Mott just kicked my ass with facts

Like I said this term is new to the board. I'm not going to argue with people who are insulted by it; I have enough to handle with those ignoramuses who call me the C-word almost every day.

It seems such a mild insult compared to everything we see here.

I’m not insulted by it. It’s the principle that folks complain about derogatory terms and then give him a pass because they like his politics. Politics are tribal. We don’t, or very rarely, call out “team members”.

And saying you are inferior for being a non Jew is hardly a mild insult.
Awwwe, if it isn't another phony LGBTQ advocate using homosexuality as an insult.

Those true colors always come shining through.

Go ahead, say what you really think --you and ChrisChristiefan-- faggot, dyke, nigger, kike.

This is what you think but do not say - and you just proved it. ;)

Ding, ding, ding. I win again. :)
Some Jews consider themselves 'The Chosen People', and view themselves as a 'race'. In this context, I would call these terms, like 'shiksa' and 'goy' a racial slur, ... and how it is meant to be interpreted.

Possibly that's right. I learned the terms years ago from the Jewish nurses I worked with. They kidded around a lot with each other and us non-Jews as well, so I never associated the words with animosity. BTW, they also had the best Jewish American Princess jokes ever.
Awwwe, if it isn't another phony LGBTQ advocate using homosexuality as an insult.

Those true colors always come shining through.

Go ahead, say what you really think --you and ChrisChristiefan-- faggot, dyke, nigger, kike.

This is what you think but do not say - and you just proved it. ;)

Ding, ding, ding. I win again. :)

Quite the contrary,Top needed a "gal pal"!(:
Toxic has a gf

Possibly that's right. I learned the terms years ago from the Jewish nurses I worked with. They kidded around a lot with each other and us non-Jews as well, so I never associated the words with animosity. BTW, they also had the best Jewish American Princess jokes ever.

I once asked this friend who was Mexican "How do you feel about being called a Mexican?".
He replied "It's how it's used".

That kinda' sums it up.
I had an ID a long time ago and forgot the password to it. I have no socks.

Your girlfren Phantasmal can verify that-

My, my, you're getting a widdle upthet over not being able to prove any of your claims about me.

Maybe Mother Owlshit can give you some comfort, crybaby.

Bullshit. You've used all these names in a little over six months. Stop being such a lying sack of dung.

Life is Golden
America First Abrams
America First
The Great Trumpkin
Trump Diva
Bullshit. You've used all these names in a little over six months. Stop being such a lying sack of dung.

Life is Golden
America First Abrams
America First
The Great Trumpkin
Trump Diva
Uhhh, yes, under this ID. Anyone can go to the Username tab and see that.

I have no other alternate IDs -- no socks.

You really are a ditz and a bimbo.
I’m not insulted by it. It’s the principle that folks complain about derogatory terms and then give him a pass because they like his politics. Politics are tribal. We don’t, or very rarely, call out “team members”.

And saying you are inferior for being a non Jew is hardly a mild insult.

Why is goy more of an insult than all the other vulgar or trashy terms used here? Not even talking about the C- and n-words; for an example look at Truth Destroyer's posts, or IHA's.
You guys Killed desh's thread...nicely done;)...and why?
An affliction suffered by several on this board.

She lives rent-free in your head. You can't get through a thread without mentioning her name.

Her mere existence makes you melt down. Funny.
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