Scut Farkus
Yes it is.It may make sense to you, but it is not a description of Morality.
Trust can be earned.Even if we give you the benefit of the doubt on your description and assume that is a correct definition, it still hasn't been explained how this behavior could have originated without original faith and trust.
In evolution, yes it does.A lot of things work, that doesn't explain how they came to exist.
In the animal world.You continue to focus on the benefits of morality, which is not in question. It's obvious mankind benefits from it, but how did moral behavior begin?
Even in nature, cooperation works.Man had no natural way of knowing moral behavior would work, it defied the laws of nature.
Many animals practice varying versions of socially cooperative behavior, and it works. It defies nothing. It makes perfect sense.No other living creature practices human morality, because it defies nature and natural selection.
But yet, related males form hunting groups for mutual benefit.Lions and tigers didn't suddenly come to the realization they should enter into social contracts and try to get along, because the theory of natural selection is in play.
Yes. An advanced brain that can see things from the point of view of another.Something enabled mankind to come to this realization in the beginning, before any benefit had been realized or before it had been proven to work.
Right. It developed over time. This is directly counter to your previous claim that faith and trust had to PRECEDE morality.Faith and trust developed over time, which enabled men to make this rationalization while other creatures didn't.
You just said they developed over time. Please get your story straight.No, as I just explained it, in order for Morality to have been rationalized to begin with, mankind first needed faith and trust.
no they don't.There is no logical way to get there otherwise, as human morals defy Darwin's theory of natural selection.
You're right. It IS you.The person who just keeps saying things with no basis, is you.
Not the religions I know of.Right, and when you add the caveat of not victimizing outsiders, this is the basis for all organized religion.
Moral behavior doesn't DEFY natural selection.Again, in order for mankind to adopt a behavior which defied natural selection, it required some faith and trust.
Like one of your personalities said, it can develp over time.Without faith and trust, there is no way for man to naturally have known morality would or could work, and it simply would never have been attempted.
I've explained the dynamic repeatedly.No facts, just overblown opinion.... you seem to have this down pat. Sorry AHZ, you can't win debates like this, you have to offer proof, evidence, or at least some half-baked theory as to WHY you make this assertion, and you have failed to do that. Probably because you know you can't.
yes. I have.No, you haven't.
Are you asking?It is interesting how far you will go, and how long you will continue to post, in order to establish you are moral. The real question is not how mankind obtained morality, we understand it was through spirituality and the faith and trust it provided for early man, the question is, why is it so important to an Atheist to be seen as "moral" in the eyes of his fellow man? Is it because you know and understand, morality along with spirituality is the only thing that separates humans from the rest of the animal kingdom?
The religiously based standards which predominate mankind are piss poor, and people act worse than ever. I offer something better.Since you have abandoned spirituality in any form, you have this need to cling to morality in order to be part of the human species. Perhaps you felt compelled to 'define morality' or REDEFINE morality, because you can't live up to the standards as they currently exist?
Sticks and stones will break your bones, but words will never hurt you, pussyboy.You can't live up to your own definition of morality, you constantly attempt to condemn and victimize others, this thread is full of condemnation and victimizing remarks from you, directed at me and people who practice religion. So, you don't even attempt to practice 'morality' as you have defined it! My guess is, because you have no faith and trust, and 'morality' can't exist without it, even a watered-down definition of 'morality'.
In essence, this thread and your behavior here, has proven my point and disproved your own. The more you rant and rave against me and religion, the more you defy your own definition of 'morality' and expose this betrayal to the whole world. You can add your own observed behavior to the mountain of irrefutable evidence I have presented here.
Whatever, Spanky. You suck at thinking.