Motion: The web is destroying 21st Century culture and the way we understand the worl

Well I might care about that, but what's better to read; Shakespear, or some ex patriot on the web? I mean, that is your argument, isn't it?

I merely took the position of devil's advocate in an attempt to get an intelligent debate underway. I should have known better.
To answer your question, I would wish to read both. My question was whether we would continue to have that choice.
I merely took the position of devil's advocate in an attempt to get an intelligent debate underway. I should have known better.
To answer your question, I would wish to read both. My question was whether we would continue to have that choice.
Can you find a reason to oppose such a choice?
Can you find a reason to oppose such a choice?

I would not look for a reason to oppose such a choice. I would however exercise some caution before actively promoting the demise of good journalism. I just think we should all try to understand that the internet might, in the long term, be an equal force for 'bad' as it appears to be for 'good'.
Look and listen to your own movers and shakers, your politicians, your stars, your business leaders. How often do you see in print or hear complete sentences? Then consider the people who listen and repeat the views and arguments. You can see it here!! Hardly a well thought pronouncement from anyone.
Have you ever read job applications? Many are absolute disasters with poor spelling, non existant punctuation, disastrous syntax from people who think they should be actually employed as managers, for instance, and actually paid money for the pleasure of so being.
I really do not want to see the day that communication is reduced to grunts and text messages. Language, particularly the English language, is something to be learned, practiced, used and wondered at - not dumbed down to the lowest common denominator!
Perhaps, before I suggest another debate, I should teach the sound byte babies and the single sentence schoolboys what a debate is.
I doubt that I will try again for quite a long while.
One certainly cannot under estimate the intelligence of the average yank.

Or you could make more of a premise than a few words and tell us why you believe the internet is destroying the very culture that it has pretty much created. The 21st Century culture would be one that includes the internet, it could not possibly destroy it.
Or you could make more of a premise than a few words and tell us why you believe the internet is destroying the very culture that it has pretty much created. The 21st Century culture would be one that includes the internet, it could not possibly destroy it.

Have you ever attended a debate? The motion is put and then sides are taken. I put the motion and briefly described my 'devil's advocated' position. What I got back were the usual ill thought responses. Your comments here suggest you have not followed what has been said since no one has suggested the demise or destruction of the internet.
I think it is time for a cup of tea and a biscuit and then to get a little of the work done that I have promised to others, so TTFN.
Have you ever attended a debate? The motion is put and then sides are taken. I put the motion and briefly described my 'devil's advocated' position. What I got back were the usual ill thought responses. Your comments here suggest you have not followed what has been said since no one has suggested the demise or destruction of the internet.
I think it is time for a cup of tea and a biscuit and then to get a little of the work done that I have promised to others, so TTFN.

have you actually ever participated in a debate? i have yet to see you actually engage in a true debate. why don't you debate with the same rules as you mention above. let us assume no insults, format to be agreed upon, etc....
Have you ever attended a debate? The motion is put and then sides are taken. I put the motion and briefly described my 'devil's advocated' position. What I got back were the usual ill thought responses. Your comments here suggest you have not followed what has been said since no one has suggested the demise or destruction of the internet.
I think it is time for a cup of tea and a biscuit and then to get a little of the work done that I have promised to others, so TTFN.

Ah, you want a more structured debate then. You want to set a premise and want others to then begin...

You can begin by giving us a great example of opening remarks, tell us all about it. Lead by example rather than through sarcasm. Show us you are willing to do what you expected others to do.

One of the first things you should have done is set up a structure, and gotten an actual opponent. Instead you posted a premise, did nothing else then hypocritically tried to mock people into following some structure you have set in your mind.

Not all debates are exactly the same. Tell us how you want it to go, get somebody to be your opponent and I'll add a modification that will allow you to challenge them, "call them out" so to speak.

So, you can either try more of the stupid sarcastic nastiness, or you can actually do something that you'd like to do...
Ah, you want a more structured debate then. You want to set a premise and want others to then begin...

You can begin by giving us a great example of opening remarks, tell us all about it. Lead by example rather than through sarcasm. Show us you are willing to do what you expected others to do.

