Most of you cannot pass this test to graduate from the eighth grade.

You've been admitting that you are stupid with every post you've made since you've been posting here, peckerwood.

I understand why you believe you're smart. You're so far behind you can't see your superiors in front of you and it give you the false impression.
I understand why you believe you're smart. You're so far behind you can't see your superiors in front of you and it give you the false impression.

Says the dumbass hillbilly peckerwood dropout who thinks getting his GED is a source of pride and achievement.
I have an degree but I won't take the test as I don't want to totally embarrass myself! ;)

I passed it with a tenth grade education. Well, half of eleventh grade too. But like I said. I didn't go to public school. My tenth grade education is better than a twelfth grade education in most public schools. In fact, it is equivalent to the bachelors degree college students are receiving these days.
I passed it with a tenth grade education. Well, half of eleventh grade too. But like I said. I didn't go to public school. My tenth grade education is better than a twelfth grade education in most public schools. In fact, it is equivalent to the bachelors degree college students are receiving these days.

Good for you. I most likely would pass it also but why bother? I gain nothing and if I do bad I will get an EGO slap. :innocent:
I passed it with a tenth grade education. Well, half of eleventh grade too. But like I said. I didn't go to public school. My tenth grade education is better than a twelfth grade education in most public schools. In fact, it is equivalent to the bachelors degree college students are receiving these days.

Why did you drop out?