Let's go Brandon!
I'll take that as it's a retarded region.
I'll take that as it's a retarded region.
I understand the libs argument. Here's mine: the VAST majority of men who fought(and died) for the Confederates owned no slaves. So to say they were fighting for something they literally never had is a stretch to say the least.
Are you a Holocaust denier as well?
My father was, apparently, on a Hitler death list. I expect you drew it up.
Incidentally, Dark Soul, I think you should know the difference between slavery and indentured labour. I'm against both, since you will soon ask, but they are different things.
Born many years later than that. Perhaps your hero, George Soros?
So? The Brits enslaved the Irish.
Who he? I leave heroes to you Nazis.
George Soros is a billionaire lib that fiances lib causes. He was a teenager during WWII and worked stealing money from Jews. He's every lib's hero.
further more - it is an argument that the larger lasting impact of that war was about much more then slavery. Every 5-4 decision we see come down from SCOTUS is a remnant of a war that turned a constitution into a bunch of contradictory words that can no longer be agreed on.
Slavery was not going to last much longer regardless, even if the South were allowed to break free. What else was settled was we do not actually believe in the Spirit of 1776 - that was propaganda to get a bunch of people to fight a war for transfer of power
What are 'the Brits'? As I point out, you don't know what slavery is, or anything about real history You are discussing a religious war in which Papists had murdered Protestants in large numbers, as you doubtless don't know.
he was 14 when WW2 ended. but he did that? hating is your sport, but try to be correct on occasion. Like once.
Born many years later than that. Perhaps your hero, George Soros?
Why do you call Soros a hero? there are very few liberals who know anything about him. He is not lie the Kochs are to the right. He is not trying to run the party. Rightys do that a lot. call a Dem backer a hero or something like that. not fair and very dishonest.
Why do you call Soros a hero? there are very few liberals who know anything about him. He is not lie the Kochs are to the right. He is not trying to run the party. Rightys do that a lot. call a Dem backer a hero or something like that. not fair and very dishonest.
Soros founded, or helped to found, the Clinton Foundation. He is working your party like a puppet and you refuse to acknowledge it. Lefties do that a lot; so very dishonest...
Simply a right wing meme. The clinton Foundation is a highly rated A level charity. If he is part of that, he should be proud. Nearly all those organizations are very respected and not political at all.
"Clinton Foundation Is Charity Fraud Of Epic Proportions"
You must be living on another planet to believe what you wrote.