla's, since they are a close primate 'relative' of humans. If you decided to go to the Zoo one day and visit the various species of amazing life forms, and somehow managed to fall into the Gorilla habitat... the Mother Gorilla might see you and feel some form of 'maternal compassion' for your distress and come cradle you in her arms, but when the Father Gorilla sees you, he may rip you away and proceed to tear you limb from limb, because you are a male and he smells your scent. You represent a threat, and any "morality" issue goes out the window along with any perceived "compassion" for your condition. The Father Gorilla doesn't care that you are a smaller and weaker enemy, or understand the consequences of killing you, the pain (or in your case, joy) your family would feel over the loss, he doesn't think about any of that, it never enters his mind. After he has killed you, he will feel no guilt for it whatsoever.
There is a fundamental difference in the morality practiced by humans, and the 'moral codes' we see in certain wild animal societies. Humans have the ability to reason, the understanding of 'right and wrong' however that has been defined in their specific cultural social structure.
I never said animals practice human morality. I said morality is a mode of behaving which facilitates cooperative and mutually advantageous behaviors. that still remains true despite your idiotic distractions and stupidity.
And we've been through all of this already. That is a very loose and vague definition of Human Morality. It denies any act of selflessness as being moral. I think there are many moral and selfless acts, which do not include any mutual benefit or advantage for the person involved in the selfless act. People have died defending their Morality, and there was no benefit to them in doing so. Many people are persecuted and condemned for their Morality, it is not beneficial or advantageous to them.
You can keep repeating the same idiocy over and over, it isn't going to suddenly be right, and you aren't suddenly going to win the Nobel Prize.