Who explains things by means of god anymore?
Nobody believes that storms are controlled by Zeus, or that Ra brings the sunrise in his giant chariot. The god of the gaps is eroded to nothing. Mainstream christians, for example, only attribute to god to some ambigious idea of it being the genesis of evolution. God explains very little. Observation has seen to that.
God is not intended to "explain" things, although that has always been your contention for why he exists. You simply proved by this, it is an invalid argument.
God, the great comforter, however, is still strong. Provider of moral guidlines, a father figure in the sky, the soother of the final mystery, death. In uncertain times this manifestation of god always thrives as it feeds on human weakness.
Whatever you say, but the fact remains, 96% of this planet believes in something greater than self. Even with all the "observations" and scientific findings, dispelling of ancient myths, wars to extinguish religious belief, there are still 96% of the inhabitants of this planet who firmly believe in something greater than self.
What does this demonstrate? If I can produce three great scientists who didn't believe in the creation myth, do I win?
It demonstrates that Science and scientific minds, indeed, our greatest ones, have not discounted or dismissed the possibility of an intelligent designer. You can give me three who are Atheist, but that will only prove that scientific minds have not dismissed the possibility that there
isn't an intelligent designer.
How do you know this?
Suicides, clinical depression, alcoholism, and life expectancy are all worse among people who are not closely associated with religious belief.
Do you not see what is wrong with the logic here?
That because we do not know everything therefore there must be something there?
We can only know through experience. Would you, to use the old adage, believe in a spaghetti monster soley on the basis that you haven't looked everywhere yet?
No, I don't see a thing wrong with MY logic. I simply stated that we don't know everything, and shouldn't discount possibilities of what we may not yet understand. What is flawed about that? Isn't that at the root of scientific principle? How arrogant are you to believe, since you can prove where storms come from, it means it's proof there is no God?
Wow, you crammed quite a few notions into these last few sentences.
"direct correlation between harmonious human balance, morality, happiness, success, and mental well-being, with the belief in something greater than self."
Religious people are more successful, happy, moral, balanced and mentally well than non-religious people?
Care to substantiate this?
Nope... look around, there are plenty of examples. If you are too ignorant to believe it, nothing I can show you will make you believe it.
"Particularly when you look at the diverse complexity of the universe, and how it functions. "
The irreducible complexity notion? The non-sequiter fallacy that because thing are complex and diverse they therefore must be the work of a designer?
Let's stop a moment and correct an inaccurate attribute you keep tagging onto my comments, okay? I have never said X,
therefore, Y... That is your evaluation of things I have said, and it is intellectually dishonest and wrong to continue your inaccurate assessment. I've not claimed anything "must be" anything, just that there is a possibility, and it behooves us as humans to not close our minds to possibility, as you have done.
Paley's Watchmaker analogy has been shown as false for nearly a century Dixie.
How do you show an analogy to be false? I don't get that.
"Why would any rational mind completely dismiss this possibility from any consideration?"
What makes you think that it has been dismissed without consideration?
Because that is basically ALL you've done through this entire post! All I have stated is that we should consider any and all possibilities, and you have twisted it into something you can bash and trash and reject. YOU are the one being blindly ignorant here, not me. I am willing to listen to any and all ideas, to consider any and all possibilities, including that of an intelligent designer... you, sir, are the one who is not willing to consider this.