More hidden costs of Bush's war are emerging


Villified User
Must I rehire an Iraq vet?
A small business owner wonders whether he is obligated to take back a former employee who returned from Iraq with an injury.
FORTUNE Small Business Magazine
By Anne Fisher, Fortune senior writer
March 19 2007: 6:16 AM EDT

(FSB Magazine) -- Dear FSB: One of my best employees, who was an Army Reservist, shipped out to Iraq about a year and a half ago. We are a small shop (eight people, including me), and I had to hire someone to replace him. Now he is home, and he wants his old job back, even though because of a spinal injury he isn't physically able to do the work he did before: installing boilers. How do I handle this? --Dave Lounsbury, Narrowsburg Mechanical, Narrowsburg, N.Y.

Dear Dave: Every once in a while (and not just every April 15), Uncle Sam expects us to step up and do something for our country. This may be one of those times. According to the federal Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (, an employer, no matter how small, must rehire returning veterans, either into the jobs they had before or - thanks to the statute's so-called escalator provision - into more senior positions they would have attained had they not been called to active duty.

If your former employee were still physically able to do his old job, you'd have to give it to him and let the new worker go. "It's a harsh result" for the replacement hire, notes Matthew Gilligan, a partner in law firm Alston & Bird in Atlanta ( "But, because the law requires it, you or your firm would incur no liability."

Because this injured veteran can no longer perform his old job, it gets a little trickier. The law obliges you to find a job he can handle and give him that one - again, even if it means you have to reassign or sack whoever is doing it now. What if there is no such job? Do your best to create one. (Office manager? Bookkeeper? Telephone sales?).

If it turns out that you have nothing this veteran can do and you can't invent a position for him, then the law allows you to decline to take him back. But that, too, would be a harsh outcome, and he may end up appealing. "Big employers generally have many more places to put people of varying abilities than small ones do," observes Gilligan. "So the burden of this legislation falls most heavily on small companies like yours."

Tell us what you think. As a business owner, how do you feel about being legally obligated to take back veteran employees? Have you rehired workers who served? Let us know.
the government should give this man FULL DISABILITY PAY, and this small business owner should be exempt under these specific circumstances, and also the government which is the LARGEST employer in the United States, should supply this hurt young man with a desk job that he can perform.
Maybe the fat morons who rushed down to DC to protect a memorial to the fallen that nobody had any intention of ever touching, can spend their time, and their money, helping this disabled veteran and others like him.

Since they're so concerned about the troops and all.

It's stuff like this that really sends me sideways.
the government should give this man FULL DISABILITY PAY, and this small business owner should be exempt under these specific circumstances, and also the government which is the LARGEST employer in the United States, should supply this hurt young man with a desk job that he can perform.

Him and the tens of thousands like him Care? Never going to happen.

It's not that I don't think it should happen; I do. But it won't.

And this was perfectly predictable, and never taken into account by these filthy war-mongers who don't give a shit about "the troops" unless they are using them to as sympathetic cover for their own misbegotten and morally bankrupt policies.
How do you know that this owner was "so concerned about the troops and all"?

The guy asks a question about whether he should rehire the guy when he can no longer do the work he was originally hired for and you all change it into some sort of litmus test for his love of the troops? You don't even know what political party the guy belongs to, but heck it's a thread, time to bash him for being republican....

Personally I would have hired him back for the same pay and trained him to do my bookwork. I would never even have had to ask. If he did well, I'd make him business manager and get out into the field again putting in the danged things myself. Over time if he continued to do well and my business did as well, I'd start taking some long vacations, spreading my "evil republicanism" among regular folk....
How do you know that this owner was "so concerned about the troops and all"?

The guy asks a question about whether he should rehire the guy when he can no longer do the work he was originally hired for and you all change it into some sort of litmus test for his love of the troops? You don't even know what political party the guy belongs to, but heck it's a thread, time to bash him for being republican....

Personally I would have hired him back for the same pay and trained him to do my bookwork. I would never even have had to ask. If he did well, I'd make him business manager and get out into the field again putting in the danged things myself. Over time if he continued to do well and my business did as well, I'd start taking some long vacations, spreading my "evil republicanism" among regular folk....

Damo, you are so lucky that I have been attending lectures by one, Ms. Singh, who has really been expanding my mind. The old me would have told you you might need to take some remedial reading comprehension courses, but the new me, will just patiently request you re-read my post, as I was not in any way referring to the business owner, but rather to the "fat morons who rushed down to DC this weekend". Ok? Thank you Damo. :)
How do you know that this owner was "so concerned about the troops and all"?

The guy asks a question about whether he should rehire the guy when he can no longer do the work he was originally hired for and you all change it into some sort of litmus test for his love of the troops? You don't even know what political party the guy belongs to, but heck it's a thread, time to bash him for being republican....

