More Holocausts.

If only you were allowed to know the truth. I can't tell you. As you may know, I started a thread called, "The holocaust never happened. Deal with it." In it somebody of course challenged this. I asked that person to contact a mod and ask them to let me state my case without getting banned. I also said that if there were any mods reading what I wrote to let me state my case without getting banned. My answer was having that thread appear in "where threads go to die." Not that I think you are really interested. But if you are, there is a place that I can suggest where my answers do appear. You can send me a PM if you want to know of it.

It has nothing to do with you being banned or not allowed to support your views. It is that nobody believes you because your evidence is not supported by anything versus the other side which has tons of evidence from millions of sources. It is nothing new--we have heard it all before.

Do you also dislike minorities and think they should be killed if they don't voluntarily leave the country?
You sound very knowledgeable. Which for somebody at a forum that doesn't allow truth doesn't mean a damn thing! Though I will take a chance on telling you what a Nobel Laureate had to say. And somebody who was the best general the U.S. had at the time.

There is nothing keeping you from telling the truth. Why do you hate Jews so much?
All you're doing is showing what the European invasion caused

Where was the invasion!!! A small number of Vikings in Nova Scotia isn't an invasion. Having a small number of explorers over who knows how many hundreds of years isn't an invasion. It's not the Europeans fault that the natives had no natural immunity to things like small pox or the flu. Which were probably the main killers.
It has nothing to do with you being banned or not allowed to support your views. It is that nobody believes you because your evidence is not supported by anything versus the other side which has tons of evidence from millions of sources. It is nothing new--we have heard it all before.

Do you also dislike minorities and think they should be killed if they don't voluntarily leave the country?

Don't tell me what I know or don't know. I have enough proof of anything I say. More than enough. That is why it isn't allowed to be said. You have your history sanctioned by the government. And supported by most forums. It didn't get to be that way just because that's how things turned out. They got that way because that is what you are programmed to believe. You aren't even allowed to just dislike. Though if you do, stick it up your ass and learn to like it. AS YOU ARE COMMANDED!!!!!!
Well, hell! While we're talking "Holocausts" why not invoke the Mongols (12th and 13th Century)? They obliterated whole city's populations just because they could...

Or, the Romans? They obliterated the Carthaginian empire when they won the third Punic War just because they could.

There's plenty of others throughout history, but nothing compares to the sheer scale of death various Communist dictatorships did to their own people in the 20th Century...
There is nothing keeping you from telling the truth. Why do you hate Jews so much?

There is everything keeping me from telling the truth. And unless you're a mod offering me a pass to speak my truth, your opinions are a joke. As for the jews, how many of my threads have you seen.
Don't tell me what I know or don't know. I have enough proof of anything I say. More than enough. That is why it isn't allowed to be said. You have your history sanctioned by the government. And supported by most forums. It didn't get to be that way just because that's how things turned out. They got that way because that is what you are programmed to believe. You aren't even allowed to just dislike. Though if you do, stick it up your ass and learn to like it. AS YOU ARE COMMANDED!!!!!!

OK. And you believe your brainwashing by those spewing hatred against Jews with stories denying history. So far, I have seen nothing stopping you from telling your invented truth, posting pictures, citing sources, or anything else you choose to post. Just post it and quit saying you are not allowed to do so.
There is everything keeping me from telling the truth. And unless you're a mod offering me a pass to speak my truth, your opinions are a joke. As for the jews, how many of my threads have you seen.

Are you including the Jeff Spaeth posts?
Well, hell! While we're talking "Holocausts" why not invoke the Mongols (12th and 13th Century)? They obliterated whole city's populations just because they could...

Or, the Romans? They obliterated the Carthaginian empire when they won the third Punic War just because they could.

There's plenty of others throughout history, but nothing compares to the sheer scale of death various Communist dictatorships did to their own people in the 20th Century...

Distant history is just that. Distant. The holocausts I spoke of are more recent and therefore relevant. As for communist dictatorships, nobody could outdo the Russians. And we know who was behind that. Don't we. People like this. And I have many other quotes like these.

jewish filth 3.jpg

Robert Bowers was a hero.
Distant history is just that. Distant. The holocausts I spoke of are more recent and therefore relevant. As for communist dictatorships, nobody could outdo the Russians. And we know who was behind that. Don't we. People like this. And I have many other quotes like these.

View attachment 21134
Robert Bowers was a hero.

Tim Wise? The leading whack-a-doodle on White Privilege? You gotta be kidding me...

Tim Wise? The leading whack-a-doodle on White Privilege? You gotta be kidding me...

I've heard others insult Tim Wise before. I don't know why. There are jews who have said far worse than anything I ever heard him quoted as saying. Some of whom are among those I showed pictures and quotes of. I wish they were easier to read.
I've heard others insult Tim Wise before. I don't know why. There are jews who have said far worse than anything I ever heard him quoted as saying. Some of whom are among those I showed pictures and quotes of. I wish they were easier to read.

I've watched his talks, and read his books. He is a very good charlatan. He has no academic background, and gets most of his history wrong. He panders to the radical Left on White Privilege and makes pretty good money doing it. If you really want to push it, I'll dig some of his tripe out and demolish him and you for trying to defend him.

For others on the board-- This is how you shut down conspiracy theorists, and other lunatics on the fringe. You crush them with facts and evidence they can't refute. I really hoped you'd read Cooper's book. It's a favorite among conspiracy theorists and I have crushing him down pat to a virtual science.
Where was the invasion!!! A small number of Vikings in Nova Scotia isn't an invasion. Having a small number of explorers over who knows how many hundreds of years isn't an invasion. It's not the Europeans fault that the natives had no natural immunity to things like small pox or the flu. Which were probably the main killers.

In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue
There is everything keeping me from telling the truth. And unless you're a mod offering me a pass to speak my truth, your opinions are a joke. As for the jews, how many of my threads have you seen.

I am not a moderator, but I have seen nothing on JPP censoring you. You claimed Jews such baby penises and have human sacrifices and all but said they are sub-human and those posts are still here. Showing old posts which no longer accept replies just puts you in the same category of other old threads--not censoring.
I've heard others insult Tim Wise before. I don't know why. There are jews who have said far worse than anything I ever heard him quoted as saying. Some of whom are among those I showed pictures and quotes of. I wish they were easier to read.

Are you a white supremacist?
I've watched his talks, and read his books. He is a very good charlatan. He has no academic background, and gets most of his history wrong. He panders to the radical Left on White Privilege and makes pretty good money doing it. If you really want to push it, I'll dig some of his tripe out and demolish him and you for trying to defend him.

For others on the board-- This is how you shut down conspiracy theorists, and other lunatics on the fringe. You crush them with facts and evidence they can't refute. I really hoped you'd read Cooper's book. It's a favorite among conspiracy theorists and I have crushing him down pat to a virtual science.

Where in the hell did you ever get the idea that I was trying to defend tim wise. All I said it that I have seen quotes from other jews that are worse than anything I ever saw him quoted as saying. As for conspiracy theory, continue to try and refute anything I've said. With you being wrong, you won't succeed.