Most Red (Republican) States Take More Money From Washington Than They Put In

there is NO proof helping people makes them bad people.

That is the whole republican and right wing philosophy on this issue.

gleaned from what piece of real world evidence?

there is NO proof helping people makes them bad people.

That is the whole republican and right wing philosophy on this issue.

gleaned from what piece of real world evidence?


Are you saying that extorting the most productive among us with taxes and using the proceeds thereof to bribe the vote of the lesser productive among us with socialist programs is the kinda shit GOOD people do Fatty?
I missed the part where “Jesus said,” “extort the fruits of the labors of the most productive among you with income taxes and deliver the proceeds thereof to the lesser productive among you to bribe their vote.” Where can we find that verse Fatty Shitty Panties?

Jesus never said helping people in need was extortion. That is a Lawyer term. Doing a good deed is simply that, simply doing a good deed.

The drama today is the few that hate this "United We Stand" Christian based interest that we should care about the people in need. They expose the people who manipulate this system as often as possible so no one understands or cares about the people who actually need the money.

This has been a strange transition of Left Wingers acting more Christian than the party who was supposed to uphold Christianity. But we all know the Right took the path of "prosperity" long ago. They bought the golden cow. They idolize money.

It's basic Profit over Humanity today.
Are you saying that extorting the most productive among us with taxes and using the proceeds thereof to bribe the vote of the lesser productive among us with socialist programs is the kinda shit GOOD people do Fatty?

I don't think you understand the basics of taxation. Taxation isn't extortion. I know you like to think that "The Government takes my taxes with a gun" but all of us, even YOU know you know this is just PR garbage talk. The Right will never win as long as there are parrot puppets like you around repeating everything Fox News says to repeat. It can never grow with stupidity.

So please try to wise up

(This kid thinks all taxation is done with a gun to the head......basic stupidity of politics)
Jesus never said helping people in need was extortion. That is a Lawyer term. Doing a good deed is simply that, simply doing a good deed.

Jesus never said that extorting tax loot from the most productive among us and using the proceeds thereof to bribe the vote of the lesser productive among us with socialist programming was ”Doing A Good Deed.” He forgave Thieves, but he never promoted ”Theft.” Jesus’s “Good Deeds” were promotions of private charity from the heart, moron!
I don't think you understand the basics of taxation. Taxation isn't extortion. I know you like to think that "The Government takes my taxes with a gun" but all of us, even YOU know you know this is just PR garbage talk.

Whenever tax dollars are used to bribe the vote of fucking idiots like you and used for all manner of unauthorized, unconstitutional actions by government they’re not just “extortion,” they’re abominations to all honorable human morals and the principles of God.
Jesus never said that extorting tax loot from the most productive among us and using the proceeds thereof to bribe the vote of the lesser productive among us with socialist programming was ”Doing A Good Deed.” He forgave Thieves, but he never promoted ”Theft.” Jesus’s “Good Deeds” were promotions of private charity from the heart, moron!

Which brings up an awesome topic. You libertarians always call the Church a Charity. The church is a business made to spread the word of Christ, it wasn't designed to be a charity.

In this statement, "Jesus never said that extorting tax loot from the most productive among us and using the proceeds thereof to bribe the vote of the lesser productive among us with socialist programming was ”Doing A Good Deed.” you yet again proved you don't know what Socialism is. If you want to be an educated Right Winger then learn what that term is kid.

God always promoted, never forced anyone into anything. Gods will is done through the people. We aren't forced to help the needy, but the people that think it's a good idea to do so. We aren't forced to accept gays but the bible says leave the judgement to god.

We all know your focus is on Sloth though, if you even know what that is. It's the people pretending to be needy and aren't.

Once you learn what "Sloth" is, you will be much better off. I know you are old though and I'm pretty sure you are too old to learn how to be a good person so, I think this is done.
Whenever tax dollars are used to bribe the vote of fucking idiots like you and used for all manner of unauthorized, unconstitutional actions by government they’re not just “extortion,” they’re abominations to all honorable human morals and the principles of God.

The only bribe party is the Right. They promise low taxation and tax below what they spend. THIS IS PROVEN.

Your idiot perspective of "I'm going to help you" means buying votes is basically that, idiotic. Also your idiot perspective of Right Wing states are "Conservative" is also idiotic. You have lots to learn kid. You show signs of wisdom but you are just another party pumper.
Which brings up an awesome topic. You libertarians always call the Church a Charity. The church is a business made to spread the word of Christ, it wasn't designed to be a charity.

Who is necessarily talking about the church Goober? Do you propose that ONLY churches provide private charity? It is perfectly apparent Goober that you’re totally at a loss for rational argument here so your feebly attempting to cover your lost ass by babbling incoherently.
In this statement, "Jesus never said that extorting tax loot from the most productive among us and using the proceeds thereof to bribe the vote of the lesser productive among us with socialist programming was ”Doing A Good Deed.” you yet again proved you don't know what Socialism is. If you want to be an educated Right Winger then learn what that term is kid.

Let me jog your memory Kid! Just a few short threads ago you issued your socialism interpretation challenge thread which I presented the total comprehensive identification, interpretation and logical framework for. You in response crawled back under your pathetic “fucking moron” rock without a word of refute or debunk.

So Goober, you can call government socialist programs whatever the fuck you want, but the fact remains that they’re wasteful incompetent self-serving gimmicks orchestrated by crooked politicians to bribe the vote and furthermore they’re totally unconstitutional for the federal government to even be involved in. That you cannot refute!
bribe the vote?

what the fuck do you think the right does NONSTOP for corporate money so they can LIE to their voters?

yet you call black people voting for the left bribing?

fuck the people your team BRIBES cant even vote.

Im sure republicans would cream their cackies to make it happen though
people of color hate your party for good reason.

Your fucking racists who try to keep them from voting and like your stupid ass they constantly insult people of color
God always promoted, never forced anyone into anything. Gods will is done through the people. We aren't forced to help the needy, but the people that think it's a good idea to do so. We aren't forced to accept gays but the bible says leave the judgement to god.

But your GOD is the “BIG FUCKING GOVERNMENT GOD” who’s charity is at the point of a fucking gun. Only an idiot lefty could “interpret” extortion as charity! You’re no Godly man, you’re a fucking couch potato living off of the sweat of your wife and the extortion of BIG fucking government pretending you’re of a moral character and compassionate mind when in reality you’re a waste a fraud and a leftist moron.
Tell us all how you are a party of one and don't even vote.

that make you completely meaningless

no voty no matter
The only bribe party is the Right. They promise low taxation and tax below what they spend. THIS IS PROVEN.

But you ”lean right” remember? How many times have you made that pronouncement? So now you’re denouncing your own fucking bribery?

Your idiot perspective of "I'm going to help you" means buying votes is basically that, idiotic.

If it’s so idiotic, why can’t you ever refute and debunk that proposition Goober?

Also your idiot perspective of Right Wing states are "Conservative" is also idiotic.

And someday you’ll produce evidence that I ever proposed such an idea, huh?

You have lots to learn kid. You show signs of wisdom but you are just another party pumper.

Too fucking bad you don’t show any signs of wisdom huh Goober? When you discover what my “party” is child, let me know I must have forgotten it’s label.