Personally I would have hired him back for the same pay and trained him to do my bookwork. I would never even have had to ask. If he did well, I'd make him business manager and get out into the field again putting in the danged things myself. Over time if he continued to do well and my business did as well, I'd start taking some long vacations, spreading my "evil republicanism" among regular folk....

hmmmm....the lie detector is going off at full speed!!!!!!!!!

where the heck did i do what you said we ALL did?
Damo, you are so lucky that I have been attending lectures by one, Ms. Singh, who has really been expanding my mind. The old me would have told you you might need to take some remedial reading comprehension courses, but the new me, will just patiently request you re-read my post, as I was not in any way referring to the business owner, but rather to the "fat morons who rushed down to DC this weekend". Ok? Thank you Damo. :)
Yes, I see that. However, the original post was about a business owner asking a question of legality and as I stated it became a litmus test of republicans support of the troops. If they don't agree that the government should hire them then you say they don't support them.

I do not agree with Care that the Government should hire every injured vet. Most wouldn't want that to begin with. And personally I wouldn't have asked the question, I would have simply done what I believe to be right.
hmmmm....the lie detector is going off at full speed!!!!!!!!!

where the heck did i do what you said we ALL did?
It was exaggeration there, Care. But suggesting that republicans don't support the troops because they don't agree with the government hiring every injured veteran is a form of partisan bashing.
Yes, I see that. However, the original post was about a business owner asking a question of legality and as I stated it became a litmus test of republicans support of the troops. If they don't agree that the government should hire them then you say they don't support them.

I do not agree with Care that the Government should hire every injured vet. Most wouldn't want that to begin with. And personally I wouldn't have asked the question, I would have simply done what I believe to be right.

I don't think that Care ever suggested that it be a litmus test of whether you support the troops.

I have sympathy for the businessman, he's in a tough position. But unless keeping this guy on would sink his business, then I think he should, and I certainly would.

The story reminds me that the people who are busy screaming at people against the war that they are "against the troops", and crying crocodile tears over desecrations that never occurred, could better spend their time trying to help our disabled veterans. And that is when I said, since they are sooo concerned about the troops.
the government should give this man FULL DISABILITY PAY, and this small business owner should be exempt under these specific circumstances, and also the government which is the LARGEST employer in the United States, should supply this hurt young man with a desk job that he can perform.

Agree. This is an excessive burden on a small business person.

The government should give the vet full disability, or better yet pay for a free education to re-train for a desk job.
Yes, I see that. However, the original post was about a business owner asking a question of legality and as I stated it became a litmus test of republicans support of the troops. If they don't agree that the government should hire them then you say they don't support them.

I do not agree with Care that the Government should hire every injured vet. Most wouldn't want that to begin with. And personally I wouldn't have asked the question, I would have simply done what I believe to be right.

DING DING DING DING DING....lie detector/ bull shit meter going off AGAIN!!!!

GEES DAMO, what is WRONG WITH YOU...having a bad day, no sleep last night thus your reading comprehension has gone haywire????

I SAID NO SUCH THING....boy, why is lying coming so easily to you lately?

and this small business owner should be exempt under these specific circumstances and also the government which is the LARGEST employer in the United States, should supply this hurt young man with a desk job that he can perform.
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DING DING DING DING DING....lie detector/ bull shit meter going off AGAIN!!!!

GEES DAMO, what is WRONG WITH YOU...having a bad day, no sleep last night thus your reading comprehension has gone haywire????

I SAID NO SUCH THING....boy, why is lying coming so easily to you lately?


You go get them girl! You are on a f'ing tear lately Care! I almost was feeling sorry for Dixie. Ok, not really, I was laughing my ass off.
DING DING DING DING DING....lie detector/ bull shit meter going off AGAIN!!!!

GEES DAMO, what is WRONG WITH YOU...having a bad day, no sleep last night thus your reading comprehension has gone haywire????

I SAID NO SUCH THING....boy, why is lying coming so easily to you lately?


She's got you there Damo. You attributed something to her she never said.

Here's where you come in with your famous:

"I know what you wrote! But, in reading between the lines, what you actually meant was...blah, blah, blah"

Hey I didn't work my way up the ladder, (in a day when it was not common place for a woman in my field), for 26 years with a bunch of ego filled men by being a pussycat... lol

I had to have learned

The thing is, I also have a heart of gold... and can honestly cry at the drop of a dime, if it involves something heart wrenching....

so, my inside (mind) is in conflict with itself....most of the times lol!
"The thing is, I also have a heart of gold... and can honestly cry at the drop of a dime, if it involves something heart wrenching...."

That's nice and all, but we didn't pop into this thread to see you guys talk about your sensitivities, feelings and kind hearts toward the.

show us the ownage!!!!!! :D ;)

....on a side note, I can't believe Darla thinks I'm an instigator