Most common weapon Mass shootings

So the best these airhead gun Bubbas can come up with is blunt object murders to justify mass murders by AR15. We are dealing with children.
So that's the point your trying to make. what a loser. You must be just another airhead gun Bubbas.

Wow! This has to be a new record. . I'm adding you to my ignore list after reading just one of your replies. That short reply was packed with enough stupidity to guarantee you a spot on my ignore list. Well done! You're a better man than your mother.
Wow! This has to be a new record. . I'm adding you to my ignore list after reading just one of your replies. That short reply was packed with enough stupidity to guarantee you a spot on my ignore list. Well done! You're a better man than your mother.
Said the guy who justified mass murder with AR15 because more people are killed with blunt objects.
Said the guy who justified mass murder with AR15 because more people are killed with blunt objects.

Says the guy that tries to justify how someone killed by a nut with (fill in the blank) isn't as bad because the item used wasn't designed for that purpose.
I did not justify it. I simply mentioned that there were worse things to worry about.

Bullcrap when you try to lower the level of importance of mass murder by AR15 by comparing it to anything , death from the hiccups to death from being struck over the head. Your justifying it by a feeble attempt to lower its importance.
Bullcrap when you try to lower the level of importance of mass murder by AR15 by comparing it to anything , death from the hiccups to death from being struck over the head. Your justifying it by a feeble attempt to lower its importance.
I have no idea why he would continue on this, he already admitted he was wrong.
Bullcrap when you try to lower the level of importance of mass murder by AR15 by comparing it to anything , death from the hiccups to death from being struck over the head. Your justifying it by a feeble attempt to lower its importance.

559,347 were shot and killed in America in the last ten years. Mass shootings, where 4 or more people are shot, account for one tenth of one percent of those deaths. That means that only 1 in a thousand people shot are the result of mass shootings. You are several times more likely to get struck by lightning. There are also 349 million guns in America, and over 348 million of them have never shot anyone.
559,347 were shot and killed in America in the last ten years. Mass shootings, where 4 or more people are shot, account for one tenth of one percent of those deaths. That means that only 1 in a thousand people shot are the result of mass shootings. You are several times more likely to get struck by lightning. There are also 349 million guns in America, and over 348 million of them have never shot anyone.

Yet the gun haters want to pass laws to punish those of use have not, nor would not, misuse them.

Yet the gun haters want to pass laws to punish those of use have not, nor would not, misuse them.

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No gun haters. they are just metal devices. It is people like you who define your manhood by having weapons that we worry about. Your gun love puts your family in more danger. But what kind of a man would you be without guns? Not much of one apparently.
No gun haters. they are just metal devices. It is people like you who define your manhood by having weapons that we worry about. Your gun love puts your family in more danger. But what kind of a man would you be without guns? Not much of one apparently.

Why do you blame them for what happened in Florida?

It's you that claims I do. What kind of man claims someone shouldn't own something then refuses to come and try to take them from that person? No manhood whatsoever on your part. I choose to own something you don't like and it bothers you that you can't do a damn thing about it. I had my FOUR AR-15s before and I still have them now. You'd shit a brick if you actually knew just how many guns I actually had.
No gun haters. they are just metal devices. It is people like you who define your manhood by having weapons that we worry about. Your gun love puts your family in more danger. But what kind of a man would you be without guns? Not much of one apparently.

Not that you could even remotely answer with intellect, but why do you idiots believe we gun owners "love" our weapons? I don't "love" my firearms, I own them for hunting, target practice and protection - no "love" affair there at all. I also own a nice car that I take to car shows, I don't "love" that ether.
I use both to enjoy two of my numerous hobbies/ interests. Why do you think either would make me feel like more of a man? My accomplishments in life make me feel like more like a man, and that's something you surely could never understand.
Take away their guns and future mass shooters have got a problem.

I can tell by the way your post does not address what you quoted, that you spun the lefty wheel of fortune to see which random lefty talking point to post instead of a legitimate answer.
I can tell by the way your post does not address what you quoted, that you spun the lefty wheel of fortune to see which random lefty talking point to post instead of a legitimate answer.

and now you've spun my head around.