Motion: The web is destroying 21st Century culture and the way we understand the worl

Motion denied.

The web is a tremendous source of information for the critical thinker and an unparalleled communication tool.

The ignorant will misuse it - witness the rightwingers.

The intelligent will use it to better mankind.
Motion denied.

The web is a tremendous source of information for the critical thinker and an unparalleled communication tool.

The ignorant will misuse it - witness the rightwingers.

The intelligent will use it to better mankind.

Much of that information is posted in blogs etc, that are written by amateurs without the wherewithall to conduct proper research and without the supervision or guidance of professionals and certainly, in many cases, without the ability to string more than eight words together in a sentence.

One possible result would be that the trained writers and news gatherers will find themselves out of work and to be replaced by information of mind blowing stupidity and bigotry.

Given the way that information is going do you think all of these people would still be working?

Mike Allen (Time), Dan Balz (Washington Post), Wolf Blitzer(CNN), Ron Brownstein(Los Angeles Times), Steve Coll (Washington Post/New Yorker), Howard Fineman (Newsweek), Linda Greenhouse (New York Times), Seymour Hersh(New Yorker).

There are, of course, many many more. Would you trade these people for a couple of trainee chemists from Walnut Creek?
Speaking as a rather shallow individual, i'd say that the negative aspects of cultural destruction are more than outweighed by the nice tits on it.
Much of that information is posted in blogs etc, that are written by amateurs without the wherewithall to conduct proper research and without the supervision or guidance of professionals and certainly, in many cases, without the ability to string more than eight words together in a sentence.
I've seen better reporting and much more efficient research from private bloggers about the current ATF scandal than i've seen from lamestream media resources. your argument is invalid.
motion: you're own culture sucks so much you must live in a 3rd world country carless
or you're skills are sooo weak you are unemployable in dipshit laden England?
motion: you're own culture sucks so much you must live in a 3rd world country carless
or you're skills are sooo weak you are unemployable in dipshit laden England?

All I did was to introduce a motion that I considered worthy of debate. If you do not wish to debate the motion then don't. But please spare us your childish stupidity.
I think the same was said about books, radio and TV at one time in history. ancients sitting around campfire, those books are just going to ruin a good oral tradition!
All I did was to introduce a motion that I considered worthy of debate. If you do not wish to debate the motion then don't. But please spare us your childish stupidity.
How would you introduce said motion without the internet? Your entire premise is invalid.
There's still some great oral traditions in modern times. :D

Here's a great oral tradition of modern times:

And she was worried about being photographed in casual clothes! She should have also stated no eating food shot, too!
3Dweeb is such a liar. He stalks my Bach-to-Mom posts because he's desperate for Teabagger MILF porn.
