Mott just kicked my ass with facts

And the reason you don't groan CFM, volsrock and the others who use the N-word is? Oh that's right, you use it yourself. You're all peas in a pod.

I don't see Toxic groaning you or any of those people I mentioned for using the N-word, guess that makes her a hypocrite also.

A white person calling another white person a "redneck" or "hillbilly" is not being any more racist than one black person calling another the n-word which is jokingly done often in groups of friends. You're right; Racist Skank just wants to pretend to be righteous so we won't notice her racism.
:laugh: "A white person calling another white person a "redneck" or "hillbilly" is not being any more racist than one black person calling another the n-word which is jokingly done often in groups of friends. You're right; Racist Skank just wants to pretend to be righteous so we won't notice her racism. "
We're talking definition v. usage. The original definition of goy is not derogatory. The original definition of n*gger is always derogatory. The n-word will always trump goy when it comes to ugly language.

Actually it’s original usage was to describe someone who is black. It wasn’t until later that it took on the meaning as we know today. I guess I’m still missing how that makes using goy the way guno does acceptable
:laugh: "A white person calling another white person a "redneck" or "hillbilly" is not being any more racist than one black person calling another the n-word which is jokingly done often in groups of friends. You're right; Racist Skank just wants to pretend to be righteous so we won't notice her racism. "

Aw look, it's my skanky little wannabe-me. Isn't it cute when she twerks for attention?
:laugh: "A white person calling another white person a "redneck" or "hillbilly" is not being any more racist than one black person calling another the n-word which is jokingly done often in groups of friends. You're right; Racist Skank just wants to pretend to be righteous so we won't notice her racism. "

Sad,no race,color or creed,will fuck you:laugh:
Why do black's use the n-word?

They took a word that was used against them and turned it around as one of empowerment among themselves. Now there are some/many in the black community who disagree with its usage among fellow blacks but that’s a different discussion
Why do black's use the n-word?

Same reason we women joke around with each other and call each other and ourselves "bitches." We're taking a slur used against us, and owning it. But if a man calls a woman a bitch, then he's usually being a misogynist pig. See the difference?