Lao Tse
Verified User
Logic is logic. In my case it was completing the mission, the assigned task within established limits.
In the Marine Corps it was always "Mission First" followed by "Troop Welfare". Those two rules were paramount, with Mission First superseding all including, sometimes, the lives of those on the mission. We called it "Operational necessity".
Operational Necessity. A mission associated with
war or peacetime operations in which the consequences
of an action justify accepting the risk of loss of aircraft
and crew.
You're free to call me any names and lie about me all you like even though I think you're more fucked up than a heroin addict.
People will make up their own minds. I'm not interested in a popularity contest. C'est la guerre.
yes. and it can be used for evil and deception. logic and morality/goodness are not the same thing.
you're severely lacking in one of them.
good and evil is a thing.