My son is 18. He was born in '93. I came to computers late in life. I studied "Basic" and some other dull computer language for one semester than banned myself for life from computers.
I came back to computers after the advent of windows. I was sold on this by a good friend and glad he took the time to sell me. It is not like I didn't have other interests,
but had I stayed that course, I would have missed an abundance of good.
My son has had a computer in his home (and internet) as long as he can remember.
The internet (and all that goes with it; the good and bad) is a comprehensive part of 21st century culture, has been from the begining of it.
However, we still buy books (even my children with their own computers, TVs, PS-3s, DS, I-pods and every other creepy mind-numbing screen-centric device available these days.
I still like the feel of a newspaper in my hand, a good conversation about a good book, a great new movie, or a favorite old movie, an ocasional TV show, National Geograhic and especialy Smithsonian (magazines).
We have bookshelves in every room in our home, save the bathrooms and kitchen, yet there are books STACKED in each of those rooms.
The internet is a powerful tool, like any tool it can be misused, but clearly, beyond the shadow of a doubt, it's good benefit outweighs it's bad.
One thing I heartily agree with though; The habit of "internet shorthand" is BULLSHIT.
Keep the language and the tools which make it work well alive!
Puntuate and capitalize to the best of your ability.
Nothing about the internet itself should have wrought this change, save laziness itself.
Fight the slackers.
I totally agree with you as far as language and slackers is concerned.
In English and, I guess, in other languages, the history and formation of the words we use is our history and culture. What is the place of Latin for example? From whence come words containg the letter 'K'? Why is 'A' so shaped? What is the history of 'ketchup' or 'bungalow'? Where do our names come from?
The use of text language, for example, is not of itself bad. What is bad is that a lot of youngsters do not know when to use it and when not to. If they do not understand that then why try to teach them about 'register'? CUL8r