Scut Farkus
So you are saying there is no fundamental reason for assuming another human will behave morally toward you? This kind of nullifies your idea that man adopted morality because he realized it was better for us to trust each other. How did he realize this when it didn't happen naturally and took time to earn trust? The only explanation is Faith. At some point, some human had to have Faith that his fellow man would respond with mutual morality.
For most the default setting is to trust. But that trust can be broken and then we will cease to trust. Some trust less, and many times they were right not to.
the current world leadership has lost all my trust, as they have proven that they serve only themselves. That's why they keep the god myth alive, and pay homage to it, because ultimately our trust in them is irrational, and this will come out unless they quash all discussion with heresy laws in the new religion.