More hidden costs of Bush's war are emerging

alrighty then!

Yes, I did OWN Damo on that one...and did it quite well, don't ya think!? lol :D

I really hate this crap of ownage though.... it reminds me of Canadian Kid... and not really my bag of tea....

But I have to that I have done it.... it is kind of fun!
I really hate this crap of ownage though.... it reminds me of Canadian Kid... and not really my bag of tea....


Care4All said:
DING DING DING DING DING....lie detector/ bull $#@* meter going off AGAIN!!!!

GEES DAMO, what is WRONG WITH YOU...having a bad day, no sleep last night thus your reading comprehension has gone haywire????
"The thing is, I also have a heart of gold... and can honestly cry at the drop of a dime, if it involves something heart wrenching...."

That's nice and all, but we didn't pop into this thread to see you guys talk about your sensitivities, feelings and kind hearts toward the.

show us the ownage!!!!!! :D ;)

....on a side note, I can't believe Darla thinks I'm an instigator


do I smell "ownage"?
No, you smell a scared poster who waits until she doesn't see the name at the bottom then posts this crap.

Care, "This particular circumstance" happens to almost every small business owner out there. As most people work for a small business it, once again, would be most, if not all (exaggeration for effect, Care) of them.

I do not agree that the Government needs to hire all of those who are in this situation. I don't think this guy should be exempt. I don't think that it would be necessary in this case. The guy never stated that he would break his company by hiring this person back.

This is an emotive interpretation of a legal question. That is all.
alrighty then!

Yes, I did OWN Damo on that one...and did it quite well, don't ya think!? lol :D

I really hate this crap of ownage though.... it reminds me of Canadian Kid... and not really my bag of tea....

But I have to that I have done it.... it is kind of fun!
I think self-congratulation is an embarrasing side effect of waiting until a poster is not online before posting such incredible BS.
She's got you there Damo. You attributed something to her she never said.

Here's where you come in with your famous:

"I know what you wrote! But, in reading between the lines, what you actually meant was...blah, blah, blah"

Once again BS. I used exaggeration for effect, something that every person on here has done for time immemorial. This is such total rubbish.

Yes, you cannot "hear" the sarcasm in my voice, but at this point of time I would figure you all would know each other well enough, and therefore myself as well, to "hear" it in your head as you read.

But heck, when people are desperate to "own" a poster we can ignore all the history of the boards we have been on together and pretend we post in a vacuum...
1/8 of the guys work force is now disabled, a pretty big hit Damo.
Yet he can be useful in other areas. I even gave examples in my post, as did the person answering in the article.

The guy asked a question, the guy got an answer.
hmm think future years might see employers not hiring potentioal employees because they are in the guard ? Of course not officially turning them down for that reason....
So Damo, you are for govt regulating business ?
This is such inanity. I am for looking at reality.

First, I suggested that the question would never have entered my mind because of the whole "off to war" thing.

Second, regardless of what I feel of regulations (some are good, some are bad), they are a reality and must be followed.
hmm think future years might see employers not hiring potentioal employees because they are in the guard ? Of course not officially turning them down for that reason....
No. This has been a reality for a long, long time. It won't come up.

If it did, I bet I could see people not putting such a thing on their resume.
This is such inanity. I am for looking at reality.

First, I suggested that the question would never have entered my mind because of the whole "off to war" thing.

Second, regardless of what I feel of regulations (some are good, some are bad), they are a reality and must be followed.

Ok, just checking. A agree with you on the law being followed, but forsee negative feedback from tens of thousands disabled vets being put back into the workplace.
I agree they should not lose their job because they were sucked into Bushs folly.
Bad enought they have lost limbs, parts, and sanity, etc because of Bush and co.

Also look for more "going postal" episodes in the workplace in the future.

the cost of this war has just begun to be tallied.

Seems like the Republicans would be trying to raise money for disabled vets instead of election money. that is if their voiced support for the troops was not just all hyperbole BS.

that might actually get some of them elected.
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Ok, just checking. A agree with you on the law being followed, but forsee negative feedback from tens of thousands disabled vets being put back into the workplace.
I agree they should not lose their job because they were sucked into Bushs folly.
Bad enought they have lost limbs, parts, and sanity, etc because of Bush and co.

Also look for more "going postal" episodes in the workplace in the future.

the cost of this war has just begun to be tallied.

Honestly, most people would end up going out of their way to hire a vet of this war so that they can prove to themselves they don't blame the soldiers as so many did with VN.

I do not foresee too many people not hiring the Guard because of this.
but you have not addressed the aspect of a small employer such as this one in the thread losing the capability of 1/8th ot his workforce (including himself) by taking back a wounded vet/
I have worked with small employers, one employee out sick can shut down a job....
but you have not addressed the aspect of a small employer such as this one in the thread losing the capability of 1/8th ot his workforce (including himself) by taking back a wounded vet/
I have worked with small employers, one employee out sick can shut down a job....
But I did.

I stated I would train him on the books and go out myself. That certainly addresses 1/8th of his workforce not being able to install... I even showed how it could improve things in the future by having another do this job.
Yet he can be useful in other areas. I even gave examples in my post, as did the person answering in the article.

The guy asked a question, the guy got an answer.

wow you must think small 8 person businesses make a lot of money or something....that they can just absorb around a 12.5 % labor increase....

Get real guy.
Once again BS. I used exaggeration for effect, something that every person on here has done for time immemorial. This is such total rubbish.

Yes, you cannot "hear" the sarcasm in my voice, but at this point of time I would figure you all would know each other well enough, and therefore myself as well, to "hear" it in your head as you read.

But heck, when people are desperate to "own" a poster we can ignore all the history of the boards we have been on together and pretend we post in a vacuum...

ding ding ding ding.... bullshit meter going off again...

I am desparate for no such thing and never have been and do not get any real pleasure in OWNAGE.... and I said such!!! (though i did kid that once i did what tiana asked me to do that it was kinda fun, but that was in jest) and for all the years you have known me, I may have mentioned ownage once in all those years so...if you are talking about me, then what you said is bull highest degree of stink!!!!!!!

And as far as the rest of the CRAP AND LIES you just spouted about me.... waiting for you to leave to say something.... you can put your head where the Sun DON'T SHINE....though it is there already! gees...just a tad testy there Damo....

you are just an incredible liar who seems to think his shit doesn't stink

...hope you are proud of yourself!!!!!
