Mott just kicked my ass with facts

Do you know if shiksa is an insult? I admit to not being up on Jewish trash talk, we've only had racist language here up to now.

Depends on how it is used. Mostly it's just a descriptive word meaning non-Jewish female, but if the speaker is militant about her faith it can be used as a put-down. It's not in the same class though as n-word, c-word, b-word, kike, spic, etc.
I did look and it doesn't say that's the real meaning. It's under a usage note. So it looks like the term can be used two ways, legitimately and as an insult.


or goi

noun, plural goy·im [goi-im] /ˈgɔɪ ɪm/, goys. Usually Disparaging.

a term used by a Jew to refer to someone who is not Jewish.
a term used by an observant Jew to refer to a Jew who is not religious or is ignorant of Judaism.

Origin of goy

1835–45; < Yiddish < Hebrew goi nation, non-Jew, Jew ignorant of the Jewish religion
Related forms goy·ish , adjective

Usage note

Use of this term usually implies a contempt for non-Jews as being different from or even inferior to Jews: Only a goy would use such faulty logic. goy is rarely used in a neutral, descriptive way as a synonym for gentile , though that is its meaning in Yiddish and Hebrew. In another usually disparaging usage, goy is applied to a Jew who is not observant.

Let's be real for a moment. What do you think he's using it as? A compliment? No. It's a bigoted religious term.

I understand the tribal mindset of politics and this board. You are free not to call him out. But let's not kid ourselves about how he's using the term.
No. But it probably would be considered bigotry. That being said, my mom cried for a week when my oldest brother announced he was converting to Catholicism to marry his fiancee. (We were Lutheran.) More bigotry, eh? Apparently some moms want to keep their kids in whatever religion they were raised in.

Ha, your bro married a mackerel snapper! I had classes with a woman who was American but ethnically Greek and she was very firm about marrying another Greek and staying in that culture.
No. But it probably would be considered bigotry. That being said, my mom cried for a week when my oldest brother announced he was converting to Catholicism to marry his fiancee. (We were Lutheran.) More bigotry, eh? Apparently some moms want to keep their kids in whatever religion they were raised in.

Some Jews consider themselves 'The Chosen People', and view themselves as a 'race'. In this context, I would call these terms, like 'shiksa' and 'goy' a racial slur, ... and how it is meant to be interpreted.
Give me time, you've had three or four different names since you started here, you two-faced pearl clutching bigot. ;)
I had an ID a long time ago and forgot the password to it. I have no socks.

Your girlfren Phantasmal can verify that-

My, my, you're getting a widdle upthet over not being able to prove any of your claims about me.

Maybe Mother Owlshit can give you some comfort, crybaby.
Some Jews consider themselves 'The Chosen People', and view themselves as a 'race'. In this context, I would call these terms, like 'shiksa' and 'goy' a racial slur, ... and how it is meant to be interpreted.
Of course it is.

Any Jew will confirm that for you.
Ha, your bro married a mackerel snapper! I had classes with a woman who was American but ethnically Greek and she was very firm about marrying another Greek and staying in that culture.

First generation immigrants usually stay with their culture,after that they drift into American culture.
Depends on how it is used. Mostly it's just a descriptive word meaning non-Jewish female, but if the speaker is militant about her faith it can be used as a put-down. It's not in the same class though as n-word, c-word, b-word, kike, spic, etc.

"Shiksa is an often disparaging term for a non-Jewish woman or girl. The word, which is of Yiddish origin, has moved into English usage, mostly in North American Jewish culture. Wikipedia"
If none of us has ever even heard of the term goyim before 12 months ago, and if it is a Jewish word used to refer to non-jews, there is zero legitimate chance that anyone here was genuinely offended by it - and certainly not in the way that chink, N-word, heeb, and spic are universally recognized as highly offensive and dehumanizing.

Let's just chalk up this episode as another tepid teabagger attempt to establish false equivalency, and express their faux outrage.

I don't care that you have me on ignore. Can you just for once stop being such a sanctimonious prick? That one chooses not to offended by it doesn't change that its meaning in how he's using it and that is meant to be derogatory. So please spare us your holier than thou rhetoric and saying bigotry is ok when someone whose politics you like says it. Damn dude.
Minty's found herself a Queen! :rofl2:


Let's be real for a moment. What do you think he's using it as? A compliment? No. It's a bigoted religious term.

I understand the tribal mindset of politics and this board. You are free not to call him out. But let's not kid ourselves about how he's using the term.

Like I said this term is new to the board. I'm not going to argue with people who are insulted by it; I have enough to handle with those ignoramuses who call me the C-word almost every day.

It seems such a mild insult compared to everything we see here.
Cawacko. This is another incident of Christie promoting 'Bimboism'. I don't know why she does that. It only lowers her 'honesty' score.

Let's be real for a moment. What do you think he's using it as? A compliment? No. It's a bigoted religious term.

I understand the tribal mindset of politics and this board. You are free not to call him out. But let's not kid ourselves about how he's using the term.
You clearly don't know any Jewish people. Ask any one of them if shiksa and goyim are insults.

My God, you are a moron x1000.

I know Jewish people but we don't talk about ethnic insults. Those I know use the same "hell, fuck and shit" as the rest of us. I guess you run with a rougher crowd.