Mott just kicked my ass with facts

You purposely ignore the obvious. Cawacko is correct. You become hysterical when Red Team throws out a derogatory remark. When Blue Team does something similar, you completely and deliberately deny that it happened. Disingenuous ... would be the word.

Tribalism is very real and it’s a mind fvck
I never claimed not to have changed my username for this ID -- lots of people do that. That is no secret. See; Username Tab, moron. :laugh:

What I don't have, are sock puppet IDs I use to support my own arguments and share with a gang. Know anyone who does? ;)

apparently she's ok with the multiples (accounts, not name changes) her friends use...with a capital M;) Two sets of rules;)
You purposely ignore the obvious. Cawacko is correct. You become hysterical when Red Team throws out a derogatory remark. When Blue Team does something similar, you completely and deliberately deny that it happened. Disingenuous ... would be the word.

There you go again..."you become hysterical." That's Toxic-style pretend clairvoyance and you should know better. Be assured that my BP has remained low throughout this and that I don't indulge in hysterics, on or off the forum.

Why would I call out guno? If the word's an insult it's pretty mild compared to all the filth that flies around here. I guess you don't read my comments regularly. I call out people who use the words that I find to be the most vulgar and ugly. You and your pals are trying to make goy the equivalent to the n-word and the c-word and that is just stupid and false. You have the right to be offended by it but you don't have the right to tell me I have to call somebody out over a word that's essentially meaningless to me.
I never claimed not to have changed my username for this ID -- lots of people do that. That is no secret. See; Username Tab, moron. :laugh:

What I don't have, are sock puppet IDs I use to support my own arguments and share with a gang. Know anyone who does? ;)

We were discussing searching out posts under different names. I guess you have to change the subject because you don't have a real comeback.

Btw, re: your last sentence, why don't you name names? Skeert? :rofl2:
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It's rampant here. Most acknowledge it. Why Christie tries to 'play stupid' and deny it is beyond me. It just discredits her.

Where did I ever say anything at all about tribalism? You're sinking deeper into lying about me, Jack. I guess you have to go down that road because you have nothing else.
apparently she's ok with the multiples (accounts, not name changes) her friends use...with a capital M;) Two sets of rules;)
There is no doubt. She is the biggest, weak willed hypocrite on this board. She "hates" you because Owlshit "told" her to. How pathetic is that?
Where did I ever say anything at all about tribalism? You're sinking deeper into lying about me, Jack. I guess you have to go down that road because you have nothing else.

He's engaging in tribalism himself by attacking you to others rather than to your face, which has been here the whole time. And I am as well, by pointing that out about Jack, to you.
There is no doubt. She is the biggest, weak willed hypocrite on this board. She "hates" you because Owlshit "told" her to. How pathetic is that?

1. CF doesn't hate Toxic. No one does that I'm aware of. She's simply not worth the energy.
2. Toxic started her stalky passive-aggressive victim crap with CF right out of the Amazon gate. She also accused CF of doxxing her and being close to getting banned for it. Both are lies.
3. I don't need allies the way you and Toxic do. Either does Christie. We just happen to both dislike racist, hypocritical stupid skanks like yourselves. So it's a natural partnership.
4. Don't you need to go get your robes ready? The Klan rally starts in half an hour. Scoot along now, and don't be late!
"Shiksa is an often disparaging term for a non-Jewish woman or girl. The word, which is of Yiddish origin, has moved into English usage, mostly in North American Jewish culture. Wikipedia"

There was a discussion of that term back on APF. An-uber Jew said that "shiksa" means something like rotten meat, or food which is unfit to eat.
It's rampant here. Most acknowledge it. Why Christie tries to 'play stupid' and deny it is beyond me. It just discredits her.

I agree 100 percent with Christie on this.

Goyim is not a word that offends me in the least, and I never even heard of it six months ago. It is not even remotely in the same category as n*gger, cunt, spic, or kyke.

I have a feeling no one here actually and genuinely feels dehumanized by the word goyim
There is no doubt. She is the biggest, weak willed hypocrite on this board. She "hates" you because Owlshit "told" her to. How pathetic is that?

The stupid. It's painful :palm:

Why don't you and your new queen move over to the Toxic Narcissism thread where you can post insults and share racist jokes to your heart's content. She's so happy to get another female's undivided attention. You're her "person." :rofl2:
You killed your desh's thread...and why?
An affliction suffered by several on this board.

She lives rent-free in your head. You can't get through a thread without mentioning her name.

Her mere existence makes you melt down. Funny.