Mott just kicked my ass with facts

Link up, liar. Or put your pathetic strawman in the closet.

You approve of Goon-O's sick rants because he agrees with your demented ideology.

When I respond to Goon-Os crap in the same manner, don't say one word. You have no moral ground to stand on because you are a hypocrite on the highest order.

You never called Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin "thugs"? You never criticized Kaepernick and the black players for kneeling but gave the white guys a pass? Good lord.

Look at the cities burned down, the cops assassinated by Black Lies Matter and you draw an equivalency between a bunny rabbit and a rattlesnake.
The only good BLM member is a dead one. Chew on that like a new millet treat.
Dead thuglets are better. Like takin' out the trash.

With little Black Hitler gone, you've lost your race card. 2016 was a great year.

Bingo. And shits on the flag to 'protest' waycist America. Get the hell out of America, you anti-American POS.

You of all people should stay far away from the word hypocrisy unless you're prepared to describe yourself and Toxic with it.
You never called Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin "thugs"? You never criticized Kaepernick and the black players for kneeling but gave the white guys a pass? Good lord.

Look at the cities burned down, the cops assassinated by Black Lies Matter and you draw an equivalency between a bunny rabbit and a rattlesnake.
The only good BLM member is a dead one. Chew on that like a new millet treat.
Dead thuglets are better. Like takin' out the trash.

With little Black Hitler gone, you've lost your race card. 2016 was a great year.

Bingo. And shits on the flag to 'protest' waycist America. Get the hell out of America, you anti-American POS.

You of all people should stay far away from the word hypocrisy unless you're prepared to describe yourself and Toxic with it.

It appears Life of Gold,and Top have become an item:hearnoevil:
Actually it’s original usage was to describe someone who is black. It wasn’t until later that it took on the meaning as we know today. I guess I’m still missing how that makes using goy the way guno does acceptable

I never heard anybody use the word goy before guno came here. The slurs I remember are kike and hebe.
I never heard anybody use the word goy before guno came here. The slurs I remember are kike and hebe.

I had never heard the the term goy either. "kike" and "hebe" are obviously derogatory terms directed at Jews. Goy is a derogatory term used by Jews (guno) directed at others.
You never called Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin "thugs"? You never criticized Kaepernick and the black players for kneeling but gave the white guys a pass? Good lord.

Look at the cities burned down, the cops assassinated by Black Lies Matter and you draw an equivalency between a bunny rabbit and a rattlesnake.
The only good BLM member is a dead one. Chew on that like a new millet treat.
Dead thuglets are better. Like takin' out the trash.

With little Black Hitler gone, you've lost your race card. 2016 was a great year.

Bingo. And shits on the flag to 'protest' waycist America. Get the hell out of America, you anti-American POS.

You of all people should stay far away from the word hypocrisy unless you're prepared to describe yourself and Toxic with it.
Not one instance of the word "nigger"?

Ruh roh and checkmate.

Remember, Goon-O will get just desserts and you'll have to sit back and watch, you phony, hand-wringing hypocrite.
You never called Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin "thugs"? You never criticized Kaepernick and the black players for kneeling but gave the white guys a pass? Good lord.

Look at the cities burned down, the cops assassinated by Black Lies Matter and you draw an equivalency between a bunny rabbit and a rattlesnake.
The only good BLM member is a dead one. Chew on that like a new millet treat.
Dead thuglets are better. Like takin' out the trash.

With little Black Hitler gone, you've lost your race card. 2016 was a great year.

Bingo. And shits on the flag to 'protest' waycist America. Get the hell out of America, you anti-American POS.

You of all people should stay far away from the word hypocrisy unless you're prepared to describe yourself and Toxic with it.

Nice take down. I see why the two racist skanks have so tightly bonded. Sisterhoods!

I had never heard the the term goy either. "kike" and "hebe" are obviously derogatory terms directed at Jews. Goy is a derogatory term used by Jews (guno) directed at others.

I agree that in present use it is derogatory. However, it does not have the same emotional and historical impact as calling someone the n-word. Nor is it racist. Jews are not a race. Non-Jew is also not a race.
I agree that in present use it is derogatory. However, it does not have the same emotional and historical impact as calling someone the n-word. Nor is it racist. Jews are not a race. Non-Jew is also not a race.

I have heard the word Goy,in the movies.I wonder if it's Yiddish,like "Gunsel"?
Toxic would have been long gone from this thread if it wasn't for Minty. :D
Notice how she doesn't post, except for emojis and cheering on Minty's dreck.

Toxic doesn't discuss politics at all. She only comes to political discussion sites to bash ppl... either celebrities (who are usually black and/or female), or other board members. There's no there, there. Just an empty head full of bitterness and envy. Minty and her were just made for each other!

(Funny hint: Watch her copy/pasting deteriorate as her agitation grows!)
I had never heard the the term goy either. "kike" and "hebe" are obviously derogatory terms directed at Jews. Goy is a derogatory term used by Jews (guno) directed at others.

Would you think anything of it if he used the term "white trash" instead of goy? I'm just trying to figure out the parameters here.