Most Red (Republican) States Take More Money From Washington Than They Put In

most certainly.....also on the other 99% of things we spend on......

The Left is making the same debate about food stamps. Which cost MUCH less than Corporate Welfare. Lets balance Boeing vs Food stamps. Boeing is a taker more than the few that fake a reason to need food stamps. Welcome to politics.
I know a lot of Leftists and they tend to be givers. They care about one another.

Yeah I think most sane and honest folks will freely admit that y’all fucking lefties are more than willing to GIVE OTHER PEOPLE’S MONEY to every voter y’all CARE to bribe a vote from.

So yea, there are a few breaches of the Constitution today. Most of them are unnoticed because of people like you that think EVERYTHING not listed in the constitution is a breach.

“The powers not delegate to the United States by the Constitution nor prohibited by it to the States are reserved to the States respectively, or to the People.”

That Goober is why I’m perfectly sure that everything the fucking feds do that is not authorized by the CONSTITUTION is a violation of the Constitution and thereby a violation of the basic RULE OF LAW of these United States. Now Goober if you have the fucking balls articulate to us WHY I’m wrong and tell us what the 10th Amendment is really saying according to your perverted biased incompetent and stupid pea-brain.
Calling everyone a "Goober you and the other idiot, (Fatty Shitty Panties), " does not make you informed. Smart people don't need to use these insults to be correct. The people who are WRONG are the ones who rely on this sort of talk.

Horseshit!!! The use of insults in a debate by no means makes anybody wrong or NOT smart and correct no more than being and acting like a fucking PC pussy makes anybody smart or right about anything. That horseshit is simply a stupid bastards excuse for being a mealy-mouthed, pissy-pantie incompetent dork.

Insults are perfectly appropriate as points of emphasis and they’re duly deserved by morons like you
Actually idiot I say exactly what the Constitution says and you’ve been challenged several times to post your opposing interpretations. So far you’ve avoided any attempt at that because you’re a fucking moron.

The Constitution is the law of the land moron. It’s your only written guarantee of your rights and freedoms. Of course a left-ass moron like you thinks all rights and freedoms belong to BIG fucking government and the Constitution is toilet paper in your world.

I think you're misremembering what George Bush said here!
Horseshit!!! The use of insults in a debate by no means makes anybody wrong or NOT smart and correct no more than being and acting like a fucking DICKHEAD makes anybody smart or right about anything. That horseshit is simply a stupid bastards excuse for being a mealy-mouthed, pissy-pantie incompetent dork.

Insults are perfectly appropriate as points of emphasis and they’re duly deserved by morons like you

You're full of shit and you know it!
You can distract from the point, but the point is, who is taking more than they are paying kid.

depends on what they are "taking" and where they are "paying" it not true that a corporation doing business in fifty states and headquartered in Delaware is "paying" in a blue state for income earned in all fifty? about Microsoft and Starbucks "paying" in Washington?......

and obviously a per capita calculation is going to be skewed by states with small populations.....

don't forget the link provided on an earlier thread showing that the top ten states receiving federal funds were 80% blue......
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The Left is making the same debate about food stamps. Which cost MUCH less than Corporate Welfare. Lets balance Boeing vs Food stamps. Boeing is a taker more than the few that fake a reason to need food stamps. Welcome to politics.

??...buying airplanes is corporate welfare? does that compare with buying automobile manufacturers?.......
You're full of shit and you know it!

OH-NOES :palm:

The irony of your comment should be required reading for every member of this forum. :)

Since there is no such thing as the "democrat party" although there are ignorant fucking teabaggers. homophobes, misogynists and racists who believe in this non-existent entity, it could not hate anything! But the ignorant can't follow that logic so they pose these kinds of stupid questions incessantly like those mythological masturbating monkey's that no one has ever seen at any zoo. Unfortunately for us all, the teabagger, unlike the masturbating monkey that it impersonates, does exist in the real world! More's the pity!

And first up is Big Dummy!

Big Dummy said: "WOW! I started a thread and posted 40 of the comments on it, aren't I a brilliant boy! I guess that is why they call me Big Dummy!"

It might be instructive if any of the fools from the right on this thread had a point or the language or intelligence to make it, if they did have a point, apparently as usual they have nothing. They certainly have no point to make here. This claim that red states take more from the federal government than they paid in taxes to the federal government was old news by the time the book by John Sperling, Suzanne Helburn, Samuel George, John Morris and Carl Hunt entitled The Great Divide: Retro vs. Metro America was published in 2004. The book initially caused quite a stir for what it showed about the demographics of America. The first response by the Republicans to the claims made in this book was to move from the state model used throughout the book which quickly became know as "Red State-Blue State" was to look at each individual country and to argue that sure the Red States took the most money but the counties where that money was spent were Democratically dominated counties, that is they were blue counties. That may have been total bullshit, but at least it was an argument and an opposing position. The main problem with it was that it didn't look at things like farm subsidies or other wealth transfers from the Blues States to the Red States, it just looked at welfare payments. But in the responses here bulk of the garbage from the right is basically not even making that specious argument they are instead spending the bulk of their energy in ignorant and childish name calling and saying nothing politically astute or the least big intelligent.

