Mott just kicked my ass with facts

Why is goy more of an insult than all the other vulgar or trashy terms used here? Not even talking about the C- and n-words; for an example look at Truth Destroyer's posts, or IHA's.

I’m not here ranking insults. Bigotry is bigotry. Don’t know how many times I can repeat that. The term as he uses it is bigotry or even racism. That someone else uses bigoted or racist terms is irrelevant
Awwwe, if it isn't another phony LGBTQ advocate using homosexuality as an insult.

Those true colors always come shining through.

Go ahead, say what you really think --you and ChrisChristiefan-- faggot, dyke, nigger, kike.

This is what you think but do not say - and you just proved it. ;)

Ding, ding, ding. I win again. :)

Wow, you saw gay in that photo of adoration and worship? You really ARE both racist *and* a homophobe as well! You and Toxic really do make a great couple. Ask her about pairrage!

So easily triggered, so easily played....

Is this better, my toy?

Possibly that's right. I learned the terms years ago from the Jewish nurses I worked with. They kidded around a lot with each other and us non-Jews as well, so I never associated the words with animosity. BTW, they also had the best Jewish American Princess jokes ever.

^ Now that's a term I do know!
I don't know why you think you can read my mind. That's more your galpal Toxic's shtick.

You purposely ignore the obvious. Cawacko is correct. You become hysterical when Red Team throws out a derogatory remark. When Blue Team does something similar, you completely and deliberately deny that it happened. Disingenuous ... would be the word.
Wow, you saw gay in that photo of adoration and worship? You really ARE both racist *and* a homophobe as well! You and Toxic really do make a great couple. Ask her about pairrage!

So easily triggered, so easily played....

Is this better, my toy?


They can't use the"marriage" word
Possibly that's right. I learned the terms years ago from the Jewish nurses I worked with. They kidded around a lot with each other and us non-Jews as well, so I never associated the words with animosity. BTW, they also had the best Jewish American Princess jokes ever.

We wouldn't be humans without some good old fashioned and harmless nationality caricatures and off color put downs. I call my Canadian relatives canucks….who here has not called the English limeys or the French frogs?

They may or may not be used or intended as off color put downs, but anyone who attempts to put them in the same league as the N-word, as chink, as heeb is practicing a level of intellectual dishonesty that is rarely seen in civil discourse!
You purposely ignore the obvious. Cawacko is correct. You become hysterical when Red Team throws out a derogatory remark. When Blue Team does something similar, you completely and deliberately deny that it happened. Disingenuous ... would be the word.

With a capital D...
Uhhh, yes, under this ID. Anyone can go to the Username tab and see that.

I have no other alternate IDs -- no socks.

You really are a ditz and a bimbo.

:rofl2: You're trying so hard to appear intelligent, I'll give that to you.

Whatever name I put in search, different posts show up. Some overlap, some don't. When I put in America First Abrams, three pages come up. When I put in Stargazer, eleven pages come up. When I put in Trump Diva, 21 pages came up. Etc, etc.

If you had the brain power to understand what I wrote originally, you'd realize I didn't say anything about alternate IDs or socks. I said you used different names... "Give me time, you've had three or four different names since you started here, you two-faced pearl clutching bigot." ;)

And you did.
:rofl2: You're trying so hard to appear intelligent, I'll give that to you.

Whatever name I put in search, different posts show up. Some overlap, some don't. When I put in America First Abrams, three pages come up. When I put in Stargazer, eleven pages come up. When I put in Trump Diva, 21 pages came up. Etc, etc.

If you had the brain power to understand what I wrote originally, you'd realize I didn't say anything about alternate IDs or socks. I said you used different names... "Give me time, you've had three or four different names since you started here, you two-faced pearl clutching bigot." ;)

And you did.
I never claimed not to have changed my username for this ID -- lots of people do that. That is no secret. See; Username Tab, moron. :laugh:

What I don't have, are sock puppet IDs I use to support my own arguments and share with a gang. Know anyone who does? ;)