More Good News For Gay Servicemembers!

Rank, education, training, and accomplishments. This is not really a matter of brass vs. common soldiers. Senior NCOs/Petty Officers are just as prone to political BS as are generals. I find that E-6s and E-7s will engage in the most pointless resumé building initiatives around the unit to make rank.

A good officer puts his men before any selfish advancements and political favoritism. There are no good officers in the pentagon. There are instead, politicians in uniforms. The good officers are the line officers who have to endure the directives of the yes men in the pentagon and at the same time work with what they get from the higher ups in Washington while they at the same time try to keep their units in battle shape and conduct operations at a minimum loss of casualties.

But nobody cares about their problems or their jobs when you're pushing social engineering with homos and women from the top.

And I predict that measures such as benefits for homos and the watering down of combat requirements for the troops in order to allow social change in an institution that solely exists to defend the country against it's enemies will backfire and will result in many U.S. deaths on account of it.

The country is constantly at war and that isn't the fault of the line officers or the common soldiers under them either but it does reflect on the pentagon and the military industrial complex that pentagon serves under directives from the civilian authorities in Washington.
By the way, you have two different codes of conduct now instead of the one because of the queers who went in as queers. You have the queer code of conduct which is based on what liberals call sexual orientation and you've got the other code of conduct for everyone else in there.

And then you've got the fat ass women (including lesbians who go in as queers or women, they get the option) who everybody pretends are under the old code until they have to lower the amount of equipment they can carry or shorten the distance they can throw a hand grenade.

The pentagon smiles and goes along with the whole mess of course.
The military was gay long before they did this Philly. LONG before this. Long before you or I were born.
The military always had one code of conduct.

The following user tells the fucking feminist witch on the broom to go to Hell.

Philly Rabbit (today)
cry into your pillow howey. How exactly do we "like" philly? We auto like anyone that merely posts on JPP? Get real.
Just one of MANY shining examples of Christianity who populate these boards.

You're in no position to make moral judgments on me, Zappy. You and your associates got rid of moral judgments but you still love to judge your enemies.

This is war and you Zappy are the enemy. There were people exactly like you and maybe even you who won that war for the communists after we beat them on the battlefield with your communist propaganda riots and demonstrations before the world media cameras. The north Vietnamese communists owed you a great debt for your efforts.

The bitch made a cheap death wish joke out of me being done in by one of my own brothers so get off your pedestal, stop preaching your cheap second rate sermons about me and go take a long overdue extended bath.
cry into your pillow howey. How exactly do we "like" philly? We auto like anyone that merely posts on JPP? Get real.

I'm not here to win popularity contests whoever you are, I come here and say what I think then let the chips fall where they may and that especially applies to the republicans here.

"We" sounds like group progressive think. May I suggest you start to speak for yourself.

The farther you distance yourself from me, the closer you get to them and if you think this is some back and forth Democrat vs. Republican, it's your turn, then my friend you'd better think long and hard about the entire overall picture and what's transpiring here.

These people aren't liberals. Liberal means small government. They are progressives and radical leftists and they will only begin to smile at you when you start agreeing with them.
I think it's bad taste to speak of one's daughter in such a manner.

Back to the homos. The services didn't always have a ban on homos, this ban went into effect because of world war 2's Anglo American army which was mainly a draft army. The homo ban wasn't put into effect because the services were being controlled by white male homophobes, it went into effect because homos were damaging morale among the troops and the folks at home. The outrage came from parents who's sons were being groped and molested by homos which was a major morale problem for obvious reasons.
Back to the homos. The services didn't always have a ban on homos, this ban went into effect because of world war 2's Anglo American army which was mainly a draft army. The homo ban wasn't put into effect because the services were being controlled by white male homophobes, it went into effect because homos were damaging morale among the troops and the folks at home. The outrage came from parents who's sons were being groped and molested by homos which was a major morale problem for obvious reasons.

Lies and sissy chatter. The truth is on long excursions, and only men all around, who is going to get you "off"? The old familiar
hand "gets old", and so Josh starts to look not so bad. And so "stuff happens". That's the truth, universally. Same in prisons.
BFD. You know you've been "there".LOL
Back to the homos. The services didn't always have a ban on homos, this ban went into effect because of world war 2's Anglo American army which was mainly a draft army. The homo ban wasn't put into effect because the services were being controlled by white male homophobes, it went into effect because homos were damaging morale among the troops and the folks at home. The outrage came from parents who's sons were being groped and molested by homos which was a major morale problem for obvious reasons.

Prove it...cite.
Back to the homos. The services didn't always have a ban on homos, this ban went into effect because of world war 2's Anglo American army which was mainly a draft army. The homo ban wasn't put into effect because the services were being controlled by white male homophobes, it went into effect because homos were damaging morale among the troops and the folks at home. The outrage came from parents who's sons were being groped and molested by homos which was a major morale problem for obvious reasons.

Do you have any evidence of this? Any at all, I'll even accept an anecdote.