More Holocausts.

Too bad there isn't a history section around here. So I guess this category will have to do. With this real history lesson being against your masters, I can't say how long it will last. I would like to first point out a truism stated by George Santayana. Basically, he said, "Those who forget history are condemned to repeat it." You can expect even worse when the history you think you know is a load of B.S. to begin with. It's no wonder that Biden thinks the most lethal threat to America are "White Supremacists."

The first holocaust I will speak of here concerns the Armenian Genocide. It was carried out by a group called The Young Turks. They in turn were mainly if not completely made up of jews who had "converted" to islam. patriotism to cover up their Jewish origin).

The next holocaust concerns the Russian Bolsheviks. They too were mostly if not completely made up of jews. In total, Russian communists were said to have been responsible for the untimely deaths of 80 to 100 million people! I will show you a picture of some of the jewish leaders of Russia. I will also post a picture about a particular holocaust called the Holdomor. Next I will show you a picture with a quote of a jewish Bolshevik leader who carried at least some of it out. His name was Genrikh Yagoda. This one jew alone is said to have orchestrated the untimely deaths of at least 10 million people. I will also you a picture and quote by a Russian historian and novelist who went on to be a Nobel Laureate. His name was Alexandyr Solzhenitsyn. If you think you can refute such an expert, you're hallucinating.

jew commie scum.jpg



Too bad there isn't a history section around here. So I guess this category will have to do. With this real history lesson being against your masters, I can't say how long it will last. I would like to first point out a truism stated by George Santayana. Basically, he said, "Those who forget history are condemned to repeat it." You can expect even worse when the history you think you know is a load of B.S. to begin with. It's no wonder that Biden thinks the most lethal threat to America are "White Supremacists."

The first holocaust I will speak of here concerns the Armenian Genocide. It was carried out by a group called The Young Turks. They in turn were mainly if not completely made up of jews who had "converted" to islam.

Turks are not Jews.
I never said they were. But The Young Turks were. If you don't believe it look it up for yourself. But the one page alone I provided a link to had tons of reference material links on either side of the main text. Knock yourself out.

I'm Armenian. What you asserted has no basis in fact.
I'm Armenian. What you asserted has no basis in fact.

I don't believe you. And what I stated is nothing but fact. It couldn't get any more factual. There are even muslim scholars who have written books where they say in them that it is fact. There is another website from what is called Radio Islam where it says that it is fact. And probably others besides. If you are indeed of Armenian descent, you aren't a very smart one.
Too bad there isn't a history section around here. So I guess this category will have to do. With this real history lesson being against your masters, I can't say how long it will last. I would like to first point out a truism stated by George Santayana. Basically, he said, "Those who forget history are condemned to repeat it." You can expect even worse when the history you think you know is a load of B.S. to begin with. It's no wonder that Biden thinks the most lethal threat to America are "White Supremacists."

The first holocaust I will speak of here concerns the Armenian Genocide. It was carried out by a group called The Young Turks. They in turn were mainly if not completely made up of jews who had "converted" to islam. patriotism to cover up their Jewish origin).

The next holocaust concerns the Russian Bolsheviks. They too were mostly if not completely made up of jews. In total, Russian communists were said to have been responsible for the untimely deaths of 80 to 100 million people! I will show you a picture of some of the jewish leaders of Russia. I will also post a picture about a particular holocaust called the Holdomor. Next I will show you a picture with a quote of a jewish Bolshevik leader who carried at least some of it out. His name was Genrikh Yagoda. This one jew alone is said to have orchestrated the untimely deaths of at least 10 million people. I will also you a picture and quote by a Russian historian and novelist who went on to be a Nobel Laureate. His name was Alexandyr Solzhenitsyn. If you think you can refute such an expert, you're hallucinating.

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Let's talk about Aktion T-4, brah. Why was that OK?

Here, we have Ronald McDonald House, and it's a very good thing. ;)
Too bad there isn't a history section around here. So I guess this category will have to do. With this real history lesson being against your masters, I can't say how long it will last. I would like to first point out a truism stated by George Santayana. Basically, he said, "Those who forget history are condemned to repeat it." You can expect even worse when the history you think you know is a load of B.S. to begin with. It's no wonder that Biden thinks the most lethal threat to America are "White Supremacists."

The first holocaust I will speak of here concerns the Armenian Genocide. It was carried out by a group called The Young Turks. They in turn were mainly if not completely made up of jews who had "converted" to islam. patriotism to cover up their Jewish origin).

The next holocaust concerns the Russian Bolsheviks. They too were mostly if not completely made up of jews. In total, Russian communists were said to have been responsible for the untimely deaths of 80 to 100 million people! I will show you a picture of some of the jewish leaders of Russia. I will also post a picture about a particular holocaust called the Holdomor. Next I will show you a picture with a quote of a jewish Bolshevik leader who carried at least some of it out. His name was Genrikh Yagoda. This one jew alone is said to have orchestrated the untimely deaths of at least 10 million people. I will also you a picture and quote by a Russian historian and novelist who went on to be a Nobel Laureate. His name was Alexandyr Solzhenitsyn. If you think you can refute such an expert, you're hallucinating.

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You forgot the Holocaust committed by European invaders against native Americans
Let's talk about Aktion T-4, brah. Why was that OK?

Here, we have Ronald McDonald House, and it's a very good thing. ;)

Aktion T-4? You're kidding, right? I have heard so many outright LIES about the Germans that even if that euthanasia program existed, its being mentioned in our "history" makes it a lie. I wouldn't believe our government or popular media any more if they said the sky was blue. For just about everything you think you know, or problem you think you have a solution to, the opposite is most probably the case.

But let's look at the euthanasia issue you brought up. As far as concerning people who have been institutionalized for being physically or mentally screwed up. I have heard of many institutions here in the U.S. in the past that was a litany of horror stories. For those who weren't really insane when they went into them, very often they became insane. They probably would have been better off dead. And what about you yourself. What if you were some twisted, deformed child for whom there was no hope. Is that an existence you would have wanted to live? I doubt it. I certainly wouldn't want to. So even if the Germans did as you said, how terrible would it really have been. And our own history concerning such institutions is nothing to be proud of. As for Ronald McDonald House, I doubt if they deal with those kinds of cases.
His source says they are "secret Jews." And "Crypto-Jews.

There were MANY sources provided in the link I gave. If you don't believe it, I'm sure that there are other websites out there more to your liking. There were many jews expelled from Spain by king Ferdinand II. For many reasons. But probably mostly for practicing human sacrifice. They were sent to Turkey. Which back then was the Ottoman Empire. The government welcomed them. But in a muslim country, the only way to really get along with others is to become muslim yourself. Many jews did indeed convert to islam. But I doubt if very many of them really gave up on their jewish "chosen of god" ethnicity or religion.