Mott just kicked my ass with facts

There you go again..."you become hysterical." That's Toxic-style pretend clairvoyance and you should know better. Be assured that my BP has remained low throughout this and that I don't indulge in hysterics, on or off the forum.

Why would I call out guno? If the word's an insult it's pretty mild compared to all the filth that flies around here. I guess you don't read my comments regularly. I call out people who use the words that I find to be the most vulgar and ugly. You and your pals are trying to make goy the equivalent to the n-word and the c-word and that is just stupid and false. You have the right to be offended by it but you don't have the right to tell me I have to call somebody out over a word that's essentially meaningless to me.

hahahaha ... I don't have ANY problem with people using ANY word. Cunt, Nigger, Wetback, Chink, Goy, ... only goes to describe the 'issuer'. When Guno uses 'Goy' or 'pork-gobbler', that just describes HIM. When CFM uses 'Nigger', that just describes CFM.

Christie: "Why would I call out guno?"
Jack: If you call out 'others', you should call out Guno. If you're trying to maintain some semblance of credibility. If you want to be 'Honest' about your abhorrence of such non-PC words such as Cunt and Nigger.

Christie: "You have the right to be offended by it but you don't have the right to tell me I have to call somebody out over a word that's essentially meaningless to me."
Jack: I'm claiming YOU are promoting 'Bimboism'. You are 'playing stupid'. You want to belong to the World of PC Fascism, grasping your chest when the word 'Cunt' is used, but completely ignoring words like 'Goy' and 'pork-gobbler' because you feel Guno is on Blue Team.

Ask your friend Owl. She stepped up to the plate and made a comment to Guno. She was being frank and honest. Something you seem not capable of doing.
I agree 100 percent with Christie on this.

Goyim is not a word that offends me in the least, and I never even heard of it six months ago. It is not even remotely in the same category as n*gger, cunt, spic, or kyke.

I have a feeling no one here actually and genuinely feels dehumanized by the word goyim

Ditto. It's only being used as a deflection from the rampant hate and bigotry exhibited by the loudest whiners on this thread, who also happen to both be proud racists..... TrumpDivot and Toxic. I've noticed that virtually every Reichwing racist here from CFM to TDAK to ILA to those two bimbos always point to Guno as an example of how we are supposedly as bad as they are. We're not even in the same universe as their ilk.
He's engaging in tribalism himself by attacking you to others rather than to your face, which has been here the whole time. And I am as well, by pointing that out about Jack, to you.

hahaha ... I'm claiming she is a bona fide Blue Team Member. Cawacko calls it tribalism.
hahaha ... I'm claiming she is a bona fide Blue Team Member. Cawacko calls it tribalism.

Why do you think everyone needs a label? You seem to enjoy being a bona fide Red Team Member yourself, or at least schmoozing them up. And who cares?
There was a discussion of that term back on APF. An-uber Jew said that "shiksa" means something like rotten meat, or food which is unfit to eat.

I think it is generally understood to be an offensive term. It's 'how' it is used. Some Jewish guy could say "Here's my shiksa girlfriend", and it could be endearing.
I agree 100 percent with Christie on this.

Goyim is not a word that offends me in the least, and I never even heard of it six months ago. It is not even remotely in the same category as n*gger, cunt, spic, or kyke.

I have a feeling no one here actually and genuinely feels dehumanized by the word goyim

Thank You. You have exemplified what I have been trying to describe. Complete feigning of knowledge. This is what I call 'Bimboism'. Deliberate ignorance ... to avoid the obvious.
1. CF doesn't hate Toxic. No one does that I'm aware of. She's simply not worth the energy.
2. Toxic started her stalky passive-aggressive victim crap with CF right out of the Amazon gate. She also accused CF of doxxing her and being close to getting banned for it. Both are lies.
3. I don't need allies the way you and Toxic do. Either does Christie. We just happen to both dislike racist, hypocritical stupid skanks like yourselves. So it's a natural partnership.
4. Don't you need to go get your robes ready? The Klan rally starts in half an hour. Scoot along now, and don't be late!

#'s 1 and 2, right on. These two ignoramuses devote their time making up lies, spreading them around and sticking to them like roaches stuck to honey. Toxic's far too cowardly to acknowledge what she did and keeps doing, and somehow she was able to make Minty believe her lies. And "hate" her? Jeebus give me a break. There are far more intelligent but annoying people here to hate than that low IQ pipsqueak.

