Most of you cannot pass this test to graduate from the eighth grade.

I passed it with a tenth grade education. Well, half of eleventh grade too. But like I said. I didn't go to public school. My tenth grade education is better than a twelfth grade education in most public schools. In fact, it is equivalent to the bachelors degree college students are receiving these days.

Of course. you don't have any way of grading it, so the whole thing is nonsense.
I bet the city kids had a hard time recollecting what a bushel looked like.......

I doubt rural kids could either. When’s the last time you saw a bushel basket? Besides the modern definition of a bushel has changed. When this quiz was written an American bushel was a measure of volume equal to 8 gallons. Now it’s a measure of weight, or more correctly, the measure of density of specific agricultural products.
I doubt rural kids could either. When’s the last time you saw a bushel basket? Besides the modern definition of a bushel has changed. When this quiz was written an American bushel was a measure of volume equal to 8 gallons. Now it’s a measure of weight, or more correctly, the measure of density of specific agricultural products.
actually no........a bushel of corn weighs differently than a bushel of wheat......and the last time I saw a bushel basket (other than one being used to decorate in the "country" look") we still sold corn on the cob......
What was considered vital information for schools in the 19th century and what is considered vital information in the late 20th or 21st century are very different things.

Obviously the test is heavy on written grammar. While that would make some people's posts easier to read, it isn't as critical as other skills. Also, genders were educated separately, because girls were thought to be less clever, and didn't need a "real" education.

And since most people (especially in the US) spent their entire lives within 25 or 30 miles of where they were born, there was less interaction with any other cultures.

Read Future Shock by Alvin Toffler. It will show the torrential changes in our world in the last 100 years or so. The book was written in 1970. But one thing that stood out to me was the result of a timeline for humanity based, not on years, but on technological advances that changed our lives. The +/- 50,000 years of human existence, if put on such a timeline, would have the middle set at around 1900. In other words, those kids taking the 8th grade exam in 1895 lived in a world more like ancient Rome than modern times.

The test is interesting, not as a mark of intellect or education, but as a view of how much the world has changed.

As a bit of anecdotal evidence, back in 1996 my grandmother turn 90 years old. My oldest son (10 at the time) and I drove her back home after she spent a few days with us. I encouraged my son to ask her about her childhood. When he asked her about the biggest change she had seen, we expected her to say radio, tv, electrification ect. Nope, it was the roads and highway. Something so common to us was a virtual miracle she had seen develop in her lifetime.
I doubt rural kids could either. When’s the last time you saw a bushel basket? Besides the modern definition of a bushel has changed. When this quiz was written an American bushel was a measure of volume equal to 8 gallons. Now it’s a measure of weight, or more correctly, the measure of density of specific agricultural products.

The definition of bushel is a measure of capacity (volume) equal to 64 pints or 8 gallons. It hasn't changed.
Well, I passed every exam I took in college, so I would have to say that, as usual, you are full of shit.

I didn't know they had written tests in the underwater basket weaving curriculum. How did you keep the paper dry?
Prove it. If you can't, I'd have to repeat that you're full of shit.

Prove that you're an American citizen and not a Russian troll posting here through a proxy server.

If you can't, I'd have to repeat that you're full of shit.
Prove that you're an American citizen and not a Russian troll posting here through a proxy server.

If you can't, I'd have to repeat that you're full of shit.

You're the one that made the claim of something, BOY. Prove it or your status stands as full of shit, dumbass nigger.
One of the other things to consider on this topic (instead of just slinging insults) is the amount of information that had to be absorbed by each generation. Its only in the last 200 years or so that most people learned anything that was not about sustenance or a trade. In 1820, the world literacy rate was around 12%. Now it is 83% or better. 200 years ago, if you could read you were considered an educated person.

Which is also a source of serious stress for the population, as changes come faster and faster. The fundamental changes in our society once took hundreds of years. Then they happened in decades. Now, radical changes in our world happen in just a few years.