Mott just kicked my ass with facts

this is how the right wing posters deal with people apologizing for being wrong

Its time for all to realize how many of these "people" we talk to here on the right are not real humans

if they are real humans they are the worst humans the world has to offer
Why not just apologize privately? that's what a normal person would do...after deleting their "errors" or simply editing the post to admit you were wrong...
Save the drama....a thread wasn't necessary, was it? Really?
because we talk publicly here

I accused him publicly

when I am wrong I want to publicly apologize so that EVERYONE can be sure that the facts come to the top

that the person realizes I accept that they were correct

That they can trust me to accept when I am wrong

That without question They honored the facts and that I without question will honor the facts

reality is more important than human embarrassment

FACTS are sacred to those who seek to live in reality

to people like you facts are uselss if they don't fit your narrative

that means you do not honor facts

that means you will never be correct or live in reality

you just cant understand these things

its what makes it clear you are not human and not honorable

being able to place the facts over personal embarrassment is what decent adults do

and here are all you conbotholes

saying that there is something wrong with apologizing for being wrong

proving just how many of you are russo bot holes
Editing the post and admitting you were wrong in the thread would have been sufficient...the whole forum didn't read the thread or see the error, you know that, don't you?....;) Save the drama....
saying that there is something wrong with apologizing for being wrong

They are without honor. That makes it impossible to understand when someone else behaves in an honorable manner. Besides, you're taking attention away from one of our neediest attention whores. lol
Editing the post and admitting you were wrong in the thread would have been sufficient...the whole forum didn't read the thread or see the error, you know that, don't you?....;) Save the drama....

and if I had you russo bot hole ass would be there saying I was trying to hide my apology

Oh I also do these announcement apologies so you lying russo bot holes cant do that


that when you accuse people of never admitting they are wrong I can remind you lying bags of diarrhea that you are lying bags of diarrhea

you non human russo bot holes are designed to make people hate each other so putin can get his nut off and giggle like a anime school girl
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and if I had you russo bot hole ass would be there saying I was trying to hide my apology

Oh I also do these announcement apologies so you lying russo bot holes cant do that


that when you accuse people of never admitting they are wrong I can remind you lying bags of diarrhea that you are lying bags of diarrhea

you non human russo bot hole designed to make people hate each other so putin can get his nut off and giggle like a anime school girl
Most people never even saw "it" know that don't you? You really should save the drama;)
Just a suggestion...Relax, dear;)
Editing the post and admitting you were wrong in the thread would have been sufficient...the whole forum didn't read the thread or see the error, you know that, don't you?....;) Save the drama....


and you would have praised me for that huh ????????????????????

you are a fucking russo bot hole

your programming means you would have ripped me ni matter what had been my reaction

its what you are programmed to do

Its what the GRU designed you to do

It really is time for all Americans to realize Americans are better than this GRU program was designed to make us seem lie to each other

You are the russo bot holes designed to "LIKE" evil shit and push fake news to the top

you are the Russian manipulation program

no one talks about chat sites in this program

but its very real

designed to make Americans hate each other
Most people never even saw "it" know that don't you? You really should save the drama;)
Just a suggestion...Relax, dear;)

and now the whole site sees which side admits when they are wrong and respects the facts


and you would have praised me for that huh ????????????????????

you are a fucking russo bot hole

your programming means you would have ripped me ni matter what had been my reaction

its what you are programmed to do

Its what the GRU designed you to do

It really is time for all Americans to realize Americans are better than this GRU program was designed to make us seem lie to each other

You are the russo bot holes designed to "LIKE" evil shit and push fake news to the top

you are the Russian manipulation program

no one talks about chat sites in this program

but its very real

designed to make Americans hate each other
Get some much needed rest...have a wonderful day:) God Bless the US:)
Thanks Desh. If you would like to learn more about Ancient Rome I’d strongly recommend The late Coleen McCollough’s master of Rome series starting with The First Man in Rome.

That is a wonderful series. I love authors who can take you back in time and put you there the way McCollough does.

fuck you and your programmer

you fucking assholes wont win this game

you have some of the shittiest land and on the planet

you have always treated your people like cattle for the slaughter

you found a new weapon called the internets

you found a little success there

and now the other humans on the planet figured out your little trigger game

your society never creates anything much of value

it never has

that is what treating your humans like cattle gets you

fuck your programmer

hes a pencil dicked snowman fucker

you have now fucked that snowman enough that your tiny rancid pecker is about to shatter and fall off

poor little Russian and your shitty land

nothing to offer the world but cold and snow

the word hates russia

fuck you and your programmer

you fucking assholes wont win this game

you have some of the shittiest land and on the planet

you have always treated your people like cattle for the slaughter

you found a new weapon called the internets

you found a little success there

and now the other humans on the planet figured out your little trigger game

your society never creates anything much of value

it never has

that is what treating your humans like cattle gets you

fuck your programmer

hes a pencil dicked snowman fucker

you have now fucked that snowman enough that your tiny rancid pecker is about to shatter and fall off

poor little Russian and your shitty land

nothing to offer the world but cold and snow

the word hates russia
Get some rest;):laugh:
I have to give you a thumb's up on your computer skills. The scratching out, then the red highlight ... impressive.

I wish something you did was impressive JackOFF; but bloviating like a weird idiot is about all you bring to any thread.
That is a wonderful series. I love authors who can take you back in time and put you there the way McCollough does.
Considering she took about 20 years to do the research to complete the entire series...yea, it's a great literary compliments and she's has been complimented on this series by world famous Statesmen, politicians and historians. It's not just story telling. You can tell that she used a lot of primary and secondary source material from ancient times.

It's great escapist reading. You can almost visualize being in ancient Rome...though some aspects of life back then are completely alien. I also think she does an excellent job of not letting modern anachronism creep into her work. She doesn't use words or phrases or points of reference that wouldn't have not meant anything in ancient times because they did not yet exist.