Scut Farkus
You are stupid. You don't seem to understand, the "experiences" you keep mentioning, did not just magically take place on a whim one day! This also defies Darwin's theory and nature in general. Unless you believe that God enabled these first original experiences, which lead to man's understanding of morality and why it was important, you haven't provided an explanation for how it emerged.
You keep attributing Morality to things that came AFTER morality! Compassion, understanding, empathy, helpful behavior, cooperative relationships... ALL were the products of Morality! It preceded these things, which means they didn't happen first! Before Morality, there had to be Faith and Trust, because there is no other way to rationally explain how Morality got here, unless God just gave it to us! Now you can keep dancing around on a head of a pin, pretending you are Muhammad Ali, but you haven't shown us anything to support your baseless view of how Morality came to be without the prerequisite of faith and trust.
You want to keep on angrily throwing "your sun god" up, but it wasn't MY sun god, I don't believe in a sun god! I have already said, maybe it wasn't a sun god at all, maybe it was the rain god or the wind god, or maybe it was the general sense we are all born with, that something is greater than ourselves? I know you don't think you were born with this general sense, but you were, we all were. Your incessant lashing out against this belief is proof that you do indeed believe, you are just in denial. Your denial of this is so strong, you are unable to think objectively, and you continue to pose ridiculous arguments which defy nature and the theories of Darwin himself! I've shown you this, I've explained how it is impossible for Morality to have emerged without the presence of faith and trust, but you just want to insist you know better than me, and I am an idiot.
You've not explained it or made a case for how it came about, and the fact is, you can't! Everything you try to point to, leads us right back to my original point, it originally required some faith and trust in something. There is no rational, natural, or scientific way to explain it otherwise, unless you believe God just bestowed this understanding upon man. I suppose that is possible, but you are supposed to be an Atheist, and I don't think that is the argument you intended.
In your warped mind, you want to believe Morality has nothing to do with spiritual belief. You try to construct a secular definition of morality and it is the same definition we use for the behavior of wolves and street gangs. Then you attempt to wiggle out of that statement by adding to the definition, and suddenly, your definition is what we use to describe organized religion! Meanwhile, you continue to rationalize how morality came to be by pointing to the results of morality.
Man did not just stumble out of the primordial soup with this profound wisdom and understanding of morality. In order for it to have taken place the first time, man had to trust and have faith, otherwise, it defies nature. You want to use terms like "they realized" but realization requires rationalization, and how could they rationalize something that defied the laws of nature? Human morality is confined to ONE species on the planet, and it is not the product of nature. It clearly doesn't meet the standards set by Darwin for evolutionary acquisition. It is a human behavior, found only in humans, curiously enough, so is spirituality! Go fuckin figure? This is not a coincidence.
I never said man stumbled out of primordial soup with morality. Versions of morality have been with us since before we were even human.
There is social cooperation in animals species, despite your hysterical denials of such. Human morality is just a further refinement of these, except for in the case of backward tribalistic religion, which seeks to destroy rationality so priests and assholes can organize society for their own benefit and screw everyone else.
Religious morality is expressly NOT moral in my view.
I thought you were done?
I guess you're a liar.