Here are the words from page 44 of the The Great Divide, the book that initially sparked that debate 9 years ago now (yes, I still have my copy, and it is a pretty amazing book).

"Consider the following facts: Retro America [comprised of the Red States] has less than 60 percent of Metro [the Blue States of] America's population, yet Metro America:

Maintains a federal fiscal system that transfers trillions of dollars from Metro America to Retro America

Keeps then of thousands of uneconomic enterprises alive

Engages millions of workers in uneconomic enterprises

Consistently despoils the environment

Dominates the Republican Party

Keeps the Republican Party White

How is all this possible? The answer lies in the origins and history of American 'democracy' and gives rise to an even more fundamental question: How demcoratic is out present constitutiobal government!"

The answer from the authors of this text was that America "democracy" was not very democratic at all!

Good luck dumbfucks!
Did you ever consider that the RED States actually do TAX LESS than California and Jersey and those bankrupted Blue States?

What does that matter? So, you get more in federal money than you put in - BUT you also pay less in state taxes! So fucking what? What does that have to do with the first point?
Actually idiot I say exactly what the Constitution says and you’ve been challenged several times to post your opposing interpretations. So far you’ve avoided any attempt at that because you’re a fucking moron.

The Constitution is the law of the land moron. It’s your only written guarantee of your rights and freedoms. Of course a left-ass moron like you thinks all rights and freedoms belong to BIG fucking government and the Constitution is toilet paper in your world.

Most of the constitution deals with the structure of the federal government and the union itself, the only right directly incorporated is the right to property. Most of the rights are from the bill of rights as well as a few of the other amendments (most significantly, the 14th).
Yeah I think most sane and honest folks will freely admit that y’all fucking lefties are more than willing to GIVE OTHER PEOPLE’S MONEY to every voter y’all CARE to bribe a vote from.

“The powers not delegate to the United States by the Constitution nor prohibited by it to the States are reserved to the States respectively, or to the People.”

That Goober is why I’m perfectly sure that everything the fucking feds do that is not authorized by the CONSTITUTION is a violation of the Constitution and thereby a violation of the basic RULE OF LAW of these United States. Now Goober if you have the fucking balls articulate to us WHY I’m wrong and tell us what the 10th Amendment is really saying according to your perverted biased incompetent and stupid pea-brain.

Well you do understand that this is "Just plain politics" not "Just plain Federal politics" right? If someone states something you automatically assume it's at the Federal level. Admit it. ALSO, you saying that helping people in need of food or shelter is "buying votes" while turning your back on the topic of this thread which is Right Wingers buying votes by cutting taxes beyond the spending point is A JOKE.....Wake up kid. If you actually think they are doing it for votes you are too crazy to fix. Fox news has broken your mind.
Horseshit!!! The use of insults in a debate by no means makes anybody wrong or NOT smart and correct no more than being and acting like a fucking PC pussy makes anybody smart or right about anything. That horseshit is simply a stupid bastards excuse for being a mealy-mouthed, pissy-pantie incompetent dork.

Insults are perfectly appropriate as points of emphasis and they’re duly deserved by morons like you

I win debates with you all the time in a mature manner with a touch of insult. There is a difference between mostly insults and little information or debate vs. mostly information and debate with few insults. But I'm educating now aren't I. I know you hate education, so I'll stop pushing it on you.
What does that matter? So, you get more in federal money than you put in - BUT you also pay less in state taxes! So fucking what? What does that have to do with the first point?

They don't understand the OP. They just know that if it makes a Righty look bad, it can't be true. The basic keystone needed to be completely bias and uninformed. I think we should be able to notice our flaws as parties. This is part of the reason I don't believe in the party system. It creates groups/mobs of people who are unwilling to recognize flaws in their own system. Mostly because these people think there are more flaws in the other system and they are willing to fight for the platform introduced to them to win the battle and be a little more better.

I believe in single topic, single decision by a single person. I have no problem standing up for my opinion because I'm not weak minded. I made the decision on my own through research. I wasn't handed the script by a news source to repeat like a tool.
Most of the constitution deals with the structure of the federal government and the union itself, the only right directly incorporated is the right to property. Most of the rights are from the bill of rights as well as a few of the other amendments (most significantly, the 14th).

And your point is what relative to the conversation?