It also annoys me that Minty and CO both asked me why I had a problem with Toxic and when I told them, they called me a liar and a weakling. WTH? If you're not going to believe the answer, don't ask the question!

They love that BS that I do what you or others tell me what to do. Many long time posters here will be falling out of their chairs laughing to read that. It always makes me laugh, too. :D
#'s 1 and 2, right on. These two ignoramuses devote their time making up lies, spreading them around and sticking to them like roaches stuck to honey. Toxic's far too cowardly to acknowledge what she did and keeps doing, and somehow she was able to make Minty believe her lies. And "hate" her? Jeebus give me a break. There are far more intelligent but annoying people here to hate than that low IQ pipsqueak.

It also annoys me that Minty and CO both asked me why I had a problem with Toxic and when I told them, they called me a liar and a weakling. WTH? If you're not going to believe the answer, don't ask the question!

They love that BS that I do what you or others tell me what to do. Many long time posters here will be falling out of their chairs laughing to read that. It always makes me laugh, too. :D

Bimbo, I didn't call you a liar. I told you that I had never even seen that thread. So now I am calling you a liar.
I agree 100 percent with Christie on this.

Goyim is not a word that offends me in the least, and I never even heard of it six months ago. It is not even remotely in the same category as n*gger, cunt, spic, or kyke.

I have a feeling no one here actually and genuinely feels dehumanized by the word goyim

I think this is the argument they've sunk to because so many of them ignore the real racism and bigotry from their side. It's false equivalence.
Ditto. It's only being used as a deflection from the rampant hate and bigotry exhibited by the loudest whiners on this thread, who also happen to both be proud racists..... TrumpDivot and Toxic. I've noticed that virtually every Reichwing racist here from CFM to TDAK to ILA to those two bimbos always point to Guno as an example of how we are supposedly as bad as they are. We're not even in the same universe as their ilk.

Progressives support Brotherly Love and Unity. The 'Reichwing racists', as you call them, DON'T support that ... and neither does Guno. You are being hypocritical.
Are you trying to be Honest, ... or just one of the Red Team/Blue Team crowd?
Thank You. You have exemplified what I have been trying to describe. Complete feigning of knowledge. This is what I call 'Bimboism'. Deliberate ignorance ... to avoid the obvious.

Yep. Amy Chua wrote the book called Political Tribalism and that’s exactly what this is. And I’m not holier than thou, I participate in it. There have been times I’ve written posts that I deleted before hitting send because I was going to say something about someone on my “team”. That’s why I say it’s a mind fvck. Why the hell would I do that.

And I agree with you that it’s ultimately a reflection on the people who say the various terms like guno, cfm and others.

But bigotry is bigotry and we see it excused because the person or people saying it are on “our” side.
hahahaha ... I don't have ANY problem with people using ANY word. Cunt, Nigger, Wetback, Chink, Goy, ... only goes to describe the 'issuer'. When Guno uses 'Goy' or 'pork-gobbler', that just describes HIM. When CFM uses 'Nigger', that just describes CFM.

Christie: "Why would I call out guno?"
Jack: If you call out 'others', you should call out Guno. If you're trying to maintain some semblance of credibility. If you want to be 'Honest' about your abhorrence of such non-PC words such as Cunt and Nigger.

Christie: "You have the right to be offended by it but you don't have the right to tell me I have to call somebody out over a word that's essentially meaningless to me."
Jack: I'm claiming YOU are promoting 'Bimboism'. You are 'playing stupid'. You want to belong to the World of PC Fascism, grasping your chest when the word 'Cunt' is used, but completely ignoring words like 'Goy' and 'pork-gobbler' because you feel Guno is on Blue Team.

Ask your friend Owl. She stepped up to the plate and made a comment to Guno. She was being frank and honest. Something you seem not capable of doing.

You're as much an ignoramus as Toxic and Minty. First you say you don't have a problem with bad language. Then you decided that because I have a problem with the c-word and the n-word, it means I should call out a person who doesn't use them. If you don't like goy, why don't Y O U call out guno? Why aren't you telling Toxic and Minty to call out CFM, volsrock etc. for their racist posts? I guess it's because you hold a double standard. I'm not here to do your bidding, hypocrite.

You don't get to decide what I do or don't consider abhorrent language. Actually I've scrolled past a lot of your abhorrent language and vulgar sexist posts. So why don't you stop that shit already, you ignorant slut? Maybe it's because Toxic gets such a kick out of it.

Consider yourself called out. :laugh: