Mott just kicked my ass with facts

:rofl2: You're trying so hard to appear intelligent, I'll give that to you.

Whatever name I put in search, different posts show up. Some overlap, some don't. When I put in America First Abrams, three pages come up. When I put in Stargazer, eleven pages come up. When I put in Trump Diva, 21 pages came up. Etc, etc.

If you had the brain power to understand what I wrote originally, you'd realize I didn't say anything about alternate IDs or socks. I said you used different names... "Give me time, you've had three or four different names since you started here, you two-faced pearl clutching bigot." ;)

And you did.

You ditz, changing a name is not the same as creating a "sock" and you know it;; but you just can't admit when you're wrong. :palm:
There you go again..."you become hysterical." That's Toxic-style pretend clairvoyance and you should know better. Be assured that my BP has remained low throughout this and that I don't indulge in hysterics, on or off the forum.

Why would I call out guno? If the word's an insult it's pretty mild compared to all the filth that flies around here. I guess you don't read my comments regularly. I call out people who use the words that I find to be the most vulgar and ugly. You and your pals are trying to make goy the equivalent to the n-word and the c-word and that is just stupid and false. You have the right to be offended by it but you don't have the right to tell me I have to call somebody out over a word that's essentially meaningless to me.

So now you've become the arbitrator to what is or what isn't an insult to others.

We were discussing searching out posts under different names. I guess you have to change the subject because you don't have a real comeback.

Btw, re: your last sentence, why don't you name names? Skeert? :rofl2:

NO, this was about "socks" and you're the one who wanted to make it about "name changes", instead of staying on topic. :palm:
1. CF doesn't hate Toxic. No one does that I'm aware of. She's simply not worth the energy.
2. Toxic started her stalky passive-aggressive victim crap with CF right out of the Amazon gate. She also accused CF of doxxing her and being close to getting banned for it. Both are lies.
3. I don't need allies the way you and Toxic do. Either does Christie. We just happen to both dislike racist, hypocritical stupid skanks like yourselves. So it's a natural partnership.
4. Don't you need to go get your robes ready? The Klan rally starts in half an hour. Scoot along now, and don't be late!

So, you're planning on attending; seeing as how you are aware of the schedule!! :eek2:
Didn't your mother teach you that if you can't say something nice- don't say anything at all- or was she one of those Republican bitches? LOL!

Didn't your mother teach you that if you can't say something nice- don't say anything at all- or was she one of those Democrat bitches?
You're a complete fool who's using supposition to make your argument, and badly, I might add. Once you start trying to say what people are really thinking, you lost the argument.

And yet, you seem to have no problem with trying to say what you FEEL other people are really thinking. :palm:
The point is, ... do you support a particular Position (like inclusion, diversity, acceptance, and Unity) or is your ONLY criteria 'Team'.

PM your pal, Owl. She showed integrity and thought when she questioned Guno on his hate-filled rants. Owl gained points on her calling out hatred where ever it came from. You and Cypress, by ignoring it, have exposed yourselves as hypocrites.

You keep exhibiting common sense and I might just have to remove you from my thread ban list. :good4u:
If none of us has ever even heard of the term goyim before 12 months ago, and if it is a Jewish word used to refer to non-jews, there is zero legitimate chance that anyone here was genuinely offended by it - and certainly not in the way that chink, N-word, heeb, and spic are universally recognized as highly offensive and dehumanizing.

Let's just chalk up this episode as another tepid teabagger attempt to establish false equivalency, and express their faux outrage.

I doubt anyone is actually offended by Goony. He is a pretty silly caricature. Actually, I came across the the word "goyim," in the Prime show The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel.
That's what I love about JPP....someone gives me a sincere apology and an epic flame war breaks out. :)

I'm certainly envious!

Once, someone quoted me and said, "That was funny"!

A flame war broke out and 15 Trump cult members quoted not me, but the one who made the comment about me, arguing that she didn't understand humor and she was an idiot, a whore, and a cunt.

WTF? LOL! Now that is hilarious- and sad!
Sorry Dude

sometimes I get too harsh and knee jerk with my reactions

You were spot on and taught me some history today

infact you have inspired me to learn more about this subject

an inspiring time I never took the time to learn more about

I do these apology threads for the cons and I thought this stupidity of mine towards you deserved the same level of treatment

You the man dude

my face is in the dirt

thank you for the whooping

In the end your asskicking will make me a better person and a more informed one at that

Sorry dude !

all you gotta do is slap her in the face with your cock and she submits.
I doubt anyone is actually offended by Goony. He is a pretty silly caricature. Actually, I came across the the word "goyim," in the Prime show The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel.

My impression as well. No one here actually feels dehumanized or genuinely offended by him. I get the impression he is doing sort of a caricature, but my impression could be wrong.

If they are using the word "goyim" on a cable television show, that is more evidence to me that it is not some sort of culturally offensive and dehumanizing insult in the way the other ethnic insults highlighted in this thread are. Not even remotely in the same universe.

Which leaves me wondering why certain teabaggers were trying to draw a false equivalency between Guno and truly degenerate racists like CFM and TDAK, and why they were whining that lefties should be haranguing guno and apologizing for him.

None of it makes any sense, man!
My impression as well. No one here actually feels dehumanized or genuinely offended by him. I get the impression he is doing sort of a caricature, but my impression could be wrong.

If they are using the word "goyim" on a cable television show, that is more evidence to me that it is not some sort of culturally offensive and dehumanizing insult in the way the other ethnic insults highlighted in this thread are. Not even remotely in the same universe.

Which leaves me wondering why certain teabaggers were trying to draw a false equivalency between Guno and truly degenerate racists like CFM and TDAK, and why they were whining that lefties should be haranguing guno and apologizing for him.

None of it makes any sense, man!

Even disregarding the racist posts from CFM and TDAK, there's Truth Deleter, for example, who never writes a single sentence without an insult in it, and I don't see any of them flocking to groan him.