Mott just kicked my ass with facts

because we talk publicly here

I accused him publicly

when I am wrong I want to publicly apologize so that EVERYONE can be sure that the facts come to the top

that the person realizes I accept that they were correct

That they can trust me to accept when I am wrong

That without question They honored the facts and that I without question will honor the facts

reality is more important than human embarrassment

FACTS are sacred to those who seek to live in reality

to people like you facts are useless if they don't fit your narrative

that means you do not honor facts

that means you will never be correct or live in reality

you just cant understand these things

its what makes it clear you are not human and not honorable

being able to place the facts over personal embarrassment is what decent adults do

and here are all you conbotholes

saying that there is something wrong with apologizing for being wrong

proving just how many of you are russo bot holes

She's a moron times ten. There's nothing wrong with your apology, she's just looking for a chance to bash you. It's the only thing she does on this forum; god knows she's not here to argue politics.

I doubt she'd give that smug, sanctimonious lecture to Damo for the public apology he wrote a few years ago.
The words "white trash" and "redneck" are not even close to the N-word as far as offensiveness, they are simply insulting. Anybody who's not a bigot knows this. And I'm still waiting for your explanation of why "goyim" is offensive.

or goi

noun, plural goy·im [goi-im] /ˈgɔɪ ɪm/, goys. Usually Disparaging.

a term used by a Jew to refer to someone who is not Jewish.
a term used by an observant Jew to refer to a Jew who is not religious or is ignorant of Judaism.
The way he uses it is derogatory and racist.

White trash and redneck are racial slurs. That is a fact. Saying they "aren't as bad" is subjective bullshit. You either condemn all racism or you are just a phony.

Remember, when you see a duplicate thread of Goon-Os replaced with the slur nigger or kike, don't say a word, hypocrite.
The way he uses it is derogatory and racist.

White trash and redneck are racial slurs. That is a fact. Saying they "aren't as bad" is subjective bullshit. You either condemn all racism or you are just a phony.

Remember, when you see a duplicate thread of Goon-Os replaced with the slur nigger or kike, don't say a word, hypocrite.

And the reason you don't groan CFM, volsrock and the others who use the N-word is? Oh that's right, you use it yourself. You're all peas in a pod.

I don't see Toxic groaning you or any of those people I mentioned for using the N-word, guess that makes her a hypocrite also.
Sorry Dude

sometimes I get too harsh and knee jerk with my reactions

You were spot on and taught me some history today

infact you have inspired me to learn more about this subject

an inspiring time I never took the time to learn more about

I do these apology threads for the cons and I thought this stupidity of mine towards you deserved the same level of treatment

You the man dude

my face is in the dirt

thank you for the whooping

In the end your asskicking will make me a better person and a more informed one at that

Sorry dude !

Go fuck a dead squirrel!
I have to agree with Life is Golden. Guno uses 'Goy' and 'Goyim' as derogatory terms. The same way a white person might use nigger or kike. For some reason he seems to hate white people and Christians. I think he must have grown up in an enclosed environment, like these Muslims we hear about in Europe. Not really integrated in Society at large.

And the reason you don't groan CFM, volsrock and the others who use the N-word is? Oh that's right, you use it yourself. You're all peas in a pod.

I don't see Toxic groaning you or any of those people I mentioned for using the N-word, guess that makes her a hypocrite also.
You're deflecting. When you call out those on your side for their vulgar, nasty, bigoted screeds, then I'll take your comments under consideration.

Btw, since when is "goyim" a slur?

(/ɡɔɪ/, Hebrew: גוי, regular plural goyim /ˈɡɔɪ.ɪm/, גוים or גויים) is the standard Hebrew biblical term for a nation.[1]

But doesn't that just make you a "follower"; because by your own words, you can't do it until you have someone to follow. :palm:
You're deflecting. When you call out those on your side for their vulgar, nasty, bigoted screeds, then I'll take your comments under consideration.

Btw, since when is "goyim" a slur?

(/ɡɔɪ/, Hebrew: גוי, regular plural goyim /ˈɡɔɪ.ɪm/, גוים or גויים) is the standard Hebrew biblical term for a nation.[1]


Use of this term usually implies a contempt for non-Jews as being different from or even inferior to Jews: Only a goy would use such faulty logic. goy is rarely used in a neutral, descriptive way as a synonym for gentile , though that is its meaning in Yiddish and Hebrew. In another usually disparaging usage, goy is applied to a Jew who is not observant.

