and now you've spun my head around.
Getting a reply from a lefty that shows he has read and understands the post, and has an answer that addresses it appropriately is like trying to push a cat into a toilet.
and now you've spun my head around.
What is the most common weapon used in mass shootings? Does anybody know where to find solid statistics on this? I would be tempted to suspect that the AR 15 is the most common weapon since it is the target of the left, but does anybody know where to find any statistics that show what weapon really is the most common in these mass shootings?
100% of the time the most common weapon is the evil that rests within the heart of the criminal.
Without a gun, a mass shooters heart wouldn't be as dangerous.
Don't you just love these comparison. Like mass murder is nothing compared to WWll , when this is where your mind goes when the truth is told that the biggest killer in mass murders, do it with AR15. Redneck Bubbas says why go after guns when the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima , Arguing with such mental midgets is like scolding children.Oh you mean like the heart of the criminals on 9/11 that used box cutters to kill over 4000 people? Or those criminals who drive through crowds of people.....or use bombs, knives, and fire to kill dozens of people at a time? I see.......Its the lack of morality that kill innocents....not the tool of choice. What kind of idiot bestows human traits upon an inanimate object? Those that have a political agenda. The bodies of these children were still warm when the first drumbeat attacking the 2nd amendment was engaged by idiot social warriors. As I have said many times one social warrior with an agenda if a far greater threat to this republic than a 100 mental midgets with a gun, as one is mentally deranged, the other is a premeditated warrior that wants to destroy society before he can rebuild it in his own image.
Read your own down, bottom up, inside out. Its the mission statement of all progressives who wish to "fundamentally" transform the United States from a representative republic into a fascist socialist nation....just like all the social fascists of history, the democrat terrorists arm of the democrat party...the KKK with their Dixecrat Jim Crow Laws, Segregation...etc, or just like the Socialist Parties of Nazi Germany......or the left wing Marxists group in Italy and Russia......all had an agenda to tear down society and rebuild it.
You modern Progressives are no are by far the greater evil than any single lone gunman. Its the 2nd amendment that scares the hell out you.....not the lone gunman, you know the 2nd is the largest obstruction between you and your agenda. Remember....Never allow a good crisis to go to waste, please continue with your agenda, but don't piss down my leg and then attempt to tell me to relax its only rain. I am not one of your gullible snowflakes that agrees with an agenda in order to get into Mary Lous drawers.
Take away their guns and future mass shooters have got a problem.
Not that you could even remotely answer with intellect, but why do you idiots believe we gun owners "love" our weapons? I don't "love" my firearms, I own them for hunting, target practice and protection - no "love" affair there at all. I also own a nice car that I take to car shows, I don't "love" that ether.
I use both to enjoy two of my numerous hobbies/ interests. Why do you think either would make me feel like more of a man? My accomplishments in life make me feel like more like a man, and that's something you surely could never understand.
100% of the time the most common weapon is the evil that rests within the heart of the criminal.
I agree. 88 posts into this, not one lefty has been able to identify which gun it is that is used most often in mass shootings. I have seen the lefties double down on the gun most targeted by the media, but no lefty has been able to identify the one most used for mass shootings. Worse yet, no lefty has expressed any desire to know which gun it is. Apparently, it is more important for lefties to tow the lefty line than it is to clearly define which specific gun is being used most often for mass shootings.
Actually it has been explained to you but you're just such a f****** moron information can't sink in
Name the specific gun that is most used in mass shootings. I am not asking which gun is the most targeted by the media, I am asking for which specific gun is actually used the most for these mass shootings. No explanation is needed, just the model of the gun.
are you really that stupid? By gosh I guess you are. Go back over the posts before you make a fool of yourself yet again. have your nurse read post 32 to you and stop being such an idiot.
In about 1995 the CDC did a study that showed homes with weapons in them were three times more likely to have a homicide. This upset you right wing nutjobs and the Dickey amendment was passed so the CDC can't research gun statistics anymore.
I looked at post 32 to see which model number the gun was, here is post 32:
I knew that I would not be finding any model number, but was surprised to see a lefty admitting that he had no way of knowing that the most targeted gun of the lefty media was the most used in mass shootings. Congrats. Most lefties insist that the gun most targeted by the lefty media is responsible, but you are able to see something more than your fellow lefties do. When I search BEYOND pro or anti gun propaganda, the best I can find is that semi automatic handguns are the most used. This leaves me wondering why lefties are pushing so hard against a specific semi automatic rifle while ignoring semi auto handguns.
you are too stupid to bother with. ignore you go.
Without a gun, a mass shooters heart wouldn't be as dangerous.
Oh you mean like the heart of the criminals on 9/11 that used box cutters to kill over 4000 people?