mott the seer

Cancel 2018. 3

<-- sched 2, MJ sched 1
i didn't see that coming. mott played the seer lousy, he wasn't on the side of the village. the seer is supposed to be on the side of the village. why would the seer convince people to lynch me, a villager?
i didn't see that coming. mott played the seer lousy, he wasn't on the side of the village. the seer is supposed to be on the side of the village. why would the seer convince people to lynch me, a villager?

Since I'm not revealing anything, about the on going game, I think I can post here without violating anything.

The SEER wouldn't have known for sure that you were a villager, unless he had requested your info.
He can only ask about 1 person a day.
He was picking the wrong people to ask about, or holding back a bit too much. Seriously...

Me? Well, he did change the 3D at the end...
Since I'm not revealing anything, about the on going game, I think I can post here without violating anything.

The SEER wouldn't have known for sure that you were a villager, unless he had requested your info.
He can only ask about 1 person a day.

this right here. the seer isn't aware of everyones identiy. he only learns the identity of one person per night, for those that he doesn't peak, he's as blind as the rest of the villagers.
oh, i thought the seer knew villagers id's....
No. Each day the Seer gets to ask the identity of one individual from the over seer. I only knew who two of the villagers were and one of them was a wolf. So I did guess correctly who one of the wolves were. To bad he's gonna eat some of you now. Muhahahaha.
No. Each day the Seer gets to ask the identity of one individual from the over seer. I only knew who two of the villagers were and one of them was a wolf. So I did guess correctly who one of the wolves were. To bad he's gonna eat some of you now. Muhahahaha.

By saying "HE", does that mean that Loyal isn't a wolf?? :good4u:
mott i just sent you a comment via rep but nvm i guess it's not that other games it might be
That's correct. I only knew the identity of two players. One was a villager and one was a wolf. I also did not understand the voting rules. I thought a majority, not a plurality, was required for lynching or I would have identified who those two were.
Dangit... Well, I thought you were either the Seer or a wolf... Unfortunately I guessed wrongly.
I can't reply to your last post, on the official thread, where you said he wasn't a very good seer.

I guess he didn't SEE that coming, HUH!! :palm:
na I wasn't a good seer. I didn't know the voting rules. I though a majority was required for a lynching. That was why I didn't expose who one of the wolfs was.