I think it's pretty clear guno uses it as a derogatory term. It's not even a question really.
And the reason you don't groan CFM, volsrock and the others who use the N-word is? Oh that's right, you use it yourself. You're all peas in a pod.

I don't see Toxic groaning you or any of those people I mentioned for using the N-word, guess that makes her a hypocrite also.
When do I use the N-word? Link up.

Do I start threads every day with nigger, nigger, nigger like Goon-O does?

Nope. I only used it a long time ago, to prove a point to the hypocrites like you.

Let's see you walk the walk. You don't like racism? Prove it. You've wrung your hands over your political opponents and condoned racist rants from those you agree with you politically.

That's hypocrisy.

Use of this term usually implies a contempt for non-Jews as being different from or even inferior to Jews: Only a goy would use such faulty logic. goy is rarely used in a neutral, descriptive way as a synonym for gentile , though that is its meaning in Yiddish and Hebrew. In another usually disparaging usage, goy is applied to a Jew who is not observant.

I think it's pretty clear guno uses it as a derogatory term. It's not even a question really.

Do you think "goy" is as bad as the N-word?

Use of this term usually implies a contempt for non-Jews as being different from or even inferior to Jews: Only a goy would use such faulty logic. goy is rarely used in a neutral, descriptive way as a synonym for gentile , though that is its meaning in Yiddish and Hebrew. In another usually disparaging usage, goy is applied to a Jew who is not observant.

I think it's pretty clear guno uses it as a derogatory term. It's not even a question really.

I will never have greater respect than for the man that realizes he was wrong and graciously admits it without a single excuse- With one exception, except-when a woman admits she is wrong!

OK! That was a sex joke! My Bad!

Great thread Evince!
When do I use the N-word? Link up.

Do I start threads every day with nigger, nigger, nigger like Goon-O does?

Nope. I only used it a long time ago, to prove a point to the hypocrites like you.

Let's see you walk the walk. You don't like racism? Prove it. You've wrung your hands over your political opponents and condoned racist rants from those you agree with you politically.

That's hypocrisy.

Let's be perfectly honest. You hate blacks and use every opportunity to put them down. You never pass up the opportunity to slam them with lies, insults and stupid comments about free stuff, plantations, baby daddies, cop killers, thugs and the like.

I've read your posts here and on DC Junkies, where I was a member under a different name. You are a bigot. Deflecting to guno is a bigot's ploy to distract from your own words.

Furthermore, hypocrisy is you calling me out for not groaning guno, but giving your new BFF pal Toxic and yourself a pass for not groaning the other racists here.
Nothing is as bad as the n-word. But goy is a deragatory and racist/bigoted term the way guno used it. So arguing it's an acceptable term is incorrect.

We're talking definition v. usage. The original definition of goy is not derogatory. The original definition of n*gger is always derogatory. The n-word will always trump goy when it comes to ugly language.
Let's be perfectly honest. You hate blacks and use every opportunity to put them down. You never pass up the opportunity to slam them with lies, insults and stupid comments about free stuff, plantations, baby daddies, cop killers, thugs and the like.

I've read your posts here and on DC Junkies, where I was a member under a different name. You are a bigot. Deflecting to guno is a bigot's ploy to distract from your own words.

Furthermore, hypocrisy is you calling me out for not groaning guno, but giving your new BFF pal Toxic and yourself a pass for not groaning the other racists here.
Link up, liar. Or put your pathetic strawman in the closet.

You approve of Goon-O's sick rants because he agrees with your demented ideology.

When I respond to Goon-Os crap in the same manner, don't say one word. You have no moral ground to stand on because you are a hypocrite on the highest order.
I should start an Evince Derangement Syndrome thread.

You and Toxic can be charter members. :D

Hahahaha! But then... who wants to spend even five minutes of precious life searching the forum every morning for the two racist skanks' posts, to place them in their special thread? My life is far too valuable for that, and so is yours. Maybe we could hire someone.
We're talking definition v. usage. The original definition of goy is not derogatory. The original definition of n*gger is always derogatory. The n-word will always trump goy when it comes to ugly language.
Yes, it's a racist, derogatory word.

That is a fact.

Because you "feel" it's a better word doesn't mean anything. Omg......