Mott just kicked my ass with facts

There are zero people who do that.

I have seen Evince make this kinds of threads many times over the history of this board.

And to me, the most impressive thing is not only her manner of admitting the mistake but expressing humility, remorse, and a capacity to learn from the mistake.

You know who I have not seen express the slightest remorse or admission of a catastrophic blunder for supporting the Iraq War Disaster?

Yep, that's right....99.999999 percent of conservative posters on jpp dot com

Hell would freeze over before a sanctimonious twat like you would ever admit to.beimg wrong. As for Desh, she's almost always wrong about everything!!
Sorry Dude

sometimes I get too harsh and knee jerk with my reactions

You were spot on and taught me some history today

infact you have inspired me to learn more about this subject

an inspiring time I never took the time to learn more about

I do these apology threads for the cons and I thought this stupidity of mine towards you deserved the same level of treatment

You the man dude

my face is in the dirt

thank you for the whooping

In the end your asskicking will make me a better person and a more informed one at that

Sorry dude !
Thanks Desh. If you would like to learn more about Ancient Rome I’d strongly recommend The late Coleen McCollough’s master of Rome series starting with The First Man in Rome.
I read the thread where Mott corrected her. Maybe she just forgot to link up. If you guys were really interested in the thread, not just bashing evince, you could search Mott's posts from yesterday.

I know people will acknowledge their errors inside a thread and am not criticizing that. You do it, I do it. But IMO it's a lot more ballsy to start an actual thread dissing yourself in the title where everyone can read it.

Again IMO... this thread shows that people really don't care about the apology, they're just using it as another opportunity to bash evince. You and I have been down this road before and are not going to change each other's opinions but I'll say it once more for the others... if you don't like what evince posts then put her on your ignore list already.
I care.
No disrespect to my Ohio brotheren Mott but I'm not looking through every thread posted yesterday to try and find her conversation with Mott.

If I started a thread saying Superfreak schooled me when you be rushing in to say how great I was and singing the praises of my integrity? Probably not nor would you be expected to. And let's be honest, this whole board and politics is tribalism and a team sport. It just is. So saying someone on your own team taught you something isn't really going out on a limb. Acknowledging someone on the "other side" schooled you takes a whole lot more "guts" and integrity.

You got schooled by Super Freak? Mwahahaha what a loser! ;)
Sorry Dude

sometimes I get too harsh and knee jerk with my reactions

You were spot on and taught me some history today

infact you have inspired me to learn more about this subject

an inspiring time I never took the time to learn more about

I do these apology threads for the cons and I thought this stupidity of mine towards you deserved the same level of treatment

You the man dude

my face is in the dirt

thank you for the whooping

In the end your asskicking will make me a better person and a more informed one at that

Sorry dude !

What the fuck are you on about? If you were honest, you'd have to do this every time you post. For whatever reason, you feel compelled to lick Mott's arse. Weird.
this is how the right wing posters deal with people apologizing for being wrong

Its time for all to realize how many of these "people" we talk to here on the right are not real humans

if they are real humans they are the worst humans the world has to offer