More Holocausts.

Where in the hell did you ever get the idea that I was trying to defend tim wise. All I said it that I have seen quotes from other jews that are worse than anything I ever saw him quoted as saying. As for conspiracy theory, continue to try and refute anything I've said. With you being wrong, you won't succeed.

The picture you posted in post #49. Wise is in the center right column position.
I am not a moderator, but I have seen nothing on JPP censoring you. You claimed Jews such baby penises and have human sacrifices and all but said they are sub-human and those posts are still here. Showing old posts which no longer accept replies just puts you in the same category of other old threads--not censoring.

Putting my thread down in "where threads go to die" is censoring me. That no discussion is allowed in that section is even more censorship. As for jews sucking baby penis, maybe it wasn't censored because it is true. (But the truth never stopped me from getting banned) It may only be done by some jews as part of a bris ceremony, but it happens. I could show you pictures of it happening. I could even dig up a news story that shows it happening. And it is disgusting.

As for human sacrifice or any other truths I may present, here is the problem with them. The government and the media have what they want you to believe. The bigger the fish is as far as any main stream news goes, the less likely they are to say anything. The government and media will tell you bullshit and basically stage a parade over it. The real truth basically can only be spoken of in whispers by little fish. As I told you, I know of a place where I can speak freely. At least to some degree. Even that place has banned me before. But they allowed me to come back. Under a different user name. But they know full well what my original user name was there. I told them. But they don't care. You can go there and discuss anything you want with me. That doesn't mean you or anybody else has to abandon this place. I just know I will be safe there. I've told many people at many forums they could go there and see what I have to say. And most importantly, debate me over what I said. Nobody has ever done so. You most likely won't either. But you claim that you would like to hear what I would say here. Somehow, I doubt that.
Are you a white supremacist?

What a bullshit question. The jews consider themselves to be the "chosen of GOD!" By default that means that everybody else is shit. You can't get any more "supremacist" than that. Also, the mexicans have a group that most of them support called LaRaza. It means "The Race." And it isn't the gringo race that they support. You can't get any more racist than that. But who gives them any shit over that. Not Bill Gates. Since 2003, he has given that racist group over 29 million dollars. There are many other organizations who has given them sizeable donations.

Another thing is that how many White people in the U.S. try to sneak into mexico. Or how many White Europeans try to sneak into Africa and the Middle East. Those things alone should tell you everything you need to know. If you are White and aren't a "supremacist," "racist" or whatever, you sure as hell should be. Because nobody else is going to support you.


Brittany Elizabeth, Ultra Fine.jpg

hot White chick.jpg
The picture you posted in post #49. Wise is in the center right column position.

I know what I posted. His quote wasn't the worst of the bunch. And I didn't post those memes as a way of supporting them. It was the opposite of that. I will also post a meme of something a prime minister of israel is supposed to have said. But there is no evidence to support it. Though could he have said it? Almost certainly. It is the same kind of crap that can be found in the talmud. Also, Begin himself was a bomb planting terrorist in his youth. I don't know right off hand how many innocents he murdered.

Begin scum.jpg
Putting my thread down in "where threads go to die" is censoring me. That no discussion is allowed in that section is even more censorship. As for jews sucking baby penis, maybe it wasn't censored because it is true. (But the truth never stopped me from getting banned) It may only be done by some jews as part of a bris ceremony, but it happens. I could show you pictures of it happening. I could even dig up a news story that shows it happening. And it is disgusting.

As for human sacrifice or any other truths I may present, here is the problem with them. The government and the media have what they want you to believe. The bigger the fish is as far as any main stream news goes, the less likely they are to say anything. The government and media will tell you bullshit and basically stage a parade over it. The real truth basically can only be spoken of in whispers by little fish. As I told you, I know of a place where I can speak freely. At least to some degree. Even that place has banned me before. But they allowed me to come back. Under a different user name. But they know full well what my original user name was there. I told them. But they don't care. You can go there and discuss anything you want with me. That doesn't mean you or anybody else has to abandon this place. I just know I will be safe there. I've told many people at many forums they could go there and see what I have to say. And most importantly, debate me over what I said. Nobody has ever done so. You most likely won't either. But you claim that you would like to hear what I would say here. Somehow, I doubt that.

JPP and other social media sites are private businesses and they are free to censor anyone they choose. Constitutional free speech only applies to governmental restrictions.

The Holocaust deniers have been around forever and have openly preached their case. I had pictures of a book called "The Myth of the Six Million" I took in a Klan bookstore in the early 1970s. Showing pictures and quoting others is not evidence compared to the actual concentration camps, videos, soldiers who liberated those camps, and written memoirs and oral histories of people killed or who survived those camps.
What a bullshit question. The jews consider themselves to be the "chosen of GOD!" By default that means that everybody else is shit. You can't get any more "supremacist" than that. Also, the mexicans have a group that most of them support called LaRaza. It means "The Race." And it isn't the gringo race that they support. You can't get any more racist than that. But who gives them any shit over that. Not Bill Gates. Since 2003, he has given that racist group over 29 million dollars. There are many other organizations who has given them sizeable donations.

