Mott just kicked my ass with facts

Your queen beckons from the Toxic Narcissism thread, now hop to it! She has some more marching orders for you. :rofl2:

Really Minty, you and I don't like each other but I did give you credit for having a few brain cells. Toxic's playing you like a violin and you're oblivious. You're in this thread doing all the dirty work while she's posting emojis. I guess you don't mind her pulling your strings that way.

How childish is it for a grown woman,posting emojis all day long!
I guess what you never noticed is that Cawacko is red team and I've supported him many times.

The point is, ... do you support a particular Position (like inclusion, diversity, acceptance, and Unity) or is your ONLY criteria 'Team'.

PM your pal, Owl. She showed integrity and thought when she questioned Guno on his hate-filled rants. Owl gained points on her calling out hatred where ever it came from. You and Cypress, by ignoring it, have exposed yourselves as hypocrites.
I never had any problem with you. And if you saw me at all at DCJunkies you'd know I never hung out in any gang. I don't need or seek anyone's approval. I don't need TOP to survive on this board. Likewise, I am not afraid to speak my true thoughts to those I agree with politically.

You should try thinking for and being yourself. Let Owl fight her own battles. And who cares if she doesn't thank your every post? You don't need her to validate you. You seem like a much nicer person.

You're Top's bitch,been played like all the others.
You're Top's bitch,been played like all the others.
Uh, you don't know me at all. My MO is not one of a lapdog. I've gone to battle with the best of them, alone. A Rogue Elephant, of sorts. There was actually someone on another board a long time ago with that handle. True story.
The point is, ... do you support a particular Position (like inclusion, diversity, acceptance, and Unity) or is your ONLY criteria 'Team'.

PM your pal, Owl. She showed integrity and thought when she questioned Guno on his hate-filled rants. Owl gained points on her calling out hatred where ever it came from. You and Cypress, by ignoring it, have exposed yourselves as hypocrites.

You really are an idiot and this is pointless. If your claim is that the only way I can support inclusion, diversity etc. is by calling out guno, you're arguing the fallacy of false choice. And you ignored what I said about supporting Cawacko (and other RWs from time to time), depending on the point.
I missed that. She must have had some edibles with Grind that day.

:) It was a few months ago. I made a mental note of it since Owl is a PC Fascist and this seemed a bit 'daring' of her. I thought, just for an instance, that Owl may be lucid and aware at certain times of the day. (?)
Uh, you don't know me at all. My MO is not one of a lapdog. I've gone to battle with the best of them, alone. A Rogue Elephant, of sorts. There was actually someone on another board a long time ago with that handle. True story.

All evidence shows Top rules you.She hijacked your thread for her own.
You really are an idiot and this is pointless. If your claim is that the only way I can support inclusion, diversity etc. is by calling out guno, you're arguing the fallacy of false choice. And you ignored what I said about supporting Cawacko (and other RWs from time to time), depending on the point.

It's about 'integrity'.
If you chastise CFM, TDAK, etc. but ignore Guno, it's because you are not sincere in your Beliefs.
If you ignored all of them, that would be one thing, but you single out Red Team for criticism and make excuses for Guno, who you feel is a Blue Team member.

Do YOU support inclusion, acceptance, Unity and Brotherhood? It's a Policy position.
Uh, you don't know me at all. My MO is not one of a lapdog. I've gone to battle with the best of them, alone. A Rogue Elephant, of sorts. There was actually someone on another board a long time ago with that handle. True story.

Prove you're not Top's puppet,pull the plug on the TDS thread.
Ha, your bro married a mackerel snapper! I had classes with a woman who was American but ethnically Greek and she was very firm about marrying another Greek and staying in that culture.

And your husband married a bitch.

When you told him you were bi, did you also tell him you meant polar and not sexual??

Like I said this term is new to the board. I'm not going to argue with people who are insulted by it; I have enough to handle with those ignoramuses who call me the C-word almost every day.

It seems such a mild insult compared to everything we see here.

But how do you know, that it's not meant as a term of endearment for you??