One of the first things you should have done is set up a structure, and gotten an actual opponent. Instead you posted a premise, did nothing else then hypocritically tried to mock people into following some structure you have set in your mind.

Not all debates are exactly the same. Tell us how you want it to go, get somebody to be your opponent and I'll add a modification that will allow you to challenge them, "call them out" so to speak.

So, you can either try more of the stupid sarcastic nastiness, or you can actually do something that you'd like to do...

You have a premise in the title of the thread. That it was up for debate is revealed by the word 'Motion'.

I do not wish to set up a structure neither do I nor CAN I determine who might wish to take either a sympathetic or opposing view.

You mention sarcasm twice. Would you care to show me exactly where you think I was sarcastic (apart from a little in post number 38) and, more to the point where was I sarcastically nasty?

Now look through the thread again and tell me why it did not work? Could it be the fault of the immature poster who thought it would be fun to show pictures of people eating sausages or perhaps the fault of the person who thought the best way to argue against sound bytes was to offer sound bytes.

Get back to me when you have arrived at a fair minded judgement.

If you are referring to my sometimes negative comments about your country then consider that they are in partial return for the stomping of your troops and your policies around the world with scant regard for the people who live there.

When Americans cease their utter boorishness then those of us who criticise will have no further cause.

The ball, as they say, is in your court.

Note: There are many Americans who are not boorish and do not support the arrogant 'imperialistic' attitude shown by some of your politicians, some of them appear regularly here.

PS: Extreme right wing politics are no longer acceptable in civilised society. Please keep it within your own bounds and stop trying to export it. We do not want it.
You have a premise in the title of the thread. That it was up for debate is revealed by the word 'Motion'.

I do not wish to set up a structure neither do I nor CAN I determine who might wish to take either a sympathetic or opposing view.

You mention sarcasm twice. Would you care to show me exactly where you think I was sarcastic (apart from a little in post number 38) and, more to the point where was I sarcastically nasty?

Now look through the thread again and tell me why it did not work? Could it be the fault of the immature poster who thought it would be fun to show pictures of people eating sausages or perhaps the fault of the person who thought the best way to argue against sound bytes was to offer sound bytes.

Get back to me when you have arrived at a fair minded judgement.

If you are referring to my sometimes negative comments about your country then consider that they are in partial return for the stomping of your troops and your policies around the world with scant regard for the people who live there.

When Americans cease their utter boorishness then those of us who criticise will have no further cause.

The ball, as they say, is in your court.

Note: There are many Americans who are not boorish and do not support the arrogant 'imperialistic' attitude shown by some of your politicians, some of them appear regularly here.

PS: Extreme right wing politics are no longer acceptable in civilised society. Please keep it within your own bounds and stop trying to export it. We do not want it.

I am referring to your sarcastic nastiness in this thread based on some assumptive nonsense that every debate follows some simple format you have in your head, and that everybody should follow this pattern naturally.

Every debate I've participated in had different agreed upon "rules"...

In this case you expect everybody to assume and follow some rule set in a more anal retentive system that you must have participated in back in 18-dickety-two when you were a lad....

Tell people the format of your debate, and then, because you didn't bother finding a single opponent before trying to establish some strict debate format I suggest you begin with the opening remarks... Pick a side, and go...

Otherwise you can sit in the background and snark a bit longer.


At this link you can find some of the different formats that debate follows... tell us which one you want. Or not, you can just snark at us all again and assume everybody is stupid because you said 'Motion' in the title.
I am referring to your sarcastic nastiness in this thread based on some assumptive nonsense that every debate follows some simple format you have in your head, and that everybody should follow this pattern naturally.

Every debate I've participated in had different agreed upon "rules"...

In this case you expect everybody to assume and follow some rule set in a more anal retentive system that you must have participated in back in 18-dickety-two when you were a lad....

Tell people the format of your debate, and then, because you didn't bother finding a single opponent before trying to establish some strict debate format I suggest you begin with the opening remarks... Pick a side, and go...

Otherwise you can sit in the background and snark a bit longer.


