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You look at morality for its utility: i.e., a more stable society, better property values, less crime.
Yes. That is what I think its role is and hence why I focus on that.
You can get that with communist China.
And we're back on the "bad atheist" wagon....
They are a stable society, with a much lower crime rate that the United States. I was impressed with the clean streets, low crime rate, "stability" of society in the dictatorship of Belarus.
Dictatorship. OK. Atheism dictators, vicious murderers evil to the core. Yeah we are quite familiar with your view of atheists.
I do not think utility is the way to measure morality, at best it's a secondary benefit.
What is the benefit of morality?
I have told you this before, please don't make me keep repeating it: I believe the moral conscience when cultivated points you to a belief that there is an inherent and innate value to human life,
beyond the collection of quarks and electrons that make us up. The belief that humans are endowed with an innate dignity and value independent of molecules and biochemical reactions is the reason an objective moral truth makes sense to me.
"Innate dignity". That's meaningless pablum.
But my opinion seems to make you angry and agitated.
Not at all! I'm quite OK with your opinion. This is something called a "debate" or a "discussion". We are allowed to and actually encouraged to disagree.
We see throughout history and our life experiences that once the religious concept of the innate value of human life takes hold and is cultivated, it manifests as a powerful moral truth.
No it doesn't. That's an absurd claim on the face of it. The Crusades were done in the name of God by people who had been worshipping the CHristian God for a milennium.
Your point is clearly wrong.
Once they are inculcated to a Judeo-Christian, Islamic, Buddhist ethical framework, you really don't see people reverting back to cannibalism and ritual human sacrifice. The moral "highway" is not a two-way street.
Wow. That's ignoring all of history.