No. it's not. We also benefit from the morality of others.
The selflessness of others, yes.
Not elitist at all, it's just a fact of the matter. Most morality is a personal sacrifice for the greater benefit of man. Most people do not behave morally because they realize some personal benefit from it, they do so because they believe it benefits mankind to behave morally.
It is the product of social evolution, which has some physical components to it, like a brain which can imagine itself in the place of others.
Ah... Human Empathy and Compassion! Both byproducts of Morality! I'm sorry, but the byproducts of Morality do not explain how Morality came to be.
It's not impossible. I've done so. Morality is behaviors which facilitate mutually beneficial cooperation between individuals.
And I have explained how your definition also fits Wolf Pack Mentality and Street Gangs. Maybe you are trying to argue that Atheists have the 'morality' of a wolfpack or streetgang, is that what you are saying?
No. It's not. It allows us to focus on greater cooperative efforts instead of being paranoid all the time.
Paranoia is the result of distrust. To not be paranoid, one would have to have faith and trust. What did man have faith in to trust others would obey the moral code? You don't have a scientific or evolutionary explanation, because there isn't one.
Trust, but not faith, necessarily.
It is impossible to trust without faith. That is precisely what it means to trust, to have faith in what you believe. If you do not have faith in what you believe, you can not say you trust it. It is not trustworthy, if you don't have faith in it. Please tell me you aren't really that stupid!
We have a version of morality instilled in us by parents, and society, usually. That morality generally holds up to the point where people start saying the most moral thing is to sellout americans for profit, based on internationalist immorality. Sometimes the moral codes need to be reexamined for adherence to the prime reason for morality: mutual benefit. Assholes like you do not want this analysis to take place, and instead you would rather use some spiritual psychobabble to short circuit rational appraisal of the memes presented as "morality" by the theocrats and fascists in control of our institutions of cultural transmission.
Ah... so now we get to your REAL argument! You don't like the Moral code of others, and you feel spiritual belief is responsible, so you want to destroy spiritual belief so your particular moral code (that of a wolf pack) can be implemented. Why didn't you just say so? I get it now!
You didn't really mean to get in over your head on a discussion of how Morality originated, or how it has been fostered and taught through all these years. You just wanted to throw out a baseless argument against religion by claiming Morality can exist without it. The big problem is, you can't prove it, and you haven't provided any basis of support for this notion. There is no physical reason for Morality, no Darwinist concept of how Morality formed in man, an no explanation for why this non-required attribute is so profoundly important to man, even the Atheist man. Every road you go down, leads you to Trust and Faith. For some reason, you don't want to acknowledge Trust and Faith had to precede Morality of any kind in man, it is impossible otherwise. The reason Trust and Faith bother you so much, is because you know and understand, these are the basis for all Religious belief. Oooo... can't have that messing up your argument, can we?
I feel sorry for you, because you are an ignorant man. You do not realize how your conscience has been brainwashed. For whatever reason, someone has hurt you in life, and you haven't found forgiveness. Maybe you were molested or beaten as a child, maybe you didn't have a father or mother, or you thought they hated you. Something in the course of your life has polluted your mind and blinded you to the original conscious awareness you were born with. I can't fix you, no one can fix you, but you can fix yourself, the answers are within you, but you are too ignorant to realize this.