Morality Question

It is unethical for government/business to mandate vaccines, especially one that doesn't work.
Aren't the liberal Nanny States even arresting drunk bicycle riders? As opposed to the "Hold my beer" philosophy of Texas.

In San Diego they have something similar. The whole idea is to get people from 'DRIVING' and start taking Public Transit.
It's CHEAPER to subsidize Public Transit than build ANOTHER Freeway Lane.

(Every Driver would gladly pay the Transit Fare of the next Driver to get him OFF the road)
It looks like Hawkeye was thrown off his bus in Seattle. Probably for being a drunken wackadoodle.

Even in Washington state they don't like people with multiple DUIs drive. LOL

Yep, Hawkeye is a sick fuck with an alcohol problem. What a guy.
It has been illegal to ride a bike while drunk in CO for a long time. It still isn't in NY.

Now that's just sad.
