Mott just kicked my ass with facts

Yep. Amy Chua wrote the book called Political Tribalism and that’s exactly what this is. And I’m not holier than thou, I participate in it. There have been times I’ve written posts that I deleted before hitting send because I was going to say something about someone on my “team”. That’s why I say it’s a mind fvck. Why the hell would I do that.

And I agree with you that it’s ultimately a reflection on the people who say the various terms like guno, cfm and others.

But bigotry is bigotry and we see it excused because the person or people saying it are on “our” side.
Spot on.

I'm certainly guilty of it.
Yep. Amy Chua wrote the book called Political Tribalism and that’s exactly what this is. And I’m not holier than thou, I participate in it. There have been times I’ve written posts that I deleted before hitting send because I was going to say something about someone on my “team”. That’s why I say it’s a mind fvck. Why the hell would I do that.

And I agree with you that it’s ultimately a reflection on the people who say the various terms like guno, cfm and others.

But bigotry is bigotry and we see it excused because the person or people saying it are on “our” side.

Completely agree. (Read the book by Amy Chua) It's one thing when you can honestly acknowledge your own bias, it's just dishonest when you use subterfuge like Christie and Cypress.
Completely agree. (Read the book by Amy Chua) It's one thing when you can honestly acknowledge your own bias, it's just dishonest when you use subterfuge like Christie and Cypress.

You're a complete fool who's using supposition to make your argument, and badly, I might add. Once you start trying to say what people are really thinking, you lost the argument.
You're as much an ignoramus as Toxic and Minty. First you say you don't have a problem with bad language. Then you decided that because I have a problem with the c-word and the n-word, it means I should call out a person who doesn't use them. If you don't like goy, why don't Y O U call out guno? Why aren't you telling Toxic and Minty to call out CFM, volsrock etc. for their racist posts? I guess it's because you hold a double standard. I'm not here to do your bidding, hypocrite.

You don't get to decide what I do or don't consider abhorrent language. Actually I've scrolled past a lot of your abhorrent language and vulgar sexist posts. So why don't you stop that shit already, you ignorant slut? Maybe it's because Toxic gets such a kick out of it.

Consider yourself called out. :laugh:

hahahahahahahaha ...
Christie. You have to be consistent in your OUTRAGE. If it it just directed at Red Team, ... you could easily be dismissed as just another Party Hack. Is that what you are ... a Party Hack?

Christie: "Actually I've scrolled past a lot of your abhorrent language and vulgar sexist posts. So why don't you stop that shit already, you ignorant slut?"
Jack: That's funny. Thanks for the chuckle. :)
I don't see that. And ChrisChristieFan wasn't even on Amazon. She got her marching orders straight from the Owl.

Your queen beckons from the Toxic Narcissism thread, now hop to it! She has some more marching orders for you. :rofl2:

Really Minty, you and I don't like each other but I did give you credit for having a few brain cells. Toxic's playing you like a violin and you're oblivious. You're in this thread doing all the dirty work while she's posting emojis. I guess you don't mind her pulling your strings that way.
hahahahahahahaha ...
Christie. You have to be consistent in your OUTRAGE. If it it just directed at Red Team, ... you could easily be dismissed as just another Party Hack. Is that what you are ... a Party Hack?

Christie: "Actually I've scrolled past a lot of your abhorrent language and vulgar sexist posts. So why don't you stop that shit already, you ignorant slut?"
Jack: That's funny. Thanks for the chuckle. :)

I guess you don't have the smarts to understand that different people get annoyed by different things. So sad!
Sorry, you are lying. The first time you asked me about Toxic was months ago, I told you my side of the story, and you went off on me. It's all there in the war zone.

I'm surprised that your rubber stamper hasn't run out of ink yet. Owl must keep a gross of ink pads in stock.

You're lying, Bimbo. I only recently, "went off" on you for being such a hyper-sensitive little wuss. Let Owl go looking for such a post in her vast files. You phony social justice warriors are pitiful.
20 pages and going strong!

Evince should win a prize for her confession thread, as her thread has a lot of life and hasn't fizzled out like some of those hate threads do!

Hardly ever see anything go past 9:00 PM here in this forum.
You're a complete fool who's using supposition to make your argument, and badly, I might add. Once you start trying to say what people are really thinking, you lost the argument.

Blue Team supports Brotherly Love and Unity. YOU support that, correct?
Does Guno support that?

No. Guno is a Hater. YOU don't support that, do you?

You give Guno a pass because he hates the same people you hate. You consider Guno on Blue Team because he hates Red Team like you do. So, you don't have a Policy you support, you only have a Team that you support.
Blue Team supports Brotherly Love and Unity. YOU support that, correct?
Does Guno support that?

No. Guno is a Hater. YOU don't support that, do you?

You give Guno a pass because he hates the same people you hate. You consider Guno on Blue Team because he hates Red Team like you do. So, you don't have a Policy you support, you only have a Team that you support.

Your queen beckons from the Toxic Narcissism thread, now hop to it! She has some more marching orders for you. :rofl2:

Really Minty, you and I don't like each other but I did give you credit for having a few brain cells. Toxic's playing you like a violin and you're oblivious. You're in this thread doing all the dirty work while she's posting emojis. I guess you don't mind her pulling your strings that way.
I never had any problem with you. And if you saw me at all at DCJunkies you'd know I never hung out in any gang. I don't need or seek anyone's approval. I don't need TOP to survive on this board. Likewise, I am not afraid to speak my true thoughts to those I agree with politically.

You should try thinking for and being yourself. Let Owl fight her own battles. And who cares if she doesn't thank your every post? You don't need her to validate you. You seem like a much nicer person.
Cawacko is correct. He noticed it. I noticed it. The easiest thing and most honest thing is just to admit you are a Party Hack and support Blue Team, ... no matter what.

I guess what you never noticed is that Cawacko is red team and I've supported him many times.