Another thing is that how many White people in the U.S. try to sneak into mexico. Or how many White Europeans try to sneak into Africa and the Middle East. Those things alone should tell you everything you need to know. If you are White and aren't a "supremacist," "racist" or whatever, you sure as hell should be. Because nobody else is going to support you.

Mexicans are not a race. They are Caucasians from the country of Mexico.
JPP and other social media sites are private businesses and they are free to censor anyone they choose. Constitutional free speech only applies to governmental restrictions.

The Holocaust deniers have been around forever and have openly preached their case. I had pictures of a book called "The Myth of the Six Million" I took in a Klan bookstore in the early 1970s. Showing pictures and quoting others is not evidence compared to the actual concentration camps, videos, soldiers who liberated those camps, and written memoirs and oral histories of people killed or who survived those camps.

Flash, I suggest you use this one as a study guide against Holocaust deniers...

JPP and other social media sites are private businesses and they are free to censor anyone they choose. Constitutional free speech only applies to governmental restrictions.

The Holocaust deniers have been around forever and have openly preached their case. I had pictures of a book called "The Myth of the Six Million" I took in a Klan bookstore in the early 1970s. Showing pictures and quoting others is not evidence compared to the actual concentration camps, videos, soldiers who liberated those camps, and written memoirs and oral histories of people killed or who survived those camps.

There should be a law against that. But big business runs the show. Corruption and deceit are the backbone of capitalism. So I know full well that as a private entity this forum can censor anybody for any reason. But if those who run forums personally believe in the concept of freedom of speech, they shouldn't do so. Next, you're just begging me to let you have it when it comes to holocaust denial. Aren't you. But as I said, I doubt very much if this forum would allow it.
Mexicans are not a race. They are Caucasians from the country of Mexico.

Mexicans are straight up natives of the Western Hemisphere. Or mestizos. Caucasians come from clear on the other side of the planet. So don't tell me they're White. You would be just as wrong if you said blacks were White.
There should be a law against that. But big business runs the show. Corruption and deceit are the backbone of capitalism. So I know full well that as a private entity this forum can censor anybody for any reason. But if those who run forums personally believe in the concept of freedom of speech, they shouldn't do so. Next, you're just begging me to let you have it when it comes to holocaust denial. Aren't you. But as I said, I doubt very much if this forum would allow it.

Making a law against it would take away our freedom to make those decisions unless you favor government control.

What economic system do you prefer?

Again, nobody has censored anything you have said including very nasty lies about Jews.
Mexicans are straight up natives of the Western Hemisphere. Or mestizos. Caucasians come from clear on the other side of the planet. So don't tell me they're White. You would be just as wrong if you said blacks were White.

Mestizos are the mix between Indians and Spanish. They are Caucasians. How do you think those people on the other side of the planet got to the Americas?
Flash, I suggest you use this one as a study guide against Holocaust deniers...

Translation. "Flash, I suggest you be stupid too."

Take what this actual JEW had to say.

jew truth teller 2.jpg

And in this video about 15 minutes long, look and see what this actual JEW had to say.

Mestizos are the mix between Indians and Spanish. They are Caucasians. How do you think those people on the other side of the planet got to the Americas?

Can't you spot an indian when you see one? There might be some Spanish in them. But for the most part they are indians. Just like today, the indians out bred the "Whites." And having a little Spanish in them doesn't make them White. Even the Spanish aren't what I would call White. The whole shoreline of the Mediterranean sea was settled by semites probably thousands of years ago. Including Spain. And the Spanish probably heavily interbred with the North African Moors who ruled Spain for around 400 years. The North African Moors of course probably also had a lot of negro in them.
Making a law against it would take away our freedom to make those decisions unless you favor government control.

What economic system do you prefer?

Again, nobody has censored anything you have said including very nasty lies about Jews.

If "government control" means freedom of speech, then it should be under government control. Freedom of speech is a good thing. Not a bad thing. Just like truth is a good thing. Lies are a bad thing. Next, my preferred form of government would at first be National Socialism. Say what you want about Hitler. But not long before Hitler came to power, Germans literally needed a wheelbarrow full of money to buy a loaf of bread with. Unemployment was also rampant. Hitler turned Germany's economic misery into the economic envy of the world! After a time of that, I would go to a democratic form of government. Not the filth we have today. But a system where our politicians are put into office by lottery. You can't get any more democratic than that. Next, what did I say about the jews that you think is a lie.