At this link you can find some of the different formats that debate follows... tell us which one you want. Or not, you can just snark at us all again and assume everybody is stupid because you said 'Motion' in the title.

If you want nastiness Damo, you can have it when I am good and ready. As for now debate is clearly not possible with a group of people so eager to share a single brain cell.
You have totally misconstrued the purpose of my post. It is late and I can no longer be bothered to teach you any more. Get rid of your bias, young man, and who knows I might get rid of mine. When you have something constructive to say I will listen. But for now I have some TV to watch and then I will turn in. Enjoy your day and remember I had it first!
If you want nastiness Damo, you can have it when I am good and ready. As for now debate is clearly not possible with a group of people so eager to share a single brain cell.
You have totally misconstrued the purpose of my post. It is late and I can no longer be bothered to teach you any more. Get rid of your bias, young man, and who knows I might get rid of mine. When you have something constructive to say I will listen. But for now I have some TV to watch and then I will turn in. Enjoy your day and remember I had it first!

So you are the one that watches "The Hamptons"... I was wondering who that was.
Yes, and the church wouldnt let people read the bible either, for fear they'd start having their own ideas about things.

Your argument is a throw back to dark ages elitism.
Well, since Asshate saw fit to bump this thread, I would like to point out that Low is off by a few years. The internet is not destroying 21st Century culture, it is destroying 20th Century culture. It IS 21st Century culture.
My son is 18. He was born in '93. I came to computers late in life. I studied "Basic" and some other dull computer language for one semester than banned myself for life from computers.
I came back to computers after the advent of windows. I was sold on this by a good friend and glad he took the time to sell me. It is not like I didn't have other interests,
but had I stayed that course, I would have missed an abundance of good.

My son has had a computer in his home (and internet) as long as he can remember.

The internet (and all that goes with it; the good and bad) is a comprehensive part of 21st century culture, has been from the begining of it.

However, we still buy books (even my children with their own computers, TVs, PS-3s, DS, I-pods and every other creepy mind-numbing screen-centric device available these days.

I still like the feel of a newspaper in my hand, a good conversation about a good book, a great new movie, or a favorite old movie, an ocasional TV show, National Geograhic and especialy Smithsonian (magazines).

We have bookshelves in every room in our home, save the bathrooms and kitchen, yet there are books STACKED in each of those rooms.

The internet is a powerful tool, like any tool it can be misused, but clearly, beyond the shadow of a doubt, it's good benefit outweighs it's bad.

One thing I heartily agree with though; The habit of "internet shorthand" is BULLSHIT.

Keep the language and the tools which make it work well alive!

Puntuate and capitalize to the best of your ability.

Nothing about the internet itself should have wrought this change, save laziness itself.

Fight the slackers.
The internet is a wonderful thing. Growing up I spent many hrs and days in the library doing research papers and info gathering. My sons did the same thing without ever leaving the house. No trudging thru the snow, finding rides to and from the library and finishing hours/days sooner.

But there are dangers with the internet. Rewriting history is my biggest fear. Example...

Down The Memory Hole
Richard Green flies into a rage over remarks by Peter Wallison, who declares that...

Indeed, the modern era of rapid economic growth commenced after both Democratic and Republican presidents undertook to lift costly and stultifying New Deal regulations.
Green points out that growth has actually been slower since the big rightward shift circa 1980. But what he doesn’t seem to realize is that Wallison is just following the party line. Read almost any conservative commentator on economic history, and you’ll find that the era of postwar prosperity — the gigantic rise in living standards after World War II — has been expunged from the record.

You can see why: the facts are embarrassing..."

In the novel 1984, the memory hole is a slot into which government officials deposit politically inconvenient documents and records to be destroyed. Nineteen Eighty-Four's protagonist Winston Smith, who works in the Ministry of Truth, is routinely assigned the task of revising old newspaper articles in order to serve the propaganda interests of the government.

We all know that opinions are like assholes, but to distort, eliminate or change real history and events to serve conservative, new world order ideology has been more detrimental to society and democracy than Orwell ever imagined.
Plenty of history has been re-witten before the internet too.

(not to distract from the validity of your point)