Most of you cannot pass this test to graduate from the eighth grade.

If it's not true, you have nothing to worry about. If you keep harping on it, it proves you have doubts.

No. When you say disgusting things about someone, you don't get to decide whether it crosses a line. Simple, common decency makes that determination.

I am not worried. I do not doubt. I simply make sure you live with your disgusting claims.
No. When you say disgusting things about someone, you don't get to decide whether it crosses a line. Simple, common decency makes that determination.

I am not worried. I do not doubt. I simply make sure you live with your disgusting claims.

When you constantly harp on things you claim aren't true, it proves you have doubt about what you say.

If you have no doubt, you wouldn't keep addressing it.
CFM has some serious issues where his self esteem is concerned. His constant need to try to "prove" his manliness is proof.

What I don't get is why he's even posting in this thread to begin with, since he probably never even made it to the eighth grade.
Nomad posted a picture of where he claims I live then asked for the address. Shouldn't he know?

That makes no fucking sense. Posting a picture of a place doesn't mean that one knows the location of the place, idiot.
That makes no fucking sense. Posting a picture of a place doesn't mean that one knows the location of the place, idiot.

It makes no fucking sense why you're a fucking coward. Actually, it does being WHAT you are. The two tend to go together.