You prove your ignorance here. In that thread I stated "do not copy/paste" a definition". You Copy/Pasted a definition and you STILL TODAY don't know what Socialism is because you think it's what Fox news says it is.
I placed in evidence two definitions from the English dictionary Goober. The only reason you attempted to prohibit copy & paste was because you knew that dictionary definitions prove you’re a fucking phony without a rational argument related to the subject or anything else for that matter. I threw the challenge back in your face and you ran and crawled back under your rock and avoided all comment on the challenge.
So Goober let’s see how much you know about socialism. Here’s the challenge again for ya.
SOCIALISM: a political theory or system in which the means of production and distribution are controlled by the people and operated according to equity and fairness rather than market principles (Encarta English Dictionary)
CAPITALISM: an economic system based on the private ownership of the means of production and distribution of goods, characterized by a free competitive market and motivation by profit. (Encarta English Dictionary)
Which of the two above definitions describe best Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, government subsidies, corporate and social welfare programs?
Other than socialism and capitalism, what other political economic systems are being followed in the industrial & technological countries on planet earth?
You can run and hide again Goober and prove you’re nothing less than a fucking coward or you can try some of your babbling bullshit to attempt to confuse the issue but you can’t rationalize government socialist programs as anything else but socialism by any rational definition.
Oh yeah! And since you proclaim to be some kind of a fucking genius and teacher of we morons, why don’t you grace us with your “personal” definition of socialism so we all can be just a little smarter and bow at your feet in thanksgiving?
All of you fucking moron socialist bastards and idiot Democrats claim only you hold the true meaning of socialism. Somehow it has to be kept secret and away from the non-believers. Y’all are a total bunch of fucking frauds, liars and corrupt bastards and sons-of-bitches.