Mott just kicked my ass with facts

Christie, I clicked on your link. I did not write a single post on that page. You must be counting on the idea that no one will look. It is official. You are a liar.

Do you have special needs? Dyslexia? Delusions? You started all the shit with me right here. You pretended it was an innocent question but it was just your opening to bash me.

Post 981 Controlled Opposition

I know you didn't ask me, but why are you critical of TOP?

Post 982 christiefan915

Several reasons but the biggest is this.

Many months ago when the Amazonites first came here, Owlwoman started a thread inviting the JPP crowd to a Goodreads forum. Some time after that Yayurt was talking about the GR thread to a poster and he claimed that no such Goodreads thread existed, so I found the thread and posted the link. Toxic freaked out. She said I posted a link to personal information on that thread and that I should be banned under JPP rules. There was no personal information in the JPP thread but Toxic claimed that I knew there was personal info at the Goodreads forum, therefore I was guilty of steering people there to check out the personal info. I suppose she reported it to the mods because she started saying things like "we'll see what happens", and when I wasn't banned she then started her ongoing crap about two sets of rules here, mod favoritism, etc.

Post 983 Controlled Opposiiton

In other words, you inserted yourself into something that was not really your business.

Post 985 christiefan915

In other words I didn't appreciate Yayurt calling someone a liar when it was clearly a false accusation. And I didn't appreciate Toxic's lie that I deliberately steered people to GR.

Hope this clears it up for you.
It was used disparagingly on the show. As for Goony, he is as much of a POS as those two.

Disparaging is not racist. Disparaging is offensive and belligerent at worst. In the context of your TV show, I suspect it is more intended to be insulting in an off color way

If it was truly a dehumanizing insult the way n-word is, it wouldn't make it onto a TV show.

I keep hearing assertions, over and over, that guno is every bit as bad a degenerate racist as CFM.

The weird thing is?? I keep asking for evidence to support the contention, and none is ever forth coming. Redneck, white trash are words I use. Goyim, as we have established with certainty, is disparaging and off-color at worst - but not racist and dehumanizing.

The one and only issue I have is with the word cracka - which would be off the charts and dehumanizing coming from Louis Farakhan or Will Smith. But coming from a white dude on a message board - it may be over the line, but it is not in the same league as if Farakhan said it. I may have used the world cracker once or twice in my illustrious decade plus career here. Sorry, that is just the way society is set up - it is not as bad coming from a white dude. I do not make the rules of society - I just abide by them.
Christie, I clicked on your link. I did not write a single post on that page. You must be counting on the idea that no one will look. It is official. You are a liar.

Having posted with her for many years, I can say unequivocally that Christie has never been observed to tell intentional lies.

There are, and have been, a lot of liars on this board. She ain't one of them.
Disparaging is not racist. Disparaging is offensive and belligerent at worst. In the context of your TV show, I suspect it is more intended to be insulting in an off color way

If it was truly a dehumanizing insult the way n-word is, it wouldn't make it onto a TV show.

I keep hearing assertions, over and over, that guno is every bit as bad a degenerate racist as CFM.

The weird thing is?? I keep asking for evidence to support the contention, and none is ever forth coming. Redneck, white trash are words I use. Goyim, as we have established with certainty, is disparaging and off-color at worst - but not racist and dehumanizing.

The one and only issue I have is with the word cracka - which would be off the charts and dehumanizing coming from Louis Farakhan or Will Smith. But coming from a white dude on a message board - it may be over the line, but it is not in the same league as if Farakhan said it. I may have used the world cracker once or twice in my illustrious decade plus career here. Sorry, that is just the way society is set up - it is not as bad coming from a white dude. I do not make the rules of society - I just abide by them.

Well, Goony comes on every day and says he can't wait for all of the white crackers to die off. Not sure if that's considered offensive by the PC crowd, though.
Well, Goony comes on every day and says he can't wait for all of the white crackers to die off. Not sure if that's considered offensive by the PC crowd, though.

No. Of course it isn't. Hating White People is COMPLETELY different than Hating Black People. And, Hating Christians is COMPLETELY different than Hating Muslims.
In the World of the PC Fascists, it's all about Hating the right segment of Society.

PC Fascism is on display, right here, right before our eyes.
No. Of course it isn't. Hating White People is COMPLETELY different than Hating Black People. And, Hating Christians is COMPLETELY different than Hating Muslims.
In the World of the PC Fascists, it's all about Hating the right segment of Society.

PC Fascism is on display, right here, right before our eyes.

PC people are such faggots.
PC people are such faggots.

It's more serious than that. It's the condoning of 'Hatred & Division'. Just about every post Guno makes is consumed with 'Hatred & Division'. Just the opposite of Unity and Brotherhood.
I'm betting Christie and Cypress applaud New Zealand for the expression of Unity and Brotherhood that is being shown. Then ... they seem to turn around and make excuses for the 'Hatred & Division' that is put forth in every Guno thread.

Hypocrisy ... with a Capital H.
SOME are just so confused they can't
Easiest fix ever...they just stop:)
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