Motion: The web is destroying 21st Century culture and the way we understand the worl

3Dweeb is such a liar. He stalks my Bach-to-Mom posts because he's desperate for Teabagger MILF porn.


I'd be (un)lucky to have read half of them. As it is, I've found myself accidentally thinking of the term you use when pondering what has been said about her, so you have been effective. BTW, how exactly would I be acquiring MILF porn by following your posts on this site? :shock:
Looks to me like Michele, Marcus and Rick are the openwiders. Just sayin'.
Re-read the motion.
The web IS 21st century culture, so it cannot destroy it. And your premise is still flawed. How else would I know what a ex patriot in HK thinks about anything? I'd be stuck in my own microcosm, same as everyone else. The entirety of human knowledge is available to me at any point that I desire. How is that destroying anything?
The web IS 21st century culture, so it cannot destroy it. And your premise is still flawed. How else would I know what a ex patriot in HK thinks about anything? I'd be stuck in my own microcosm, same as everyone else. The entirety of human knowledge is available to me at any point that I desire. How is that destroying anything?

One of the problems is that there is a tendency for the 'web' to be a significant part of a general dumbing down of previously erudite people. We see, particularly in America, communications being reduced to sound bites and smart arse rejoinders. Now there is nothing wrong with smart arse comments and nothing wrong with sound bites providing that they complement and do not take the place of, reasoned and intelligent discussion. I listed a few of America's best journos. Would you rather read them or the ramblings of a trainee chemist from small town America, whose mother just bought him a computer but never had him sufficiently well educated to formulate a cogent argument.
Certainly there is a place for the internet, I would never suggest otherwise, but it must always be an 'as well as' and never an 'instead of'.
One of the problems is that there is a tendency for the 'web' to be a significant part of a general dumbing down of previously erudite people. We see, particularly in America, communications being reduced to sound bites and smart arse rejoinders. Now there is nothing wrong with smart arse comments and nothing wrong with sound bites providing that they complement and do not take the place of, reasoned and intelligent discussion. I listed a few of America's best journos. Would you rather read them or the ramblings of a trainee chemist from small town America, whose mother just bought him a computer but never had him sufficiently well educated to formulate a cogent argument.
Certainly there is a place for the internet, I would never suggest otherwise, but it must always be an 'as well as' and never an 'instead of'.
Most books are shit. Most movies are shit. Most music is shit. Most any form of media is shit. The web is no exception. That hardly means it's destroying anything.
Most books are shit. Most movies are shit. Most music is shit. Most any form of media is shit. The web is no exception. That hardly means it's destroying anything.

Hmm. I have seen better arguments in a debate. My fault for expecting too much.
Is it your position that trashy writing has only existed in the 21st century?

Of course not. It has always existed as has, what we judge to be, good writing. But there has, I submit, never been a more powerful force against good journalism than the web.
FYI, I would take the level of someone training into a scientific field such as chemistry over a journalist anyday. Of course, my dad's a chemist. :cof1:
Of course not. It has always existed as has, what we judge to be, good writing. But there has, I submit, never been a more powerful force against good journalism than the web.
And I disagree. The web offers extraordinary opportunities those who would otherwise not be heard, good or bad.
3Dweeb is such a liar.
He lives for internet porn. That's the only "culture" he knows.
And I disagree. The web offers extraordinary opportunities those who would otherwise not be heard, good or bad.

Once again I agree with you. However life itself offers fantastic opportunities, but what percentage of the population actually take those opportunities and improve their lives?
Once again I agree with you. However life itself offers fantastic opportunities, but what percentage of the population actually take those opportunities and improve their lives?

What 21st century culture?

Oh, you mean the interweb?

None of us would have ever heard of you without it.
Zombie Jesus was hungry. He came to JPP looking for brains among the conservatives.


He's still hungry.
What 21st century culture?

Oh, you mean the interweb?

None of us would have ever heard of you without it.

Perhaps, before I suggest another debate, I should teach the sound byte babies and the single sentence schoolboys what a debate is.
I doubt that I will try again for quite a long while.
One certainly cannot under estimate the intelligence of the average yank.
Perhaps, before I suggest another debate, I should teach the sound byte babies and the single sentence schoolboys what a debate is.
I doubt that I will try again for quite a long while.
One certainly cannot under estimate the intelligence of the average yank.

Brevity is the soul of wit.