Scut Farkus
I have expressly said street gangs are NOT moral because they victimize individuals outside the group and do no facilitate cooperative and mutually beneficial relationships with individuals out side the group.Because that is not a definition of morality, if it were, wolfpacks and street gangs would be moral, and they clearly are not.
Given this mischaracterization of my position, which I've repeatedly corrected, I dismiss the rest of your post out of hand.
The organized religions I know of are not beneficial to all individuals, they have a clear ingroup and preach destuction of others.If you alter your definition to include mutual benefit to all peoples, you have a definition of the basis for all organized religion.
Since you misrepresentated my positions, and the nature of relgion, you're 2X wrong.So, by your own definitions, morality is either the same behavior practiced by wolves and street gangs, or it's the behavior practiced by members of organized religious groups.
Yes it does.This lame definition of what you think morality is, doesn't explain how morality came to be.
Yes there is.There is no scientific basis or natural reasoning for an evolving animal to assume the characteristic without initial faith and trust.
I've explained why the definition workds. And I have won everything. I hold the title.You can't prove it, you can't give me an example of it, because it is inherently impossible to do so. This is why you've relegated yourself to sounding like a WWE character and insisting you've won something you haven't.
I disagree.In order for man to have entered into a 'social contract' with other humans, it had to be preceded with faith and trust, otherwise, there is no rationale for such a contradiction to nature.
In order for man to have even rationalized morality and moral behavior, there first had to be trust and faith in something else. The only plausible explanation otherwise, is that God magically bestowed this ability to rationalize morality on man when he created him. Given you claim to be Atheist, I don't think that is what you are trying to argue, but it is plausible. In order for anything remotely close to your argument to prevail, requires a faith and trust establishment first. There is no logical, scientific, Darwinist, natural or evolutionary reason for this behavior otherwise.
You are entitled to believe whatever you like, if you want to continue to believe in a Myth, you can do so, no one will stop you, but please stop trying to shove your myths down my throat. You can define morality any way you like, as I pointed out, Hitler thought he was being moral by ridding the world of Jews. The thing you can't do, is change science and nature. On this, you are not the empirical authority, no matter how much hot air you spew. You can't prevail in a debate where you have offered no evidence to support your idea, and it doesn't matter how much you want to claim otherwise, that is a fact of the matter. I've shown you where you are wrong, and how you are wrong, I have offered explanations to support my view, I have given examples of what might have occurred, and how morality may have originated, as well as explaining why humans have this attribute while other animals, including primates, do not.
All you can do is continue to repeat the same illogical irrational and idiotic viewpoint of what morality is, without any logical or rational explanation for how it would have originated. In short, you are a blowhard and a retard. You've not "fisted" anyone here, you've not bent anyone over against their will, you've not trounced anyone or won the WWE Championship Grudge Match. You've spewed idiocy for 6 pages and failed to make your point. If calling people names and talking like a bad ass were the criteria for winning arguments, you would have won this one long ago, you are persistent, I will give you that, but those are not the criteria for winning arguments, they are the criteria for proving you are a dumb ass. Congrats, you win that argument!
Blah blah. I stopped reading, considering the misrepresentations you had stacked up early on.
You suck at thinking.
Morality is a way of behaving that facililtates cooperative and mutually beneficial relationships between individuals.
You = fisted again.
Please stay down this time. You're embarrassing yourself.