More Republicans against freedom!

:rolleyes: Which one of us just called him "chief" a few posts back?

We both did, because that was his rank, according to info Y O U posted:

Allegations have been made against former Chief Nate Harper, who was forced to resign on February 20, 2013 due to the FBI and IRS investigations. On March 22nd a Federal Grand Jury indicted Harper for stealing over $31,000 in tax payer money as well as not filing personal income tax returns for years 2008-2011. Harper had various checks deposited into these unauthorized secret accounts that were skimmed off a police fund, and then he used a debit card to withdrawal cash as well as use the debit card to spend lavishly on food and alcohol in high end restaurants, buy a satellite radio, giftcards, perfume, and even an oven upgrade. The full indictment was published by local media.
The road less traveled (by you) seems to be the one that concludes that one-party local government might be a factor in pervasive corruption, and that has made all the difference...

BTW, it's so cute that you "stay out of trouble" because the cops are corrupt. If they weren't, you'd be a wild woman, I suppose...:rofl2:

The Paris of Appalachia can handle only one ferocious bookworm and I've got that position wrapped up.
Another study examined newspaper reports of gun incidents in Missouri, involving police or civilians. In this study, civilians were successful in wounding, driving off, capturing criminals 83% of the time, compared with a 68% success rate for the police. Civilians intervening in crime were slightly less likely to be wounded than were police. Only 2% of shootings by civilians, but 11% of shootings by police, involved an innocent person mistakenly thought to be a criminal. [145] Silver & Kates, supra.

What about innocent victims accidentally shot by civilians because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time:

"It seems like every day we turn on the news and another gun death flashes across the screen. We just can’t seem to escape it. With each death the topic of gun control and gun violence rears its head once again; but lately, it seems that the debate never has a chance to rest because the deaths do not stop. And accompanying the deaths and debates are Republicans and gun wingnuts claiming that these weapons are their god given right! Arm everyone! Guns are safe! Yada, yada, yada. However, those of us on the left, watch the news each day and are made more and more aware of how wrong that stance is. We count the deaths, shake our heads in grief, and wonder when they are going to stop. Sadly on Tuesday night, 23-month-old Deandre Vega joined the 7,416 people that have been killed by gun violence since Newtown when his grandfather, 39-year-old Luis Efrain Torres, set out to kill another family member.

Just before 10:00 pm on Tuesday an altercation erupted between Torres and little Deandre’s father, Rochell McCoy, in Torres’ driveway in Lilburn, Georgia. During the argument Torres pulled a gun and fired shots at McCoy, inadvertently striking Deandre. After hearing gunshots neighbors called 911; when first responders arrived they found the child laying in the driveway and rushed him to a nearby medical center where he later died.

Torres spoke to Channel 2 Action News, from the Gwinnett County Detention Center on Wednesday where he is being held without bond. He is claiming self-defense:

“I was arguing with him and him with me,” Torres explained, “And he threw me to the floor and pushed me and hit me.”
When Torres realized what happened, he ran to the child’s side, he said. He said he’s devastated by his grandson’s death. “I love my family, but I lost everything.”

Torres was arrested at the scene and charged with aggravated assault and murder. Cpl. Jake Smith, of the Gwinnett County police, confirmed that the Deandre was not the intended victim.

“At this time, we don’t think he intended to actually shoot that child,” Smith said at the scene Tuesday night. “But we do believe he was trying to shoot someone else that was here.” [SOURCE]

I am sure that Torres feels horrible for killing his grandson; there is no doubt in my mind that the child was not the intended victim but it doesn’t matter. That’s the problem with guns, their bullets do not discriminate. A child is dead. Another child is dead by gunfire and that is all that matters.

At this time there is no evidence that Torres’ gun was illegally obtained. The police have not charged him with any crime in relation to having the weapon. So we can assume he was a registered gun owner. Another ‘responsible’ gun owner blindly firing a weapon and a child is the collateral damage. Too harsh? Tough.

The right-wing media will likely ignore the story, unless of course the gun wasn’t legally obtained. Ohhhh yeah, if the gun wasn’t legal, they will shout it from roof tops as if that proves something. It doesn’t of course, because illegal guns are guns that were once owned by legal, ‘responsible’ gun owners. The right seems to forget that little tidbit in their quest to arm everyone.

WAIT! There’s the problem……

If only Deandre had, had a gun he would be alive today."

Another gun nut kills another innocent child...EOS.
What about innocent victims accidentally shot by civilians because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time:

"It seems like every day we turn on the news and another gun death flashes across the screen. We just can’t seem to escape it. .

More people are killed in and by cars every day. What about them?

Unless you live in Chicago, where guns are illegal (for all practical purposes).....there, the body count to guns might be higher.
More people are killed in and by cars every day. What about them?

Unless you live in Chicago, where guns are illegal (for all practical purposes).....there, the body count to guns might be higher.
The reason I asked about college was the car type comment.
Most of the blue collar redneck men love that brain dead analogy!
The reason I asked about college was the car type comment.
Most of the blue collar redneck men love that brain dead analogy!

It only seems brain dead to some people because they CHOOSE not to see it. They 'like' cars, we 'need' that should matter when the body count is higher? It actually sounds like the argument a 12 yr old makes and then the parent has to correct them.